Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed eight members of the select committee to investigate the January 6th insurrection, including Republican Liz Cheney. Fox’s “America’s Newsroom” show, which aired during the hour, ignored it.
Pelosi’s press conference began at about 10:31 AM ET. That was during the second hour of America’s Newsroom.
As you can see in the video below, the supposedly “straight news” anchors spoke excitedly about conservative victories in the Supreme Court today, with co-anchor Dana Perino quoting “a good friend” who said about the rulings, “Home runs all around for conservatives and the media is melting down.”
But while co-anchor Trace Gallagher exclaimed there had been "huge breaking news" during the show, nothing was said by either anchor about the January 6th investigation. Needless to say, Pelosi’s press conference announcing the appointments to the committee wasn’t aired, either (though it was streamed on YouTube).
Also not mentioned in the "huge breaking news" recap was Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg surrendering to authorities earlier in the morning. It was a run-up to the indictments of Weisselberg and the Trump Organization that were announced this afternoon.
"The other breaking news," announced by Gallagher, was President Biden saying that the federal government might pay for the rescue effort at the collapsed condominium building in Florida. Perino noted that "very popular Republican" Gov. Ron DeSantis and President Biden have been "working very well together."
Pelosi’s presser lasted 27:51, ending just as America’s Newsroom was wrapping up. But the next show, The Faulkner Focus, ignored the news, too. She opened with a Fox News Alert crowing about a Republican calling Donald Trump “the real border czar.” (Apparently, she forgot how much she hates it when media fawns over politicians.)
Despite ignoring the January 6th insurrection, Faulkner did make time to bring viewers the latest on Hunter Biden.
You can watch Perino and Gallagher ignore Pelosi's bipartisan picks for the January 6th investigation below, from the July 1, 2021 America’s Newsroom.
Of course, the same people have also tried to gaslight the whole thing, alternately telling us:
-There was no insurrection, it was just peaceful citizens visiting the Capitol and taking selfies;
-Okay, there was some rioting, but it was actually a bunch of BLM and “antifa” people disguised as Trumpers doing the rioting;
-Okay, there were SOME Trumpers who got a little rowdy, but nobody died except for one poor innocent Trumper who got shot while she was politely climbing through the Speaker’s Gallery door as part of her peaceful visit;
-Okay, there was “bad behavior”, but hey, the FBI and Justice are already investigating and prosecuting people so why does Congress need to do anything?
-And then back to the first position – “There was no insurrection, it was just peaceful citizens visiting the Capitol and taking selfies.”
Rinse and repeat as many times as necessary.