That Fox News is America's premier anti-abortion rights "news" network was underscored, once again, by this morning's Fox & Friends showcasing of a rabidly anti-abortion rights former Girl Scout, Sydney Volanski, who, accuses "the Girl Scouts of creating boot-stomping, sexualized radicals." Volanski's topic was the latest outrage in the right wing world; i.e. that Girl Scout literature referred readers to the evil, librul Media Matters for information on media bias. The Scouts have since removed the reference - something that both Volanski and the Daily Caller are taking credit for. But that topic only served for her soliloquy about the nefarious connections of the Girl Scouts to the ultra evil Planned Parenthood. But hey, the Fox War on Christmas is over for a year and Fox needs its culture wars which, in this case, is a war on Girl Scouts. And this dovetails nicely with their war on Media Matters and Planned Parenthood! Don't ya love the sweet smell of propaganda with your morning coffee.
As the chyron read "Turn to the Left, Media Matters Featured in Girl Scout Guide," Alysin Camerota set the agitprop by reporting that the Media Matters thing has been eliminated due to "a sharp Girl Scout" like the guest who "noticed the bias." Doocy reinforced the Fox message with the requisite "explanation" of how Volanski and her family noticed a "liberal agenda" in the national Girl Scout organization when they noticed the Media Matters reference. He described MMFA as "clearly a lefty blog." Volanski said that she and her sister formed a website to "inform" about the "leftward leanings" of the Scouts who claim neutrality but, according to Volanski, are promoting a "clear liberal ideology." Doocy said "uh-huh." In response to Camerota's question about the purpose of the "Speak Now Girl Scouts," Volanski responded that it is spreading awareness of the Girl Scout deceit about its "liberal ideology" of which she was initially unaware while a Scout.
In what seemed like a pre-scripted piece, Doocy provided video of the head of Girl Scouts talking about, as described by Doocy, "a special relationship between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood." In the video, Kathy Cloninger said that the Scouts have relationships, involving sex education, with all kinds of community organizations including churches. After Doocy noted that a producer said that Kloninger "made a misstatement" and there is "no relationship" between the Scouts and PP, he asked Volansky if she believed it was true. Of course, she didn't. Doocy said "yeah" as she parroted all the anti-choice talking points of groups who hate Cloninger. Without specifics, Volanski said that the Scouts "send girls to abortion advocay websites" which then "sends them to Planned Parenthood." Doocy audibly moaned. She continued with the baseless accusations for which there was no official Girl Scout rebuttal. What wasn't mentioned is that the local Scout organizations are free to partner or not partner with any group that they choose.
After Camerota read the Girl Scout statement, in which they assert that the Media Matters reference will be taken out, she asked if Volanski is satisfied with the progress. Volanski said that this is only one example of the Scouts promotion of a liberal issue. She claimed that books with the MMFA reference are still being sold and alleged that Girl Scouts isn't concerned enough to pull the books. As the chyron read "Media Misinformation Girls Scout Guide References" (note present tense) "Liberal Blog," Doocy thanked her for her information (WTF?!) about "the media bias" and "the Planned Parenthoood" and said that "it turns out that Girl Scouts is more than just the cookies."
While Girl Scouts is supposedly promoting the agenda of Planned Parenthood, Fox & Friends is promoting the agenda of a conservative Catholic girl who is connected to anti-choice radicals such as Lila Rose, the hate group Family Research Council, Priests for Life, and the homophobic anti-choice Janet Parshall. Ever since the scouts took "God" out their pledge, the right wing anti-choicers have been gunning for them. Nice to see that Fox & Friends is taking up arms for a cause that demonizes Margaret Mead and Hillary Clinton. Right, Doocy, Scouts are more than cookies. They're about young women taking responsibility for themselves (and that includes sexuality). The women that they honor, who are role models for responsibility, are pro-choice. That Volansky and her fellow zealots demonize them is illustrative of the right wing war on women of which Fox "News" is a well armed battalion!
If it isn’t Catholic, or at least crude & hateful it ain’t ’Mercan!
Do you have 7 to 9 children in your family? If the answer is ‘yes’, why not make it an even dozen?! If the answer is ‘no’ we’ll send our all-male-virgin Thugs to your house and enforce something by means that won’t be pretty… Bless You All!