The Christian right have their tighty whities in a bunch over the Girl Scouts who no longer concentrate on domesticities but provide girls with information on OMG career choices and OMG sex education. As the media mouthpiece for those who long for the good old days of happy, Christian Girl Scouts content with their arts and crafts, Fox News has, for several years, aided and abetted the anti-Girl Scout lies and propaganda promulgated by those who think that today's Scouts are being turned into a bunch of "boot-stomping, sexualized radicals" who are controlled by Satan's baby killing minions at Planned Parenthood. This week, Elisabeth Hasselbeck kept the propaganda alive.
Monday, Hasselbeck introduced her guest, Penny Nance from the wingnut Christian right organization, Concerned Women for America. Nance has previously appeared on Fox where she has railed against availability of "Plan B" in a college vending machine, whined about a politician who proclaimed a "National Day of Reason" to counter the National Day of Prayer, expressed outrage over condom distribution in a school, praised Mike Huckabee's "Uncle Sugar" comment, and lied about the ACA covering abortion drugs. She once said - true story - that reason and the Enlightenment led to the Holocaust. Her group opposed passage of the Violence Against Women act and supports the Uganda law which criminalizes homosexuality.
Hasselbeck continued to play the fear of left leaning Girls Scouts card: "This wasn't the Girl Scouts that a lot of parents were promised." The chyron supported the agitprop: "Liberal Leadeship, Org. Tweeted Link Praising Wendy Davis." Sweet lil Penny (she's a Southern gal) whined about what she considered to be evil, liberal influence in the Scouts, such as the presence of evil, feminist Betty Friedan on their board and "the glorification as heeeros, people like Gloria Steinem." She whined "it's not the same organization we remember."
Hasselbeck cited as examples of what right leaning folks are upset about, such as how the Scouts have "connections to Planned Parenthood" - a claim that the Scouts deny. The Cavuto marked visual, "Scouts Playing Politics, Past Examples of Bias," reinforced the lie along with other examples of alleged liberal leanings such as OMG "promoting" HHS Secretary Sebelius who, for Fox's "pro-life" audience, is considered a "baby killer."
As the chyron stated, as fact, that there is a Girl Scout "controversy," sweet lil Penny informed us that she didn't enroll her daughters in this Satanic organization and she recommended alternative organizations which impart conservative family values. She even got a bit conspiratorial with her comment that liberals have been "infiltrating" the Scouts since the 70's.
After the bashfest, Hasselbeck wrapped it up, "in fairness" with a reference to a Girl Scout spokesperson denying, on Fox, that they are political.
So there you have - Beware of Scary Left Leaning Girls Scouts.