Last week’s winner of the Outrageous Fox Quote of the Week poll was a headline going above and beyond the call of duty to promote the “Biden-is-Bad-Catholic” meme.
The "winning" headline read, “Head of US bishops' conference warns Biden would ‘advance moral evils and threaten human life.’” You can check out the full poll and its results here.
Here are this week’s nominees:
Adam Carolla, complaining about Saturday Night Live not mocking Joe Biden after 10 days in the White House:
What is there to love about Joe Biden? That’s the bigger question, if you’re SNL.
[Donald Trump’s critics] know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there's never been a more beloved political figure in our country's history.
Maria Bartiromo, complaining about Joe Biden’s executive orders:
Who the heck is coming up with these ideas? You know, some people feel like Susan Rice is running things. Does President Biden understand what he’s signing into law here with these executive orders?
[Democrats] are far more guilty of insurrection than Donald Trump.
Rep. Matt Gaetz, reacting to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s insult-filled press conference after being stripped of her committee assignments:
Bravo, Marjorie Taylor Greene! That was so good I almost had to smoke a cigarette afterwards. She was policy-focused, she was graceful. …
Marjorie is off the proverbial leash right now. I think she’s going to be a major communicator and if she shows the grace and the focus and the attention to policies that matter to everyday Americans, like she did in the press conference, she is going to be a very successful congresswoman.
Laura Ingraham, setting the stage for her guest to accuse Disney of being too Black:
Disney, your favorite, has announced that it's altering their classic Jungle Cruise attraction to omit what the L.A. Times described as racist stereotypes. What is that about?
The poll will remain open until the evening of February 15, 2021.
May the worst quote win!
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