Fox News isn't, officially, a religious network, but their promotion of round trip voyages to heaven (White and Christian - just like Fox!), angel priests, and angels who cure cancer is right up there with those networks who, like Fox, peddle a gospel based on fantasy. But of all the heavenly day trippers, Fox & Friends' favorite tear jerker is Colton Burpo who, during his first interview with Gretchen Carlson in 2011, told a story of his meeting Jesus and living to tell the tale which was made into the book "Heaven is for Real." Burpo returned to the show, last year, where he told a gushing Steve Doocy that heaven is full of young attractive folks, except for miscarried fetuses who start off as babies and stop aging around 30. (That's what he said!) And now that Burpo's book has been made into a movie, he made an encore appearance on today's Fox & Friends where a gushing Elisabeth Hasselbeck helped him pimp this "true story" and do a little preaching.
Hasselbeck began the "To Heaven and Back" segment with some Fox Fact: "Listen to this, the incredible true story of a boy who went to heaven and back during a life threatening surgery is heading to the big screen." While video, from the movie was played, the chyron stated, as Fox Fact, "Boy's Divine Journey Heads to the Big Screen." Hasselbeck introduced Burpo and his parents who "are behind his international best seller." She said that she got "a chill" watching the video. The chyron stated, as Fox Fact "A Divine Experience, One Kid's Trip to Heaven and Back is Now a Movie."
Burpo's pastor father said that Colton had to have been in an out of body state, at the hospital, because he knew that his father was in the next room yelling at God. His mother said that she finally believed that Colton went to heaven when he told her that he sat on Jesus lap. (Jesus is Santa Clause?) To Hasselbeck's question of what he "really" saw, that made his story even more believable, Colton said that he saw his grandfather and his miscarried sister who he didn't know existed at the time. The chyron writers took a page from Bob Dylan with the next one: "Knocking on Heaven's Door."
Hassselbeck wanted to know if Colton if he "feels a great responsibility" because he talks to kids who think that this has happened to them and asked what people should take away from the film. Colton preached that "God really does love you" and "wants you to be in heaven with him." And he knows because he's "been there and experienced how he feels towards us, but the problem is that we're too attached to things of this world and because we're attached to that thing, we can't go to heaven." More Fox Fact with the chyron: "Miraculous Movie." He described heaven as such a "wonderful place that he "didn't want to leave." Hasselbeck said "amazing story" and provided the opening date for the movie.
Well, as they say in "Plan 9 from Outer Space," that proves it!
On related note, when I was three I was hospitalized for severe pneumonia. All I remembered, after the experience, was vomiting orange soda. And (LOL) a priest gave me "the last rites," which would have assured me a heavenly box seat. Guess God didn't want me! Anyway....
How goddamn arrogant are we as a species to believe that an invisible being of limitless power created an entire universe… Yet gives every last ounce of his attention to our planet, and only our planet, to make sure that only one group that chooses to celebrate this story in one way can be rewarded in this life, or the next?
If you have an IQ over 70, this should be the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard- Whether there’s a God or not. That’s why religion exists. To keep you IQ under 70 if you choose to believe this story.