Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again
Sean Hannity has found another excuse to hate monger about his uber black boogeyman, Louis Farrakhan. This time, Hannity feigned an interest in Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's initiative to address a horrific epidemic of violence in the inner city. But Hannity's only real interest in the topic was in Emanuel's decision to allow “racist and anti-Semitic” Farrakhan to play a role in some kind of all-hands-on-deck approach - which Hannity was so obsessed with, you'd think Farrakhan was masterminding the whole thing. I'm not here to defend Farrakhan in any way. But when you consider Hannity's obsession with Farrakhan, his own association with bigots, his promotion of racially-tinged attacks on President Obama the only fact really proven in the discussion was that Hannity's race baiting is alive, well and still completely acceptable on Fox News.
Read moreFox & Friends Promote Chick-Fil-A While Brad Stine Engages In Homophobic Humor
As the mouthpiece for those Christian mouths who are singing hymns to the power and the glory of the Jesus loving, "traditional marriage" supporting Chick-fil-A, whilst inhaling large buckets of the this godly chicken, it's not surprising that Fox & Friends would be outraged by those nasty gay loving libruls who oppose the homophobic "family values" of this business. As on the other Fox programs that weighed in on this issue, the curvy couch potatoes feel that it's no big deal when an American business owner says that a segment of his fellow Americans are bringing God's wrath on God's country. And who better to add his Christian voice, on America's morning Jesus show, than the keen intellectual, noted polymath, and Christian joker (whoops comedian) Brad Stine. Fasten your seatbelts, you're in for a bumpy ride!
Read more"Devout Catholic" Eric Bolling Says God, Not Obama, Builds Roads
Although he is not a Catholic, Roger Aisles has a great fondness for this church. In addition to pimping the talking points of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, whose views, for the most part, comport with those of the right wing GOP, Ailes employs a large stable of Catholics who have no qualms about publicly proclaiming their religious identification. Laura Ingraham, Fox contributor and part time host, even wears her Catholicism in the form of a great big, in your face, gold Catholic cross. Another one of the Fox Catholics, the "devout" Eric Bolling, is so religious (LOL) that he feels the need to tell his Twitter followers that he is going or went to Sunday Mass. (What was it that Jesus said about those who publicly worship?) And now it looks like he's combining his religious fervor with his political and scientific views. Following in the food steps of his fellow Catholic supply side Jesus devotee, Bill O'Reilly, who believes that Jesus guided evolution and created the tides, Bolling, who is also a creationist, tweets that his god was responsible for building the roads and creating the seas. Ah, right wing politics and dogma all in one. Jesus must be so happy!
Read moreBritain Loves its National Health? Fox Nation Doesn't Know How to Deal With That
The Olympic opening ceremonies celebrated Britain’s National Health Service as one of the country’s great achievements. Fox News, which reviles “Obamacare” as an evil Commie plot even though it’s a whole lot weaker than Britain’s universal-coverage system, found this somewhere between baffling and horrifying.
Read moreFr. Jonathan Morris Continues Whitewashing Chick-fil-A's Homophobic Connections
As the mouthpiece for the religious right, it's no surprise that Fox News has weighed in over the Chick-fil-A controversy. Right wing Christians, in protesting evil secularists who aren't happy about this "family values" chain setting up shop in their neighborhoods, are taking up the cross of Jesus along with buckets of Chic-fil-A chicken in support of a company that has associations with radical homophobic hate groups. In support of their holy chicken loving fan base, Fox has featured several discussions which, while reasonably fair & balanced, don't feature the connection of Chick-fil-A's owner, Dan Cathy, to radical homophobic causes. Rather, the Fox talkers defend the restaurant's owner's homophobic comments as just his opinion, so no big deal. (Course when atheists say something that Fox talkers don't like, it's a different story!) So in keeping with the Christian connection to the controversy and the patented Fox persecuted Christian meme, this morning's Fox & Friends asked if anti-Chick-fil-A comments are "a threat to Christianity." Really?
Read moreNo Democratic Guests On Fox News Sunday Again
The only interview on Fox News Sunday today seems to be an "exclusive" with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Of course, that's the same Justice Scalia who hammered President Obama's immigration policy and went duck hunting with Dick Cheney. Wallace specifically mentioned immigration as one of the topics to be discussed. But I'm sure the interview will measure up to Fox's usual "fair and balanced" standards. Oh, and there's also going to be, in host Chris Wallace's words in a promo, "a live report on Mitt Romney's foreign trip and we'll ask our Sunday panel how he's doing."
Read moreCavuto: I'm Beginning Not To Recognize The U.S.
Neil Cavuto fear mongered about the state of the country - with a litany of worries about taxes, universal health care, not enough cutting, etc. It left me worried about what kind of country he'd like to make us into, in the name of "restoring" it.
Read moreNeil Cavuto: I Just Don’t Think Obama Likes Wealthy People
On July 17, 2012, Your World with Neil Cavuto talked with a Democrat Fox could like, someone who supports President Obama but thinks the rich already pay their fair share – and was willing to criticize him over it. R. Donahue Peebles, of the President’s National Finance Committee, said, “The messaging coming out from the Democratic side tends to be a criticism somewhat of wealth or wealth creators, and so what that does is it kind of penalizes or makes people uncomfortable with being successful or wealthy.”
Read moreNeil Cavuto Wonders Why Mitt Romney’s Olympics Comments Were News
Just in time to get Mitt Romney out of his foot-in-mouth mess in England, Neil Cavuto trotted out international security expert Aaron Cohen (who so happens to have a book published by another News Corporation subsidiary) to say Romney was quite right in his doubt and concern about whether England was adequately prepared for the Olympics. Cavuto was so onboard with the threat level, he said he couldn’t understand why there had been any fuss about Romney’s comments in the first place.
Read moreBill O'Reilly & Laura Ingraham Whitewash Chick-fil-A's Homophobia
After the president of the chicken chain, "Chick-fil-A," Dan Cathy, made a recent comment in support of "traditional marriage," there has been "a firestorm of public debate." Those who support gay rights are supporting a boycott. The mayors of Boston and Chicago have expressed the desire for this restaurant to stay out of their cities. The Christian right, in making it a sacred cause, are stuffing as much Chick-fil-A down their copious gullets as they possible can. Even the Muppets are involved. Not surprisingly, as the media mouthpiece for the Christian right, Fox News is stepping into the imbroglio. As reported by News Hounds Ellen, Mike Huckabee is crusading for Chick-fil-A. And On last night's "Factor," Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham dissed those who are dissing Chick-fil-A because saying that gay marriage is inviting God's wrath is no big deal. And in their attempt to defend Mr. Cathy, they left out some inconvenient truths regarding the extent of his homophobia. No spin zone, indeed!
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