Congratulations, gentle reader, you’ve come to the end of another week! As you put up your feet, let your humble servant regale you with a snapshot of miscellaneous items pulled from Fox Nation.
Want to Be Annoyed? Then listen to one of the Ten Songs That Most Annoy Liberals, (at least according to a column reprinted from Mediaite). The top two most annoying songs (outstripping “Taxman” and “Papa Don’t Preach” among others) were “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue” by Toby Keith ("You'll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A. / 'Cos we'll put a boot in your ass / It's the American way") and “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood - the song that got Fox’s knickers in a twist when a New York school principal cancelled a plan to have her kids sing it. ("I'm proud to be an American / Where at least I know I'm free / And I won't forget the men who died/who gave that life to me… ‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land / God bless the USA") The article provides links to the songs in question on YouTube. I won’t include those links in this post; I’m too annoyed.
Presidential Bus-Buzzing. The Romney campaign showed true statesmanlike behavior, as evidenced by this article reprinted from Buzzfeed. One of its buses repeatedly circled an Ohio venue where President Obama was due to speak, and honked its horn dozens of times while Obama supporters jeered and booed.). Some readers posted things like, “I really hoped he'd drive thru the crowd not around it.” But others noted that Romney hasn’t changed much since his days as a high school bully.
Horrendous Obama Deed #863,247: He SIGNED his NAME! The President visited the site of the new World Trade Center, along with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, then signed one of the final steel beams to be installed in the building: “We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger! Barack Obama.”
Boy, Obama can't do anything right to some Fox Nation readers, even when he's commemorating 9/11. One of them wrote: “The part of the signature they did not have pictured says "Death to America. Allah is great. I deserve 4 more years."
Though not all readers felt like that, as witness this exchange:
Todd Starnes Outrage #1,678,932: Perversion 101. Parents in a small town in Washington State complained to local media after their fifth-grade children were given graphic descriptions of oral and anal sex during a sex education class led by an elementary school principal. “I’m one pissed off cowboy,” parent James Gilliand told Fox News Radio. “I didn’t appreciate them teaching my daughter – who is innocent of that – at all.” However, the Superintendent defended the principal’s action, saying the lessons were part of the state’s curriculum on sexually transmitted diseases. “It’s pretty difficult to talk about STDs … without explaining what that is, or how it’s transmitted.” I can’t provide you with reader comments but they must have been pretty rich, because comments are closed.
Bush on a Stick. Whose was that severed head stuck on a spike next to Ned Stark’s in the HBO series “The Game of Thrones”? It was George W. Bush’s, someone from the series said in a DVD commentary. “It’s not a choice; it’s not a political statement,” he said. “We just had to use whatever head we had around.” But some commenters were convinced it was one more example of stinking liberal bias in the entertainment biz, and vowed to unsubscribe from HBO at once: “Unfortunately these people are obssesed with Bush. Really how sad is that!!!” and “Ideology over alienation of customers all day long with these wonks. Despicable:”
May all the dragons you dance with this weekend be friendly!
What anti-abortion people (and other braindead conservatives) don’t seem to get about the song is that the song is a very PRO-CHOICE song. The girl is CHOOSING to keep the baby despite everything her peers are telling her, and she’s reaching out to her father for help and understanding, begging him not to judge her or turn his back on her. (Now, consider how REAL-LIFE “anti-abortion” folks tend to react when their precious little princesses get knocked up, especially by a guy that mom and dad don’t like.)
Exactly how feeble-minded are the right that they think we’ll get up in arms over the lyrics to a song?! I’m not gonna speak for others, but when I judge a song, I judge it by how much integrity the artist shows in it.
Even if I didn’t know the first thing about the types of people musicians I can’t stand are, I would still hate them because they don’t care about their work enough to put much emotion into it. Some of them, like Taylor Swift don’t even care enough to properly perform the song.
If they don’t care… why should I?
But please, Fox Nation… keep pretending you understand complex trends. This attempt did make me smile.