As I reported, William Baer, a New Hampshire resident who was arrested after speaking out about a high school reading assignment at a school board meeting, appeared on Fox News. During his interviews with Megyn Kelly and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, he received warm validation for his protest against the school and the school board whose rules he broke during his outburst. While the school has reviewed its policy to ensure that parents will always be aware of their children's' reading assignments, Baer is not letting the matter drop and, as he told Fox, is assembling his legal team presumably for a lawsuit. He has become the darling of the Tea Party, nationally, and quite the celebrity for a right wing NH group. Given Baer's current right wing bona fides, I wondered if he had a history of partisanship. From what I discovered, it appears that William "Billy" Baer, if he is the now famous William Baer, is not just your average dad. One wonders if Fox was aware of his colorful, uh, history?
The information presented in articles about Baer's arrest include minimum background information on Baer other than he is a lawyer who recently moved to New Hampshire from New Jersey. He provided no personal information during his interviews other than he is a lawyer. A call to the NH Bar Association, however, revealed that he is not yet licensed in New Hampshire. A google search for his name turned up a William Baer who co-hosted, with Dan Haggerty, a tea party type radio show "The Baer/Haggerty Offensive," on "Repatriot Radio," several years ago. "Billy" Baer and Haggerty were described as "citizen journalists" whose interviews included Jerome Corsi who co-authored the Swift Boat attack book and whose statements include insults to Islam, Catholicism, and the Clintons. But he's even more famous for his full tilt birtherism which he promoted on the rightwingnut website, World Net Daily. And that where the search for the real Baer gets really interesting.
In April of 2012, Baer and Haggerty organized an appearance, by Corsi, in Morristown NJ during which Corsi promoted his bizarre and discredited belief that Pres. Obama was not born in Hawaii. Attendees at the standing room only event included a number of local officials who had "questions" about Obama's citizenship. Baer, a resident of Harding Township (There is a William Baer with Guilford NH and Harding Township NJ addresses) claimed that Obama can't be a US citizen because his father was not a US citizen and the Founders "wanted any president to have both parents as US citizens." Baer said that "the issue is of critical importance to the future of the nation."
But obviously, we can't be sure if this "Billy Baer" is our William Baer, but the Morristown Tea Party Facebook page does have an entry about William Baer's arrest. Corsi has an article about Baer's arrest for protesting "a graphic sex book." (It's not. The sex scene, depicting a forced intercourse, was one paragraph). There is, however, a YouTube video, titled "Billy Baer Gilford NH No Obama birth certificate 11/5/09," posted by NJ Common Sense, in which this Mr. Baer, who sounds remarkably like our Baer (but is wearing a cap so it's hard to see all his features), drones on about Obama's citizenship.
The heroism of Fox's William Baer is featured on Granite Grok, a NH right wing blog that supports Cliven Bundy and, of course, freedom, so you know what you're dealing with right there! Grok reports, with video, that Baer spoke about his hideous school board experience at a meeting of a NH 9-12 group, an organization founded by Glenn Beck, so you know what you're dealing with right there! And interestingly, Grok has a 2012 entry which shows "Billy" Baer, when he was with his radio show, at a "Nullify Now" rally in Philadelphia. The man in the photo is either our Baer or his twin.
It's unclear if Fox News knew about Baer's history of anti-Obama, birther activism or whether he staged his arrest as a stunt. (Is he the Lila Rose and James O'Keefe on education issues?) But it does seem that if the William Baer, interviewed on Fox News, is the birther Baer, he and Fox are a match made in heaven!
THEY should all be arrested for
contributing to the delinquency of minors!
Their DUTY is to oversee curriculum and their
irresponsibility likens them to weird uncle Billy who would go to jail for
showing porn to minors! Let a jury decide. Who will have the moral courage to
DEMAND arrests of the Board and Superintendent? Who will have the political
courage to do the arrests? I read the page and it is hot porn that will stir
covetousness, fornication, and lust in teens. There also are two instances of
blasphemy which are also repugnant to parents with moral
This is what happens when you trust “schooling” (act like fish) to government.. I’ll bet the book fits Common Core guidelines.
I am part of the we the people and the radical left at times does not express my view points. Having said that, I get nauseated quickly over the radical right (Hannity, Beck).
No, Ben Carson probably would not have a chance among the populace either black or White. You see, he believes in giving grants to those who have a desire to succeed and do not have equal opportunity. He believes in rewarding those who work hard scholastically. He has given millions to that cause. With disregard to race, the American population is a long way from JFK stating, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Everyone wants a free lunch and Carson is not going to promise that. On the other hand that was the Hope You Can Believe In that won a lot of votes.
I would not be so arrogant as to assume you are an idiot. Truthfully, I could probably learn something from you.
Not anti-Obama. Happen to be a democrat. Not right wing anything. Not homophobic. Not against women´s rights by any stretch. Hate no one. Certainly not in agreement with re-distribution of wealth, but am heavily involved in vocational training for the poor, feeding the impoverished, tutoring the less fortunate in various subjects, etc.
Probably would be considered more conservative than liberal by you, but I think labels are worthless.
Take care
As far as the journalist who wrote this, what is all this might be could be, it would seem, but we do not know?
If Baer moved from one state to another it would take time to be recognized by the new state board so that is a superflous statement. Let wing agenda here is to dig, search and even imagine facts since
what Baer did is against your mind set. No different than the birthers. No different than those who simply voted for Obama because he was black (90 of Afro-americans gave him the vote chiding a rap song, “WE GOT YOUR BACK MR. PRESIDENT”. Equally as wrong to oppose his election on race.
Did this jornalist research Sandra Fluke and admit she staged her protests from the start, or did she just accept Fluke on the grounds of what she represented? Same for Mr. Obama. He needed a poster child to prove Repubs hate women. I am Democrat by the way.
Brilliant, Mr. Baer, 12 years ago you staged conceiving a female child and then moved to a different state just to place your daughter in a school where you knew she would be given this book without authorization.
Billy conceivably did use the school board meeting arrest as a stunt, or his rightwingnut, “OMG our children can’t be taught the reality of sex” outrage may have begun as genuine and he decided to turn it into a stunt. Either way, we haven’t heard the last of him. For a little while. The Faux trolls can’t drift too far away from their raisons d’être – Benghazi and Hillary’s brain damage.