scooter commented on Trump Spox Can’t Explain Why Laura Loomer Is Travelling With Trump
2024-09-16 12:33:08 -0400
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They’re shagging, simple as that. In case anyone hasn’t noticed, Chump is a predator and will fck anything that moves. Loomer is just so enamored with Chump that she’d do literally ANYTHING to get close to him, and believe that she has some influence. What she doesn’t know is that he’ll cast her aside, as he’s done with so many others, including his former and current wives. What a fcked up family.
scooter commented on Peter Doocy Stupidly Tries To Discredit Harris’ ‘New Way Forward’ Slogan
2024-09-13 12:38:47 -0400
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Douchey is just beyond stupid. The term “Dunning Kruger Effect” should have his picture next to it in the dictionary. He and FOX should be summarily tossed from the press room When President Harris takes over.
scooter commented on Fox Anchors Knew Trump Had Terrible Debate, So They Suggested It was Rigged
2024-09-12 12:55:05 -0400
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Because of course it was rigged. Chump came off as the bumbling idiot that he is, and FOX has to run cover for his disastrous performance. So predictable. I really cannot wait for the Orange Sh*tgibbon to be out of our daily lives. Watching him getting sentenced to his remaining years in federal prison for espionage is my fervent desire and dream.
scooter commented on Sean Hannity Suggests Disney Will Be Ruined If Trump Doesn’t Win ABC Debate
2024-09-11 11:40:34 -0400
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The debate was a brilliant performance by our soon to be President Harris. (say that again!) Chump, did his usual litany of lies and BS that are the core of all of his rallies, but then went really off the rails when he repeated the ridiculous conspiracy theories of Haitians eating dogs, cats, pets in Springfield, Ohio. Yes, he really went there. Erick Erikson was all up in arms on Twitter, blaming JD Vance and others for repeating the lie that Chump then parroted. Hey Erick, not their fault, or ours, that your candidate is a certifiable imbecile.
scooter commented on Fox Host Conveniently Pretends Trump Had No Role In Afghanistan Withdrawal
2024-09-10 12:12:42 -0400
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Just more lies from the GOP. Biden’s hands were tied by Chump’s actions. This has been dissected ad infinitum. But the GOP will continue to lie about this, just like they lie about Haitians eating your cats, and Venezualens taking over apartment complexes – none of which ever happened.
scooter commented on No Challenge When Fox’s Travis Ridiculously Calls Trump ‘Fairly Moderate’ On Abortion
2024-09-09 15:48:00 -0400
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Because, of course not. FOX is so predictable.
scooter commented on Hannity Helps Trump Cover Up His Smears Of Troops And Law-Breaking At Arlington Cemetery
2024-09-09 13:14:22 -0400
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Hannity is the second biggest liar on the planet. Y’all know who’s first. Putting them together pretty much guarantees there will no facts in evidence…..anywhere.
scooter commented on James Murdoch Has Endorsed Kamala Harris For President
2024-09-09 13:12:23 -0400
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Never even knew he existed.
scooter commented on Nancy Mace Blames Biden And Harris For Marines Attack In Turkey
2024-09-05 13:10:16 -0400
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Nancy “I graffitied my own house for clicks” Mace is a disgrace. She makes it extremely difficult to “rise above.” I literally have nothing kind to say about her. Not. One. Thing.
scooter commented on Fox Host Levin Silent As Trump Claims ‘Every Right’ To Interfere With Election
2024-09-04 12:13:04 -0400
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Firstly, welcome back from your vacation/time off. Hope it was enjoyable. Now, back to business. This particular sycophant interview was just too much to watch. Levin likes to portray himself as a fire breathing fighter for justice and the American way, when he’s just another suck up to Chump. This was especially egregious. Levin touts his creds as a Constitutional scholar – he is anything but. He is another crazy con in search of authoritarian rule, as long as it’s Chump as ruler. Will America ever find it’s way back to true righteousness again?
scooter commented on Summer Vacation!
2024-08-28 13:03:32 -0400
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Enjoy yourself. Forget Chump for a week. You deserve the break.
scooter commented on Fox Lets RFK Jr. Pretend Supporting Trump Is About ‘Ending Polarization’
2024-08-27 12:13:29 -0400
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Newsflash everyone – RFK Jr. is for sale to the highest bidder. No morals? No problem. This dude is completely delusional thinking he ever had any chance of winning. His entire family has disavowed him and urges America to not support him. And he believes he’s still relevant and can win this race. It is to laugh.
scooter commented on Fox Hosts Tried Desperately – And Failed – To Get Trump To Provide Legit Counter To DNC
2024-08-26 12:39:26 -0400
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I simply cannot wait for the day that I don’t have to wake up and hear anything about him. Nothing. That will be a blessing.
scooter commented on Fox Trots Out Lady Gaga’s Father To Promote Trump
2024-08-26 12:37:51 -0400
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Who? What a farce.
scooter commented on Fox Promotes MAGA Migrant Stunt At DNC
2024-08-23 12:16:56 -0400
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White Grievance Outrage – it’s all they have, and all the peddle.
scooter commented on J.D. Vance Claims DNC Shows Democrats In Disarray
2024-08-21 15:29:33 -0400
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JFC, talk about gaslighting. Everyone else in the world sees complete and total unity, 100% behind our candidate and filled with hope & joy. But JV Vance and the Orange Sh*tgibbon are speaking to their cult, who are completely divorced from reality and have no association whatsoever with facts or truth. #ETTD
scooter commented on Fox’s Hume: Trump Not Doing Better In Polls ‘Because He’s Trump’
2024-08-20 16:42:48 -0400
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Everyone is realizing at last that they hitched their wagons to a loser and now there’s no getting out of it. Rick Wilson was exactly right – Everything Trump Touches Dies. He has effectively destroyed the GOP, turning it into the MAGA Party which only wants raw power and retribution, glorification of Chump, and White Christian Supremacy. While there are a lot of Americans (I’m ashamed to say) that will continue to support Chump, his message is getting old, and most Americans are looking to move on, move forward, and going with Chump will never get them there.
scooter commented on J.D. Vance: Only ‘Fake Polls’ Say We’re Not Doing Great
2024-08-19 19:05:36 -0400
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Fake polls, fake news. Everything about the GOP is fake.
scooter commented on Fox Host Suggests Trump Should Replace Vance With Nikki Haley
2024-08-19 12:09:17 -0400
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We are witnessing the spectacular meltdown of the Chump machine, and I am here for it. They just keep shooting themselves in the face, and digging their own political graves deeper and deeper. Please proceed, please proceed.
scooter commented on COVID Karen Gets Fox Platform To Call For Impeaching And Prosecuting Walz
2024-08-15 14:10:04 -0400
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FOX would encourage total anarchy if it meant defying Democrats, but if it were a republican, then you’d better submit to the proper authorities.