Joseph West commented on Tonight Could Be Sean Hannity's Last Show On Fox News
2017-05-02 01:27:03 -0400
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Anita, don’t worry about Chump. He’s still got PLENTY of zombies folks at the network willing to shill his crap.
Joseph West commented on Fox’s Guilfoyle Spins Trump’s WHCD Absence As ‘He’s A Man Of The People’
2017-04-30 01:10:28 -0400
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I wonder how many of “the people” have managed to get into Chump’s usual weekend hangout, Mar-a-Lago?
I also really have to wonder why Chump decided to use THIS particular weekend to forego his usual golfing trip at taxpayers’ expense?
I also really have to wonder why Chump decided to use THIS particular weekend to forego his usual golfing trip at taxpayers’ expense?
Joseph West commented on Meghan McCain: ‘It Makes Me Happy’ That Andrea Mitchell Is ‘Uncomfortable And Miserable’ Covering Trump
2017-04-19 01:31:21 -0400
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Given all the special treatment the FoxNoise folks give Chump, I’m guessing the FoxNoise make-up personnel have to give a lot of attention to the hosts’ faces to cover up all the brown on their noses.
Joseph West commented on Judge Napolitano Back On Fox News: Still Baselessly Insisting Brits Spied On Trump
2017-03-29 18:32:07 -0400
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I’d just love to ask “Judge” Napolitano how he would rule if the prosecuting attorney or the defense attorney in a case made as absurd an assertion as he did but had NO evidence or witnesses who could vouch for the accusation.
Maybe the “judge” needs to go back to school for a refresher course on “rules of evidence” for anyone trying to “present a case.”
Maybe the “judge” needs to go back to school for a refresher course on “rules of evidence” for anyone trying to “present a case.”
Joseph West commented on Richard Dreyfuss Calls Donald Trump ‘An Idiot’ Who ‘Lacks Simple, Common Decency’
2017-03-29 18:09:19 -0400
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David, the problem is that it took Dubya nearly two YEARS before he got us all involved in the Iraq debacle.
As you’ve noted, Chump’s only been in office about 70 days and he’s done far more damage than Dubya did in the two years leading up to Iraq.
Until Chump hits the 2 year, 2 month mark of his occupation of the White House, Chump IS the worst _____ we’ve ever had. (I refuse to call the Orange Julius Caesar wannabe “president,” so fill in the blank however you want. Pretty much anything will fit the blank.)
And, in all honesty, I don’t see him making it that far before the US is needlessly put into a war that didn’t need to happen.
As you’ve noted, Chump’s only been in office about 70 days and he’s done far more damage than Dubya did in the two years leading up to Iraq.
Until Chump hits the 2 year, 2 month mark of his occupation of the White House, Chump IS the worst _____ we’ve ever had. (I refuse to call the Orange Julius Caesar wannabe “president,” so fill in the blank however you want. Pretty much anything will fit the blank.)
And, in all honesty, I don’t see him making it that far before the US is needlessly put into a war that didn’t need to happen.
Joseph West commented on O’Reilly Apologizes For Mocking Maxine Waters’ Hair – Then Attacks Her As A Shiftless Demagogue
2017-03-29 01:59:53 -0400
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I’m going to change some of O’Reilly’s commentary and show just how easy it is to apply to O’Reilly himself:
“In order to succeed in this country, you must be self-reliant, not dependent on the right-wing news media entitlement system that Bill O’Reilly loves so much. You must work hard, unless you’re willing to spew right-wing propaganda that you know is utter tripe but helps pay the bills. You must learn and develop a skill off the knowledge that you acquire in school—that development being how to completely ignore the facts and a sense of journalistic integrity. And you must be completely dishonest. That’s the message Bill O’Reilly and others are spreading. Patriotism comes in many forms, but the only acceptable forms are those that our right-wing party bosses decide are acceptable. Questioning the patriotism of others and bashing a new president isn’t patriotic, it’s useless—unless, of course, you work for FoxNoise or any of the other imbecilic, moronic, party-over-country idiots who populate right-wing media.”
Granted—I had to make some major additions to fit O’Reilly but for all his talk about how “to succeed in this country,” that’s pretty much a case of the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended). O’Reilly doesn’t have the balls (probably literally) to run for political office.
“In order to succeed in this country, you must be self-reliant, not dependent on the right-wing news media entitlement system that Bill O’Reilly loves so much. You must work hard, unless you’re willing to spew right-wing propaganda that you know is utter tripe but helps pay the bills. You must learn and develop a skill off the knowledge that you acquire in school—that development being how to completely ignore the facts and a sense of journalistic integrity. And you must be completely dishonest. That’s the message Bill O’Reilly and others are spreading. Patriotism comes in many forms, but the only acceptable forms are those that our right-wing party bosses decide are acceptable. Questioning the patriotism of others and bashing a new president isn’t patriotic, it’s useless—unless, of course, you work for FoxNoise or any of the other imbecilic, moronic, party-over-country idiots who populate right-wing media.”
Granted—I had to make some major additions to fit O’Reilly but for all his talk about how “to succeed in this country,” that’s pretty much a case of the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended). O’Reilly doesn’t have the balls (probably literally) to run for political office.
Joseph West commented on Fox & Friends Suggest Sanctuary Cities ‘Offer Up’ 14 Year-Old School Girls To Immigrant Rapists
2017-03-24 01:51:16 -0400
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So, Ellen did FoxNoise cover the story about the white former Army guy who shot a Black guy in New York? You know, the one who DELIBERATELY chose to go from Maryland to NYC (described by the scum as “media capital of the world”) and DELIBERATELY PLANNED to murder ANY Black person?
Kind of betting FoxNoise’s coverage was pretty muted on that story.
Kind of betting FoxNoise’s coverage was pretty muted on that story.
Joseph West commented on Oops! Fox’s Efforts To Intimidate A Trumpcare-Opposing Republican Backfires Big Time!
2017-03-23 02:13:36 -0400
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Kevin, I don’t know how well any effort on McConnell’s part to eliminate the filibuster will set with some of the more moderate Republicons because they know their majority is not strong enough to survive indefinitely. The last three off-year (2006, 2010, 2014) Senate elections have not gone well for the President’s party.
ANY time there’s been talk of getting rid of the filibuster by the party in power, calmer heads (even in the majority party) have prevailed simply because the majority won’t always stay the majority and when it becomes the minority, without the filibuster, the minority is completely useless.
McConnell will have his job after the 2018 elections (his job as Senator, that is; he won’t have to deal with another election till 2020) but many of his fellow Senators will have to face an election in 2018 and if Chump’s popularity sinks any lower, even with just needing to defend 8 seats, a loss of just 3 will switch the balance of power (and two GOP Senators won election or re-election with less than 50% of the vote).
When GOP candidates are forced to explain why their constituents’ healthcare costs have gone through the roof or simply gone POOF, we could see a rebellion among the “disappointed” Chump voters who decide to just stay home (similar to 2010’s disappointed Obama voters). And the folks who get kicked off Medicaid? Whoo, boy. I would NOT want to be a GOP candidate for any position.
ANY time there’s been talk of getting rid of the filibuster by the party in power, calmer heads (even in the majority party) have prevailed simply because the majority won’t always stay the majority and when it becomes the minority, without the filibuster, the minority is completely useless.
McConnell will have his job after the 2018 elections (his job as Senator, that is; he won’t have to deal with another election till 2020) but many of his fellow Senators will have to face an election in 2018 and if Chump’s popularity sinks any lower, even with just needing to defend 8 seats, a loss of just 3 will switch the balance of power (and two GOP Senators won election or re-election with less than 50% of the vote).
When GOP candidates are forced to explain why their constituents’ healthcare costs have gone through the roof or simply gone POOF, we could see a rebellion among the “disappointed” Chump voters who decide to just stay home (similar to 2010’s disappointed Obama voters). And the folks who get kicked off Medicaid? Whoo, boy. I would NOT want to be a GOP candidate for any position.
Joseph West commented on Fox Fave Sheriff David Clarke Threatens Mayor Of Milwaukee
2017-03-22 16:33:34 -0400
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This kind of talk from Clarke should merit his immediate removal from office (or, at the very least, an unpaid suspension). I don’t know the particulars of how the Sheriff’s Office (which technically is a county office) interacts with the City of Milwaukee so I don’t know who actually oversees and regulates the Sheriff’s Office; here in Montgomery, AL, there’s a fair amount of overlap in law enforcement duties between the County Sheriff’s Office and the City’s Police Department (I think the Sheriff’s Office tends to handle more of the warrant-serving and eviction duties, even within the official police jurisdiction).
If the Montgomery County Sheriff were to threaten the Mayor of Montgomery as Clarke did, that Sheriff would be out on his ass.
If the Montgomery County Sheriff were to threaten the Mayor of Montgomery as Clarke did, that Sheriff would be out on his ass.
Joseph West commented on Fox Guest Suggests Samantha Bee Joke Might Cause Cancer Patient To Commit Suicide
2017-03-14 01:57:11 -0400
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Josh, why don’t YOU “fuck off?”
Bee, through her show (and apparently a tweet—which seems to be an okay way to apologize if you’re a right-wing jackass), has apologized—UNLIKE Trump or any of the other FoxNoise shitwads. Did you not actually read the full article here? Trump was mentioned ONCE by Ellen (and it was perfectly fair).
As for Bee’s comments in general, so fucking what? Seriously. The fucking right-wing doesn’t give two shits about sick people any other time, but oh boy—a special little CPAC snowflake with cancer, and suddenly he’s supposed to be beyond reproach. Maybe the kid should’ve been asking his fellow attendees how repealing Obamacare will affect HIS treatment.
Oh. And back in 2012, when the GOP was having one of their little townhall debates, do you remember what the response was by the audience when an ACTIVE-DUTY SOLDIER mentioned that he was gay? He was BOOED. And not one of the “brave” candidates on the stage chastised the audience. But we’re supposed to give a shit about some little punk (allegedly with cancer) who gets teased? And really, the only teasing he’s going to be in for at school, is his being an idiot conservative—not for his alleged cancer.
Bee, through her show (and apparently a tweet—which seems to be an okay way to apologize if you’re a right-wing jackass), has apologized—UNLIKE Trump or any of the other FoxNoise shitwads. Did you not actually read the full article here? Trump was mentioned ONCE by Ellen (and it was perfectly fair).
As for Bee’s comments in general, so fucking what? Seriously. The fucking right-wing doesn’t give two shits about sick people any other time, but oh boy—a special little CPAC snowflake with cancer, and suddenly he’s supposed to be beyond reproach. Maybe the kid should’ve been asking his fellow attendees how repealing Obamacare will affect HIS treatment.
Oh. And back in 2012, when the GOP was having one of their little townhall debates, do you remember what the response was by the audience when an ACTIVE-DUTY SOLDIER mentioned that he was gay? He was BOOED. And not one of the “brave” candidates on the stage chastised the audience. But we’re supposed to give a shit about some little punk (allegedly with cancer) who gets teased? And really, the only teasing he’s going to be in for at school, is his being an idiot conservative—not for his alleged cancer.
Joseph West commented on What Are Friends For? Fox’s John Roberts Tells Sean Spicer His Flag Pin Is Upside Down
2017-03-11 01:48:32 -0500
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You can damn well be sure if President Hillary Clinton’s press secretary had been wearing his (or her) American flag lapel pin upside down, FoxNoise would be running that as a “serious” headline for weeks on end.
And if the press secretary were made aware of the gaffe by a member of the press corps, FoxNoise would’ve been chastising the secretary as “inept” and “clueless” and “proof of Hillary’s incompetence that she can’t even get a press secretary who knows what he/she is doing.”
But, when it comes to the Chumpsters, Fox MUST protect their investment at all costs.
And if the press secretary were made aware of the gaffe by a member of the press corps, FoxNoise would’ve been chastising the secretary as “inept” and “clueless” and “proof of Hillary’s incompetence that she can’t even get a press secretary who knows what he/she is doing.”
But, when it comes to the Chumpsters, Fox MUST protect their investment at all costs.
Joseph West commented on Got Irony? Hannity And Malkin Whine That Obama Has Been ‘Nasty’ To Trump
2017-03-10 13:01:04 -0500
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scooter, please don’t hold back next time. Tell us all how you really feel. ;)
Joseph West commented on Trump Blames Obama And Generals For Disastrous Yemen Raid
2017-03-01 16:37:08 -0500
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David, you’re slightly confused on that issue. The problem was not “gay Iraqi translators”; it was “gay AMERICAN translators.”
The military had VERY FEW Arabic language translators in the early days of Dubya’s blunder and most of the ones they did have happened to be gay. As I recall, the Pentagon heads (even those not overly happy with gays serving in the military at all) were fairly supportive of keeping the translators (the only concern was the translators not violate the dictates of DADT) but that wasn’t enough for Dubya and his Sec’y of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. They used the false flag about having gays in Iraq even though the vast majority served stateside, analyzing the data and reports sent from the front.
As to giving Chump any slack, no, David. Just no.
The Branch Davidian deal only became a matter for then-President Clinton after the FBI was FORCED to become involved after the initial raid on the compound by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Four agents were killed by Koresh’s people and, under the law, the FBI becomes involved when FEDERAL officials are killed. Even then, the FBI was in charge of the operation, NEGOTIATING with Koresh for 7 weeks. The FBI then took their case to their ostensible boss, AG Janet Reno who then took the case to Clinton (who wanted to continue seeking a negotiated route but Reno noted it was costing $1 million a week to keep up the siege and there wasn’t any sign of Koresh’s impending surrender). Plus, Clinton took a LOT of heat for several years following the mission’s failure (in fact, the FINAL report on the subject was released the day AFTER the 2000 Presidential election!) even though his only real involvement was to give the final okay to end the siege. But he didn’t try to blame the failure on the previous administration; even though ATF first started investigating in the summer of 1992, there’s no evidence that the ATF contacted Bush about the investigation.
And as to Kennedy, bear in mind that Kennedy DID have military service under his belt AND he’d served in Congress for more than a dozen years before he was sworn in as President. PLUS, Kennedy was actually briefed in NOVEMBER of 1960 on what the CIA had been planning by Eisenhower’s CIA director, Allen Dulles (Kennedy’s election rival, VP Richard Nixon, had convinced Dulles NOT to brief Kennedy before the election). A week after being inaugurated, Kennedy was briefed FULLY by ALL the departments that had involvement with the operation and he finally gave approval in early April—nearly 10 days before the operation actually went down. Maybe if Chump had bothered attending any of the dozens of military and intelligence briefings he was offered during the transition period (instead of begging entertainers to show up for his “inauguration”), then he might deserve a little slack, but this failure is ENTIRELY on him.
No, David, this little blame game of Chump’s comes just weeks after he took CREDIT for the “success” of the mission. This sounds a hell of a lot more like the way Dubya’s nutty supporters were blaming Clinton for 9/11.
The military had VERY FEW Arabic language translators in the early days of Dubya’s blunder and most of the ones they did have happened to be gay. As I recall, the Pentagon heads (even those not overly happy with gays serving in the military at all) were fairly supportive of keeping the translators (the only concern was the translators not violate the dictates of DADT) but that wasn’t enough for Dubya and his Sec’y of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. They used the false flag about having gays in Iraq even though the vast majority served stateside, analyzing the data and reports sent from the front.
As to giving Chump any slack, no, David. Just no.
The Branch Davidian deal only became a matter for then-President Clinton after the FBI was FORCED to become involved after the initial raid on the compound by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Four agents were killed by Koresh’s people and, under the law, the FBI becomes involved when FEDERAL officials are killed. Even then, the FBI was in charge of the operation, NEGOTIATING with Koresh for 7 weeks. The FBI then took their case to their ostensible boss, AG Janet Reno who then took the case to Clinton (who wanted to continue seeking a negotiated route but Reno noted it was costing $1 million a week to keep up the siege and there wasn’t any sign of Koresh’s impending surrender). Plus, Clinton took a LOT of heat for several years following the mission’s failure (in fact, the FINAL report on the subject was released the day AFTER the 2000 Presidential election!) even though his only real involvement was to give the final okay to end the siege. But he didn’t try to blame the failure on the previous administration; even though ATF first started investigating in the summer of 1992, there’s no evidence that the ATF contacted Bush about the investigation.
And as to Kennedy, bear in mind that Kennedy DID have military service under his belt AND he’d served in Congress for more than a dozen years before he was sworn in as President. PLUS, Kennedy was actually briefed in NOVEMBER of 1960 on what the CIA had been planning by Eisenhower’s CIA director, Allen Dulles (Kennedy’s election rival, VP Richard Nixon, had convinced Dulles NOT to brief Kennedy before the election). A week after being inaugurated, Kennedy was briefed FULLY by ALL the departments that had involvement with the operation and he finally gave approval in early April—nearly 10 days before the operation actually went down. Maybe if Chump had bothered attending any of the dozens of military and intelligence briefings he was offered during the transition period (instead of begging entertainers to show up for his “inauguration”), then he might deserve a little slack, but this failure is ENTIRELY on him.
No, David, this little blame game of Chump’s comes just weeks after he took CREDIT for the “success” of the mission. This sounds a hell of a lot more like the way Dubya’s nutty supporters were blaming Clinton for 9/11.
Joseph West commented on Fox News Used Fake Security Expert To ‘Validate’ Presidential Attack On Sweden Immigration
2017-02-27 00:47:28 -0500
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Funny how His Orange Excellency calls out “fake news” but never—not one single time—included the ONE media source that excels in presenting “fake news.”
As to what Billdo’s going to say about it, it’s obviously not going to be his fault. He’ll find some poor, low-level staffer to scapegoat—a staff researcher or whoever operates the teleprompter and/or is responsible for the chyron.
As to what Billdo’s going to say about it, it’s obviously not going to be his fault. He’ll find some poor, low-level staffer to scapegoat—a staff researcher or whoever operates the teleprompter and/or is responsible for the chyron.
Joseph West commented on Even Fox Nation Readers Seem To Think Donald Trump Is Doing A Poor Job As President
2017-02-26 01:43:04 -0500
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Well, you just know one or all of the following are bound to happen:
1) The poll will be reported with the figures switched around (it’s not like that’s never happened before).
2) The poll will be deemed completely irrelevant since the numbers were “obviously skewed by hate-filled liberals” (despite the usual habit of lionizing online polls because they’re more “reflective” of “real people”)
3) The poll will be ignored—possibly even “disappeared” from the website—by the rest of the FoxNoise world.
1) The poll will be reported with the figures switched around (it’s not like that’s never happened before).
2) The poll will be deemed completely irrelevant since the numbers were “obviously skewed by hate-filled liberals” (despite the usual habit of lionizing online polls because they’re more “reflective” of “real people”)
3) The poll will be ignored—possibly even “disappeared” from the website—by the rest of the FoxNoise world.
Joseph West commented on Newt Gingrich Goes Full Joseph McCarthy: Trump Is Fighting ‘A Real War’ Against The Media, Demonstrators And College Professors Who Are ‘On The Other Side’
2017-02-25 12:19:02 -0500
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I guess Newt’s still hoping he can get a job in the Chump Admin by defending the Con Man.
Joseph West commented on Michelle Malkin Keeps Hate Alive - Presidential Attack On The Press Edition
2017-02-23 18:34:57 -0500
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It’d also be nice if some drag queen would help Malkin with her makeup to look more human and less like “Baby Jane.”
Joseph West commented on Rush Limbaugh: Obama Got ‘Everything He Wanted’ His First Year Because He’s Black
2017-02-20 13:01:38 -0500
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Kevin, let’s also not forget that Obama wanted a much larger stimulus package (and most non-partisan economists supported the idea) in order to get the economy going faster (again—an idea that most non-partisan economists backed).
But, it was the GOP that blocked it. At every turn.
And the Affordable Care Act? Gee. I seem to recall that Obama gave up the idea of “Medicare for All” because the GOP declared the whole notion a “non-starter” and it was the GOP (through hacks like the Quitta from Wasilla) that brought up a lot of scare tactics (anyone remember “death panels”?) that helped block what Obama wanted.
But, yeah, Limpballs. That’s exactly the kind of “proof” of Obama getting “everything he wanted.” (Then again, he WAS elected by a large majority of the PEOPLE, as well as a decisive Electoral College victory. I know you don’t quite get it, since Dubya screwed up the meaning in 2000, but THAT is what’s meant by “mandate.”)
But, it was the GOP that blocked it. At every turn.
And the Affordable Care Act? Gee. I seem to recall that Obama gave up the idea of “Medicare for All” because the GOP declared the whole notion a “non-starter” and it was the GOP (through hacks like the Quitta from Wasilla) that brought up a lot of scare tactics (anyone remember “death panels”?) that helped block what Obama wanted.
But, yeah, Limpballs. That’s exactly the kind of “proof” of Obama getting “everything he wanted.” (Then again, he WAS elected by a large majority of the PEOPLE, as well as a decisive Electoral College victory. I know you don’t quite get it, since Dubya screwed up the meaning in 2000, but THAT is what’s meant by “mandate.”)
Joseph West commented on Fox Tries To Normalize Trump’s Campaign Rally By Pretending Obama Had One Sooner In His Presidency
2017-02-19 02:22:59 -0500
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David, I think Marge is referring to living 30 miles away from Melbourne, FLORIDA (you know—where Chump was holding his rally).
Joseph West commented on Fox’s Jesse Watters: ‘I Haven’t Seen’ Any Reason To Think Donald Trump Is Racially Insensitive
2017-02-18 13:38:06 -0500
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Oh. Another thing that Jesse might want to consider is this old adage: “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
If you don’t WANT to see Chump’s racism, then you’re not going to see it.
Today’s racists might not have any problem listening to “Black music” or watching “Black film and TV stars” but if they’re not willing to have regular Black folks in their homes with whom to socialize, that’s racist. As with Chump: He might have no problem doing photo ops with Jesse Jackson but has he ever invited Jackson into his home for a dinner or other personal socializing?
If you don’t WANT to see Chump’s racism, then you’re not going to see it.
Today’s racists might not have any problem listening to “Black music” or watching “Black film and TV stars” but if they’re not willing to have regular Black folks in their homes with whom to socialize, that’s racist. As with Chump: He might have no problem doing photo ops with Jesse Jackson but has he ever invited Jackson into his home for a dinner or other personal socializing?