About the News Hounds:
Like many projects, this one started out as something else. In early 2004, eight citizens from different backgrounds and locations around the USA teamed up via MoveOn.org and the internet (thank you, Al Gore!) to volunteer our services for OUTFOXED, a documentary film by Robert Greenwald regarding Fox News Channel. For approximately three months, each of us watched FNC conscientiously for five or more hours a week and posted our findings regarding Fox's self-proclaimed mission of fair and balanced reporting.
Appalled by our results, we, who would not meet in person until months later, banded together in cyberspace in concern and outrage over the failure of American media, and Fox News in particular, to relate the news properly. Rather than serve as the public's eyes and ears, Fox and other media conglomerates have become echo chambers for the rich and powerful with whom they have become all too cozy. This blog is an attempt to counter that alarming condition. We believe that a viable democracy depends upon viable media. We invite you to join us in our efforts here and elsewhere to make a difference in the future of our country.
NewsHound Ellen, the only original member of the pack, has now taken over as editor and chief bottle washer. In addition to blogging for Newshounds, her work has also been published by CrooksAndLiars.com and AddictingInfo.org. She has a journalism degree from NYU.
NewsHound Priscilla joined NewsHounds after retiring from another profession. She brings to the blog a special interest in cultural and religious issues.
NewsHound Brian has a special interest in Fox's so-called business shows.