truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll (Nov. 1-7, 2021)
2021-11-10 09:21:44 -0500
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Another vote for Crazy Eyes Faulkner.
truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll (Oct. 25-31, 2021)
2021-11-02 12:57:52 -0400
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I have only two middle fingers to flash at the three amigos—-Lisa, Dan and Tomi. My vote goes to pious liar Mike Pence.
truman commented on Tucker Carlson Goes To Bat For Rape And Rapists (Again)
2021-10-28 19:57:40 -0400
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“Roll around naked in their dorm rooms”? “Homemade naughty videos”? Is Tuckums channeling his inner Bildo O’Reilly?
truman commented on Geraldo Rivera Blasts Rep. Roy’s ‘Sexual Pleasure’ Over Stranded SW Air Passengers
2021-10-15 11:14:59 -0400
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Reminds me of the old adage that if you want to look taller, hang around with short people.
Whorealdo sounds like a frigging genius when he verbally engages mental midgets like Butt Boy Jesse.
Whorealdo sounds like a frigging genius when he verbally engages mental midgets like Butt Boy Jesse.
truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll (Sept. 27 – Oct. 3, 2021)
2021-10-05 14:23:53 -0400
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It’s great to see this feature return.
All contenders. Had to go with old Tuckums.
All contenders. Had to go with old Tuckums.
truman commented on Tucker Carlson Punished Gov. Abbott For Not Doing His Bidding
2021-09-24 16:42:41 -0400
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Have not witnessed this much Fux arrogance and bluster since Bildo O’Reilly was on the throne. Tuckums knows he can get away with just about any outrageous behavior because Wrinkled Rupert and evil spawn Lachlan have his back.
truman commented on Bill Bennett: Afghanistan Withdrawal ‘Most Disgraceful’ Foreign Policy Act ‘A President Has Ever Done’
2021-09-08 20:18:45 -0400
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Blackjack Bill knows only two things for sure:
1. Never split face cards
2. Always double-down with an 11.
1. Never split face cards
2. Always double-down with an 11.
truman commented on Newt Gingrich – Of All People – Calls Biden ‘Callous’ For Glancing At Watch During Fallen Troops Transfer
2021-08-31 14:33:14 -0400
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@chris stuart. Calista’s health doesn’t matter. Newt always takes a test drive before divorcing his current wife and jumping into matrimony once again.
truman commented on Fox Pushes Horse Worming Drug For COVID While Demonizing Vaccines
2021-08-23 13:50:11 -0400
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Some say that Mississippians have a name for horse droppings infected with dead worms. They call it a “Murdoch”.
truman commented on Fox Now Requires All Employees To Disclose Vaccination Status – Even As It Undermines Vaccines On The Air
2021-08-20 15:35:45 -0400
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“Do as I say, not as I do.” Wrinkled Rupert Murdoch.
truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll (Jul. 26 – Aug. 1)
2021-08-03 15:31:54 -0400
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Although richly deserving once again, Tuckums needs to take a break from the winners circle.
Screech Ingraham gets my vote. Anyone who smears brave police officers who literally risked their lives on Jan 6 deserves this special recognition.
Screech Ingraham gets my vote. Anyone who smears brave police officers who literally risked their lives on Jan 6 deserves this special recognition.
truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll (July 19 – 25, 2021)
2021-07-27 15:27:56 -0400
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“Can’t” go wrong.
truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll (July 12-18, 2021)
2021-07-21 08:02:10 -0400
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Ty will deservedly get more votes this week than the others combined. Those blond, blue-eyed white slaves working the cotton fields in the antebellum South were a sight to see.
truman commented on Trump/O’Reilly Tour Tickets Not Selling Well
2021-07-18 13:55:02 -0400
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The first of numerous Farewell tours from the Orange Clown and his trusty sidekick Bildo. This is the Reinstatement tour, which will coincide with Bildo’s latest ghost-written book “Killing Democracy”.
truman commented on Tucker Carlson Reportedly ‘Furious’ Fox Not Backing Up His ‘NSA Spied On Me’ BS
2021-07-15 16:13:36 -0400
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“What Tuckums would NOT do to snag an interview with Vlad Putin.” A very short list.
truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week (July 5 – 11, 2021)
2021-07-14 09:55:55 -0400
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Torn between the Orange Clown and Maria Fartaroma (aka Mrs. Trump #4).
truman commented on The Worst Of Sean Hannity, Via The Daily Show
2021-07-10 21:38:54 -0400
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“The Worst of Sean KKKlannity” can’t be captured in a mere 15 minutes. A mini-series is required.
truman commented on Like The GOP, Fox Tries To Sweep Jan. 6 Investigation Under The Rug
2021-07-02 13:07:41 -0400
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Boot-licker McCarthy will appoint his own special select committee of Gym Jordan, Devil Nunes and Loony Louis Gohmert. They will conclude that nothing noteworthy happened on Jan 6. A group of patriots had a self-guided tour of the Capitol. That is all.
truman commented on Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll (Jun 21 – 27, 2021)
2021-06-29 08:45:33 -0400
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Can’t go wrong voting for Tuckums.