is not to be outdone in ratcheting up hostilities by Fox Nation and on-air personalities over the Bundy ranch in Nevada. Check out their shameless and reckless rhetoric after the jump.
I could not bring myself to watch the actual segments. If anyone wants to, you can leave a report in the comments section.
Meanwhile, I think this screen grab tells you everything you need to know about Fox's reckless and dangerous rhetoric.
By the way, these videos aired on On The Record, hosted by Greta Van Susteren, whom Rupert Murdoch describes as a "liberal" voice on Fox.
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Richard Santalone commented
2014-04-17 13:49:51 -0400
· Flag
From Jerry Waddle’s comment:
“Roger Ailes is a domestic terrorist……”
Indeed he is — I sometimes wonder if the recent earthquakes — especially the one near Los Angeles — were caused by Ailes walking?
“Roger Ailes is a domestic terrorist……”
Indeed he is — I sometimes wonder if the recent earthquakes — especially the one near Los Angeles — were caused by Ailes walking?
Jerry Waddle commented
2014-04-17 10:52:06 -0400
· Flag
Roger Ailes is a domestic terrorist and his Fox News programing is a series of IED’s designed to seriously damage America and the black man in the white house.
about FoxNews.Com Does Its Part To Incite Violence Over Nevada Ranch
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2014-04-17 10:00:08 -0400
Just when you think Fox can't be any more shameless and seditious...