America's "favorite sneermonger," Michelle Malkin appeared on yesterday's Fox & Friends to say that those who criticize Donald Trump's belief that the press is "the enemy" are the real enemy. What the wha......???!!!!
When it comes to validating right-wing talking points, Fox always hits the mark when it bring on Michelle Malkin, a favorite of the rabid, Republican, right, to spread her patented, hate-filled talking propaganda. And now that Fox's favorite president is under a lot of criticism for saying that the press are "the enemy of the American people," who better to deflect and defend him than "hatriot" Michelle Malkin.
Wednesday's Fox & Friends segment began with CNN video which featured reporters making the very valid point that Trump's demonizing the press could cause a deranged person to take violent action against a journalist. After Chris Cuomo said "somebody's going to get hurt," cohost Brian Kilmeade mockingly repeated the comment.
Fellow friend Steve Doocy tossed to Malkin, now a senior editor at Conservative Review, a website which features, as its editor-in-chief, Hannity pal, Mark Levin. (So no bias there, no sireee.) Doocy tossed the ball to Malkin with his summary of what the CNN folks said - that Trump's commentary will "lead to trouble."
Malkin wasted no time in spewing her trademark hatred of "the left": "This is about delegitimizing very legitimate criticism. This is about trying to criminalize political dissent in America and it's what the left is always about. They are trying to invoke some sort of impenetrable shield around journalists who have long enjoyed living in a bubble and Donald Trump more than any other politician in modern America has successfully pierced that bubble and they're panicked about it."
Kilmeade provided the validation: "They are going out of their way and Donald Trump has said some things he probably wants back, but they're going out of their way to say this president is anti-Hispanic." (Ya think!) He referenced an unnamed woman who, on a recent TV show, said that Trump "is a fascist and worse than Hitler." (No video was shown.) Kilmeade continued: "So if anybody out there is on the edge, you have more people saying that, than anyone saying, than Donald Trump is saying bad about any journalist."
Malkin kicked it up a notch when she asked why journalists aren't calling out - wait for it - Hollywood stars "who have outright explicitly called for violence." She didn't provide any specific examples. She claimed that before the election, there was a popular hashtag which called for Trump's assassination and asked why journalists didn't speak out about it. Again, no proof. She continued to bray about the "left-wing inciting rhetoric."
So let me get this straight. According to Fox & Friends, Trump's comment, that the press is the enemy, is OK because nasty liberals are saying way worse things. But it's not OK to justifiably suggest that vilifying the press can lead to violence. Ah, the alternative reality of Fox News...
Hell, someone should go on FoxNoise and ask all these Chump brown-nosing apologists why it was okay for them to attack Obama (and in terms FAR worse than anything used against Chump) for the past 8 years but no one’s now supposed to say anything remotely unflattering to or about His Royal Orangeness.