Jerry Waddle commented on Bill O’Reilly Hits Back At Jon Stewart Over Ferguson
2014-09-04 19:50:16 -0400
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“When you hear something on a partisan-driven program, do not believe it… Distortions are how some people make a living.” > Roger Ailes. > FOX News, > Bill O’Reilly.
Jerry Waddle commented on Phil Robertson Tells Hannity That ISIS Should Convert Or Be Killed!
2014-09-04 19:41:26 -0400
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This guy is full of shit.
Jerry Waddle commented on Famous Fox Navy Seal Guest Charged With Lying About 'Attack'
2014-09-04 18:35:40 -0400
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This also poses a serious question about his credibility concerning his previous comments on FOX about Benghazi.
Jerry Waddle commented on Bob Beckel Tells America: Time To Stop Talking About Benghazi!
2014-05-31 02:43:42 -0400
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Fox has a history of showcasing only impotent Democrats on their programs. Perhaps it’s time for Beckel to grow some big ones.
Jerry Waddle commented on Ben Carson Accuses Obama Administration Of Deliberately Depressing The Economy – To Keep People On Social Programs
2014-05-28 01:46:40 -0400
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I think God is just about ready to call on him to run for President. I’m sure all of the black people will vote for him because he is black just like they voted for Obama only because he is black. Ben Carson must
be the answer to the Republican’s dream. Their winning strategery.
be the answer to the Republican’s dream. Their winning strategery.
Jerry Waddle commented on Is Fox News' Book Protesting Dad, William Baer, A Famous Birther?
2014-05-23 12:18:34 -0400
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Jeff, You’re wrong on so many levels but I’m sure there is no changing your little mind. The entire Republican mind set is against change of any kind except lower taxes on the rich. If you really think that African Americans only voted for Mr. Obama because he is black then perhaps the republicans should nominate Allen West or Dr. Ben Carson (Lol). Either one should be a shoe-in. You comparing the book in question with Hustler magazine firmly cements your reputation as an idiot for eternity. And finally, of course there is a left wing agenda. The difference is that the left wing agenda favors us all, you know, “We the people”. The radical right wing agenda is designed specifically to favor The rich, the wealthy, the 1%, Wall Street, banks and other financial institutions, Giant corporations, Giant Agra, Giant Pharma, Insurance Companies and is controlled by rich, ultra-Conservative, narrow minded, hateful, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, deceitful, hypocritical, lying, old, white men. HUGE difference there, Jeff.
Jerry Waddle commented on Eric Bolling Hosts Benham Brothers For Whine About 'Gay Agenda'
2014-05-11 19:48:40 -0400
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They look like they have spent some time in the closet.
Jerry Waddle commented on O’Reilly Asks Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Do You Love Your Country?
2014-05-01 20:44:51 -0400
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It’s NOT a blanket statement. I didn’t say “all”. I named names and I could name more. I’m white but am married to a black woman, together for forty years. I’m well acquainted with the racism in our society and I’m also well acquainted with well meaning but misdirected black “spokespersons”. They do more damage than good. Al Sharpton is a perfect example. The only thing he is good at is promoting Al Sharpton. He has NO authority to speak for anyone other than himself and Twana Brawley. Another thing Sharpton has done is to extort “donations” to his National Action Network from major corporations to prevent boycotts against them. This is something he learned from Jesse Jackson, another black man who long ago outlived his usefulness as a “spokesperson” for African Americans. Sharpton has been investigated by the IRS for many of those “donations” and has had several tax liens filed against him for unpaid taxes.
Jerry Waddle commented on FoxNews.Com Does Its Part To Incite Violence Over Nevada Ranch
2014-04-17 10:52:06 -0400
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Roger Ailes is a domestic terrorist and his Fox News programing is a series of IED’s designed to seriously damage America and the black man in the white house.
Jerry Waddle commented on Is Fox News Trying To Start A Range War?
2014-04-17 10:40:41 -0400
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Sean Hannity is a domestic terrorist.
Jerry Waddle commented on Fox News: Most Inaccurate Cable News Network On Climate Change
2014-04-09 00:26:21 -0400
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Fox News": The most inaccurate cable news network on EVERYTHING.
Jerry Waddle commented on Elisabeth Hasselbeck Pimps Movie About 'Divine Journey' To Heaven
2014-05-17 15:45:22 -0400
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Brent, intolerant, narrow minded Christians are the most hateful people I encounter on line. They just get back what they give out. Marx had it right; "Religion…is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.
Jerry Waddle commented on Ann Coulter: Fox’s Standard-Bearer For Tolerance In The Mozilla CEO Debate
2014-04-09 00:14:12 -0400
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The reason she wears provocative clothing is because it’s the only way she can attract the attention of a man. No one is interested in her brain.
Jerry Waddle commented on Elisabeth Hasselbeck Pushes Bogus Girl Scouts Gone Liberal Meme
2014-02-28 18:28:51 -0500
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With Fox News being populated with A$$H0IE5 it’s no wonder that you end up with gigantic piles of $HI7.
Jerry Waddle commented on O’Reilly Lectures Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama About How To Prevent Teen Pregnancy
2014-03-01 02:40:27 -0500
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Billo suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, (NPD)
Jerry Waddle commented on Fox News' ObamaCare Poll Is A Joke
2014-02-13 12:18:09 -0500
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Karl, “FOX News is brave and honest”???? Cowardly, deceptive, deceitful, unscrupulous, is more like it. Rogers Ailes is a domestic terrorist. You need to see a doctor. You’ve obviously OD’ed on Kool-Aid. Have you applied for your ACA coverage yet? Your best bet for complete recovery is electro-shock therapy. Kill off all of your damaged brain cells and start from scratch.
Jerry Waddle commented on Bill O'Reilly Accuses Erin Andrews Of 'Hating' Him!
2014-02-07 19:28:00 -0500
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Watters is Billo’s door peep hole but this time Erin was dressed so Billo is out of luck. No loofa shower in his future. He’ll just have to “entertain” himself.
Jerry Waddle commented on Hannity ‘Forgets’ His History Of Race Baiting And Hate Mongering As He Throws Stones At MSNBC
2014-01-31 20:52:32 -0500
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I don’t know why you call him “slanthead”. Why not just employ the truth and call him SHITHEAD?
Jerry Waddle commented on Brian Kilmeade Claims James O'Keefe's Wendy Davis Unvetted Sting Video Is 'Real'
2014-01-31 20:28:56 -0500
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Fox never let’s the truth get in the way of their hate.