Fox News did its part to help rally Donald Trump’s spirits today by booking Rush Limbaugh and freezing out pesky Democratic guests on Fox News Sunday. In addition to blaming Trump’s problems on all the usual conservative scapegoats: “sabotage” by “the left-wing courts, the left-wing media, the left-wing bureaucracy,” Limbaugh went the extra mile for the Birther-in-Chief with a racial swipe at President Obama.
In the interview, host Chris Wallace asked Limbaugh about Trump’s domestic agenda. First, Limbaugh tried to argue that Obama’s agenda was nothing more than dough for his cronies and that the economy made no improvement. Wallace not only failed to correct this falsehood, he helped validate it (Transcript excerpts via
WALLACE: I’ve got to tell you, by historical standards, by this point, Obama stimulus had already been passed. President Trump is pretty slow on Obamacare, is pretty slow on repealing Obamacare. Pretty slow on tax reform. And there’s a lot of disarray inside the Republican Party on Capitol Hill.
LIMBAUGH: The establishment doesn’t want any part of Trump. They don’t want him to succeed. And I would throw some Republicans in that as well. It’s just the way that Washington works. And this is why you think moving forward on this agenda is crucial.
You mentioned Obama stimulus, here’s the difference—and this is what Trump supporters know—it wasn’t a stimulus. It was the payoff to unions, Chris. It didn’t stimulate anything. We don’t have a growing economy. We don’t have jobs being created—at a replacement level for those we have lost.
We don’t have anything Obama said. He lied about --
LIMBAUGH: This is important stuff.
WALLACE: No, I’m not disagreeing with you.
However, Wallace did continue by pressing Limbaugh on Trump’s inability or failure to pass any of his programs yet. That's when Limbaugh played the race card.
WALLACE: I’m just saying, at least he passed his program, and President Trump hasn’t passed any of his programs yet.
LIMBAUGH: Well, of—it makes my point. Here you have, I tiptoe again.
WALLACE: You’re not very good at tiptoeing.
LIMBAUGH: Well, it is television. It’s Fox News. I have deep respect.
But, no, seriously. You have the first African-American president. You have everybody falling all over themselves to acknowledge that, to reward that. Obama was going to get everything he wanted in the first year because if anybody opposed it, they were going to be accused of being racist, or bigot, or who knows what.
Wallace did not challenge that, either. Nor did he mention that Trump is quite unpopular, especially as compared to Obama at this point in his presidency.
There’s no denying Trump has had a rocky first month in office. And he seems to be darned unhappy in his job. If you ask me, his ridiculously early campaign rally yesterday was an attempt to boost his own spirits as much as any of his supporters’.
And Fox News Sunday did its part with a “Feel Better Soon” card today.
Watch it below, from the February 19, 2017 Fox News Sunday.
Funny, Limpballs — that’s the same thing you said about Obama . . . and who could ever forget Mitch “Turtle Man” McConnell’s stated intention to “make him (Obama) a one-term president” . . .
You mentioned Obama stimulus, here’s the difference—and this is what Trump supporters know—it wasn’t a stimulus. It was the payoff to unions, Chris.
Q: What did over one-third (38 percent) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (aka the “stimulus package”) consist of?
A: Tax cuts
It didn’t stimulate anything. We don’t have a growing economy. We don’t have jobs being created . . .
Dear Limpballs,
If it “didn’t stimulate anything”, why did so many republican state governors go on TV congratulating themselves over infrastructure improvements in their states?
If we “don’t have a growing economy”, why did oil companies have record profits, automakers come back from the brink, and why was the DJIA twice what it was when Obama took office?
If “we don’t have jobs being created”, why was there 70+ straight months of job growth during the Obama Administration?
Better question: why do you continue to open your pie-hole on subjects you obviously know nothing about?
But, it was the GOP that blocked it. At every turn.
And the Affordable Care Act? Gee. I seem to recall that Obama gave up the idea of “Medicare for All” because the GOP declared the whole notion a “non-starter” and it was the GOP (through hacks like the Quitta from Wasilla) that brought up a lot of scare tactics (anyone remember “death panels”?) that helped block what Obama wanted.
But, yeah, Limpballs. That’s exactly the kind of “proof” of Obama getting “everything he wanted.” (Then again, he WAS elected by a large majority of the PEOPLE, as well as a decisive Electoral College victory. I know you don’t quite get it, since Dubya screwed up the meaning in 2000, but THAT is what’s meant by “mandate.”)
Limbaugh: “Well, it is television. Fox News. I have deep respect.,… But, no, seriously.”
You’re both liars Rush.
President Obama absolutely did not get everything he wanted or even close to it during 2009 or any other time during his presidency. And he certainly was not awarded any deference from the Right due to his race. If anything, he was repeatedly attacked even more strenuously on that basis. I can cite Right Wing talk radio from 2008 condescendingly portraying his candidacy as doomed due to his race, where one KFI host predicted he would lose due to dishonest liberal voters who wouldn’t pull the lever for him when in the privacy of the voting booth.
Rush Limbaugh kicked off 2009 with the infuriated scream of “I HOPE HE FAILS!” as a direct attack on President Obama for having the temerity to be elected by a solid majority of the country. Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, and the Right held a strategy meeting to coincide with Obama’s inauguration wherein they plotted to block every single thing the Dems did and to then campaign on that intransigence in 2010 and 2012. The GOP worked hard to stop anything Obama proposed under the idea that most things wouldn’t go anywhere so they could call him a failure, and that if anything did get through, they could campaign that they didn’t vote for it anyway. The only reason that Obama and the Dems got anything accomplished in 2009 was because the Dems held solid majorities in Congress, as a continuing direct repudiation of the corruption and incompetence of the GOP and the W Bush White House. Had the GOP controlled larger numbers of congresspeople, we likely would not have seen the ACA passed and the government would have been completely mired in gridlock.
I also note that Barack Obama assumed office at a time when the country was in an economic free-fall, due again to the corruption and incompetence of the W Bush White House. The hope from folks like Limbaugh had been to hold off the recession until a Democrat got into office and then blame it on him. Unfortunately for the Right, the recession erupted before the election, so it was clear to all where the blame resided. And we must note that throughout the Dems’ work to get us out of the recession, the Right did everything they could to pour sand in the tank and talk down the economy – to tighten the screws on everyday voters and convince them the Dems weren’t really doing anything to help them.
Despite all this, Barack Obama was consistently a popular president who was perceived as intelligent and caring, and who was clearly trying to do what he could to clean up the mess left to him and us by 8 years of Dick Cheney running the White House. What Obama accomplished, he did in spite of the constant and mean-spirited attacks from outlets like Fox News and AM Right Wing radio. And in spite of Limbaugh’s vicious lies here, there in fact were jobs created during the presidency of Barack Obama. The stimulus wasn’t enough, but it did stem the free-fall we were experiencing and we did pull out of the recession. Had the Right been willing to help in this process, we could have recovered more fully and more quickly, but Limbaugh didn’t care about that in 2009.
Limbaugh seems to want to blame the unpopularity of the Pence White House on some kind of favoritism toward Obama, rather than on the behavior of Pence and his Tweeter-in-Chief. He might do better to look at the belligerence of Trump’s behavior, and the mystifying assumption that Trump has some kind of overwhelming popular mandate to inflict the damage he is attempting. If Donald Trump wants to be more popular with the majority of people in this country, he needs to actually try to work with someone outside his small group of supporters and yes men. If he’s going to continue dictating from the Far Right and telling everyone to just get over it, he will continue to watch his approval rating plummet into oblivion. I realize that Trump is upset and frightened about this situation, but he needs to start demonstrating the maturity he promised he would when he campaigned to take this office. If he cannot do so, we will face certain problems in the near future, and he will face a landslide defeat in 2020.
If I haven’t mentioned my road from considering myself conservative to the left of center guy I am today it all started catching Rush in the late ’80s compare blacks to monkeys. I saw where the Republican Party populism was headed.