Tucker Carlson’s malicious undercutting of U.S. support for Ukraine has made him a hero in Russia.
The Daily Beast’s Julia Davis reports that “Scarcely a day goes by without a supportive mention of Tucker Carlson on Russian airwaves.” She says he has been described as “practically the co-host” of state TV propagandists and “a voice of reason,” [and] is often quoted to support official Kremlin narratives.
I have no problem with someone opposing U.S. policy toward Ukraine, especially opposing war. But Carlson is not about promoting peace. He’s about nothing less than destroying America. I don’t say that lightly. But the fact is that night after night after night, he broadcasts his hate for this country and sows division – with Lachlan Murdoch’s admiration.
For example, here’s Tucker using Ukraine to demagogue immigration and hold up Vladimir Putin as better than President Joe Biden, via Davis:
Carlson proceeded to compare a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine to what’s happening at the U.S.’s southern border. “Texas is a state that’s had well over 1 million foreign nationals pour into it illegally over the last year. Right over the border. That is a far bigger invasion than anything Vladimir Putin is planning in Ukraine,” he said on Friday. In response to Carlson’s complaints, Congressman Cooper's office reportedly told Tucker Carlson Tonight that Cooper “has every right to ask whatever questions he thinks are important to strengthening American security during confidential House Intelligence Committee hearings.”
Oh, and Russia state TV host Olga Skabeeva admits (or claims) Russia is already interfering in U.S. elections, saying, “Trump said he will become the 47th president [of the United States]… We have already started working on that. Having elected him the first time, I think we can manage to do it again.”
(Carlson image via screen grab)