Newt Gingrich didn’t just defend Donald Trump’s assault on the American press today, he deliberately fanned the flames to suggest the media, anti-Trump demonstrators and college professors are dangerously anti-American.
On Your World today, host Neil Cavuto was less than enthusiastic about Trump’s unhinged attacks on the media during his speech at CPAC earlier. Cavuto said Trump “can’t let go of it” and “I don’t know if he’s really advancing the ball.”
But Gingrich seemed to think Trump didn’t go far enough.
GINGRICH: I think this is a real war. I think the people on the other side, whether they’re the demonstrators at the rally or the college professors or they’re many of the senior reporters, they are the other team. Some of the stuff that’s been done, CNN’s total miscoverage of the FBI relationship was crazy. Look at this stuff. You think to yourself, the New York Times’ continual misrepresentation of facts just borders on propaganda of the worst kind.
So I think this is a president who understands he’s in a long game. Part of that long game is to make sure that his half of America understands how bad much of the news coverage is because what the newspapers are trying, what the news media is trying to do is establish a storyline which makes Trump hopeless. And what he has to do is establish an alternative competing storyline which makes them false. I don’t think he has a choice. If I were in his shoes, I would kick some of the organizations out. I would flood the White House press corps with lots of people. I would go to Skype a lot more. And I would go to local reporters from all over the country. I would take the old Washington establishment head on and be pretty cheerful about it.”
The hardline, left-wing propagandists have to be taken head on. You can’t allow them to pretend that they’re neutral because they’ll destroy you.
By the way, don't let Gingrich lie to you about Trump's “half of America.” There is no such thing. Only about 27% of eligible voters voted for him. Only about 40% of Americans have a favorable opinion of him.
So when chickenhawk Gingrich licks his chops over a war against people he thinks don’t approve of Trump enough, he’s talking about shoving his minority rule down the throats of the majority.
So who’s really anti-American, Mr. Cheater?
Watch Gingrich’s dangerous, anti-American rhetoric below, from the February 24, 2017 Your World.
And — like Newtie himself — its likely the only “war” a chickenhawk like Drumpf will ever actively participate in . . .
I don’t always know the truth and liberals don’t always know the truth, but we know where the building is grounded and we are fearful of lightning bolts lest we have offended the gods.