You may dislike Hollywood but when Tucker Carlson announced it “leads the forces of darkness and intellectual repression,” that was not just ridiculously dishonest hyperbole but further proof of his hatred for America, disguised as a crusade for free thinking.
That comment came from a promo of Carlson’s new Fox Nation series, Tucker Carlson Originals. After successfully arguing in court that nobody should believe what Tucker Carlson says is, Fox now claims his series will provide “in-depth and honest coverage” that “viewers won't see anywhere else.”
As Carlson becomes more extreme and more explicitly white supremacist, Fox has decided he’s just what they need more of to boost their Fox Nation streaming service.
Putting aside what Fox says, the most truthful description for Carlson is that he is waging a war on America. He seems bound and determined to tear apart the country in as many ways as he can. He deliberately endangers the country’s foremost infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, fearmongers about vaccines, hate mongers about the military, journalists, people of color, Democrats, protesters (especially Black protesters) and he lionizes the January 6 insurrectionists as patriotic victims of the America he can’t seem to hate enough.
We got a good taste of the Los Angeles battlefront of Carlson’s war on America – as well as a good dose of his dishonesty, via the promo for the episode:
CARLSON: This city was once the center of American creativity. People moved here from all over the world to tell stories. Creating art requires open-mindedness and a commitment to the truth. That’s what art is. It doesn’t have to be non-fiction but it must be true.
There’s not much art being made in Los Angeles any more, probably because people here can no longer tell the truth. Lying is mandatory. Every idea, every word, is measured against political imperatives. If it hurts the party, it cannot be said. Free thinkers are swiftly punished.
This from the guy who just this week shut down a guest after he opined that Derek Chauvin used excessive and unjustified force against George Floyd. Carlson is also the guy who regularly attacks and deliberately endangers journalists who say things he doesn't like.
But Carlson wasn’t through with his charade of open-mindedness:
CARLSON: What a shocking change this is. For generations, this place, the art colony of Hollywood fought to preserve the freedom of speech and freedom of conscience for everyone in America. Now, in a remarkable reversal that too few have noticed, Hollywood leads the forces of darkness and intellectual repression. No film or TV show that challenges the core pieties of neo-liberalism is allowed here.
When was the last time Carlson had a respectful dialogue with someone on his show who challenged his core pieties? I can’t think of a single one. It can’t have escaped Carlson’s notice that he works for a network without a single liberal host, yet hired Lying Kayleigh McEnany and made her a permanent cohost of the Outnumbered show.
Carlson went on to claim, “We are hopeful about the future of this country.” And why wouldn’t he be? He just got a bigger platform for his divisive, extremist rhetoric and he gets paid millions every year to spread his poison.
CARLSON: We don’t think the current moment can last forever. We still believe that it is possible to tell the truth on television. With the full backing of Fox News, we plan to.
The guy nobody was supposed to take seriously when he smeared Trump mistress Karen McDougal said that each episode of his Fox Nation series will focus on a single issue “honestly and in-depth.”
“You won’t see coverage like this on any other channel and there is a reason for that. Other outlets ignore these stories because they’re the stories that actually matter,” Carlson continued. “They’re full investigations into the trends that are changing our country.”
A montage of previews included footage of Carlson shooting an assault rifle. We saw a white man saying, “They’re stealing what we have here in Maine.” Although it wasn’t clear what was being stolen or by whom, we next saw footage of rioting Black Lives Matter protesters. The montage closed with Carlson shooting an automatic assault rifle.
What “art” do you think Tucker longs for Hollywood to make? A biopic of Hitler? A thriller starring a KKK detective? A romcom featuring QAnon supporters? A horror movie in which Martin Luther King comes back to life and haunts white supremacist heroes? Share your suggestions in the comments section, below.
Meanwhile, you can get a taste of Carlson’s War on America: Los Angeles edition, below.
But Carlson’s smear of Hollywood is nonsense, like much of the rants he inflicts these days. He appears to be desperate to win back the viewers who abandoned Fox for their temerity in acknowledging reality last November. Not sure that his tactic will work – the ones who left are getting much redder meat from OANN and Newsmax these days. And Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly are frantically hoping to peal off a few people to their web shingles. And everyone on the Right is hoping to be the next Rush Limbaugh, as if the world needed another dirigible of drivel.