Tucker Carlson invoked naked and nubile young college girls in his down and dirty attack on Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s proposed legislation to combat campus rape. Methinks he doth protest too much?
Looking very serious, Carslon, who has defended statutory rape and polygamist Warren Jeffs, spoke in soaring terms about how he has “chronicled the growing egomania of our political class.” He noted that descriptions of politicians as authoritarian and fascist are “political terms” which don’t capture what is now a “theological phenomenon."
He pontificated that today’s politicians are engaging in actions that “previous civilizations allowed only their gods to do." After noting that the Aztecs’ brutal practices were based on a worship of a brutal god, he added that today’s politicians, who “have no god,” “issue edicts in their own names and expect these edicts to be followed.”
He then informed us that the most recent example of this supposed dictatorial power (Uh, Trump, anybody, anybody?) is the “reedy,” “balding” Pennsylvania governor who “sees himself” as an Aztec war god. Carlson reported that last Monday, Wolf “announced that he is so powerful that he has the right to determine what his subjects say to each other during sex” and has “written dialogue for other peoples’ sex lives and if they fail to read that dialogue, they are guilty of a felony.”
Carlson continued his bizarre and vaguely kinky soliloquy about how Wolf is “trying to get into your bedroom” and “supervise” every detail of what’s going on.
Next, he provided Wolf’s Twitter comment about enacting consent standards for all sexual activities that take place on college campuses. (The comment said nothing about sexual activities, but rather addressed consent.) Carlson was indignant over Wolf’s assertion that lack of sexual consent equates to sexual assault - “in other words read our script and we will charge you with rape.”
A seething Carlson continued the sexually tinged diatribe: “The bill specifically notes that silence does not confer the right to engage in sexual activity, you’re not allowed. So going forward 700,000 people in the state of Pennsylvania will be legally required to talk during sex. ‘Yes’ is the word Governor Wolf wants to hear. ‘Yes,’ but not in some breathy way with your eyes rolled back. No, Governor Wolf demands to hear ‘yes” to be spoken in a forthright declarative manner as in a deposition.”
Carlson wondered how Wolf would enforce the legislation because “Laws without enforcement are mere suggestions, but Aztec war gods don’t make suggestions they issue decrees.” He continued to ponder about how Wolf would “verify if kids across Pennsylvania are using Tom Wolf-approved language, as they roll around naked in their dorm rooms at three o’clock in the morning.”
Carlson “joked” (?) that Wolf, in going further than any other governor, will “need to see the tapes" and that “in the name of public safety nubile young college girls from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia will have to email their homemade naughty videos” to the governor to make sure the law is enforced.
In creating the impression that Wolf is as kinky as Tucker, he asserted, with a straight face, that Wolf will consider it his duty to watch every video. He claimed that he invited Wolf to appear on the show in order to discuss which other sexual techniques, positions, or safe words he would be endorsing in the future, but that Wolf is too busy watching naughty videos to take him up on his offer!
This is the same Tucker Carlson whose show played and repeatedly replayed parts of Megan Thee Stallion’s Grammy “WAP” performance that he claimed was too obscene to have aired on TV.
Tucker, once again, is totally distorting the issue which demands sensitivity. As detailed on the governor’s website, the package of four bills will “further strengthen protections for students and combat sexual assaults on campuses.” The provisions around consent language are already in operation in four other states. The bills will “require colleges and universities to inform students of the rights, accommodations, and protective measures available to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.”
As far as “scripts,” Tucker is, well, making stuff up.
I suspect that Carlson was just engaging in his trademark irony. But there might be some Fox viewers who take this as fact, so cue the death threats towards the PA governor. It’s one thing to lie about this legislation, but to mock sexual assault is beneath contempt – and for Tucker Carlson, that’s saying something!
You can watch Carlson try to distract from the fact that he wants to protect non-consensual sex below, from the October 20, 2021 Tucker Carlson Tonight.