Fox News not only snubbed President Biden’s infrastructure bill signing in favor of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, it attacked MSNBC for not doing the same for the right-wing martyr.
The Daily Beast’s Justin Baragona captured the screen grabs. As you can see, CNN and MSNBC aired the president signing a major piece of legislation. Fox “News” stuck with its vigilante assassin hero.
Interesting programming decisions right now on cable news:
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) November 15, 2021
CNN/MSNBC: Biden signing infrastructure bill
Fox News: Rittenhouse defense closing argument
Newsmax: "Dems: Anyone Who's Conservative Is A Racist" alongside images of Jussie Smollet.
However, we feel confident that if Donald Trump had ever followed up on infrastructure week by signing a bill like Biden’s it would have gotten live, slobbering coverage.
What’s worse is that Fox used the moment to further gin up hatred, division and polarization by whining that MSNBC didn’t worship at the Rittenhouse altar along with the Murdoch hate-for-profit machine.
MSNBC skips Kyle Rittenhouse defense's closing argument after airing prosecutor's case to jury
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 15, 2021
Fox, and the Murdochs who control it, have already shown that they care more about taking down Biden than improving Americans' lives with better infrastructure. Heck, the network and the Murdochs have already shown they would rather Americans actually died from COVID for the sake of taking down Biden - all the while Fox News protects their own selves from the pandemic.
(Biden image via screen grab)
I certainly agree that the RW won’t want to acknowledge any success from the Dems and the Biden WH, but feel that this propensity may not have much traction as soon as each and every elected GOPer steps up to claim credit for the passing of bills they voted against.
Concerned folk must do everything they can – whenever and however they can – to expose these hypocrites. Doing so is not underhanded politics but rather a commitment to the preservation of fact-based reality (aka the truth).
First, there is no way any angry Right Wing outlet is going to acknowledge any success from the Dems and the Biden White House. Their narrative is one of total failure, so airing anything of that bill signing would be anathema to them.
Second, angry Right Wingers are quite vested in the Rittenhouse situation, just as they were in the Ramos & Compean situation back in 2006-2009. They are more than eager to see Rittenhouse exonerated for his murders.
Third, regarding COVID, angry Right Wingers have now quintuple-downed on the notion that the pandemic was an annoying distraction to their frantic wish to re-elect the Pence White House. They have never admitted the truth – that Pence and his childish former assistant were so incompetent in their handling of basic governmental functions in the face of a pandemic that they allowed millions of people, including over 700,000 Americans to die.
The hope by this group is that they can either reinstall a version of the Pence White House in 2024 or so confuse everyone that the actual history never gets written. In reality, more people than they think actually do remember what happened over the past decades. And there is now literally thousands of hours of Fox News personalities shamelessly repeating falsehoods about all of it.