Dario Bard commented on Fox News Licking Its Chops Over Upcoming Benghazi Movie
2015-07-30 14:28:26 -0400
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Three clicks gets me here:
The documentary’s producer is a political consulting firm friendly to Republicans. How is this legal under federal election law? Thank you, Citizens United.
The documentary’s producer is a political consulting firm friendly to Republicans. How is this legal under federal election law? Thank you, Citizens United.
Dario Bard commented on Bill O’Reilly’s Barbaric Attack On Planned Parenthood
2015-07-29 16:59:58 -0400
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Is it just me or does Powers look like she is in a hostage video here? When she made her first statement, I thought she was being sarcastic at first. Last time she was on the Factor was the time she got into a shouting match with O’Reilly on race relations, right? She is very subdued here, letting Bill interrupt her (even when she agrees with him!) and not saying anything unless she is asked a question.
Dario Bard commented on Elisabeth Hasselbeck Defends Police Treatment Of Sandra Bland: Her Cigarette Could Have Been A Weapon!
2015-07-29 10:07:53 -0400
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What happened to Sandy Bland is so awful I just can’t get it out of my mind. I’ve watched the video several times and it seems to me the police officer was trying to provoke Ms. Bland. First, he pulls her over on such a minor traffic infraction. Then, he asks her if she is irritated. When she responds, he asks her, “Are you done?” Then asks her to put out her cigarette. Then asks her to step out of the car. When she refuses, he threatens to shoot her. Then he opens the door and tries to drag her out … unbelievable. This is awful enough on its on, but then made horrifically so when she ends up dead in a jail cell.
Dario Bard commented on Imus Attacks ‘Loser’ Dana Perino Shortly Before Announcing He’s Leaving Fox Business
2015-04-29 12:26:32 -0400
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That was a very poor interview she gave. Her replies were inane and you can’t blame Imus for cutting her off when she was about to go into another silly anecdote, this time about being a country music DJ.
Dario Bard commented on O’Reilly Airs CBS Riot Video But There Are Still Open Questions About His Claims
2015-02-24 19:39:31 -0500
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Notice how O’Reilly clearly misleads in the second video.
0:35 “One time in a war zone, in Argentina, in the Falklands”
Here he clearly gives the impression he is in the Falklands.
0:45 " … and the army was chasing us … "
Again, giving the impression he was in the midst of armed conflict. Notice he says “the army” and not “the police” again giving the impression he is on the islands and not in the Plaza de Mayo. Compare to first video which talks about police repression of protestors, not army repression.
0:35 “One time in a war zone, in Argentina, in the Falklands”
Here he clearly gives the impression he is in the Falklands.
0:45 " … and the army was chasing us … "
Again, giving the impression he was in the midst of armed conflict. Notice he says “the army” and not “the police” again giving the impression he is on the islands and not in the Plaza de Mayo. Compare to first video which talks about police repression of protestors, not army repression.
Dario Bard commented on Darren Wilson’s Lack Of Remorse For Killing Michael Brown Makes Him Even More Loveable To Fox News
2014-11-27 16:02:25 -0500
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The tone of this segment is so flippant that it’s hard to stomach when you consider they are talking about the death of a 19 year old.
“It’s like going back to holding hands once you’ve gone to third base in a relationship,” she quipped.
That drew appreciative titters all around.
Read more at http://www.newshounds.us/darren_wilson_s_lack_of_remorse_for_killing_michael_brown_makes_him_even_more_loveable_to_fox_news_11262014#Jp6GpGXLCeX8g5Xg.99
“It’s like going back to holding hands once you’ve gone to third base in a relationship,” she quipped.
That drew appreciative titters all around.
Read more at http://www.newshounds.us/darren_wilson_s_lack_of_remorse_for_killing_michael_brown_makes_him_even_more_loveable_to_fox_news_11262014#Jp6GpGXLCeX8g5Xg.99
Dario Bard commented on O’Reilly Lectures Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama About How To Prevent Teen Pregnancy
2014-02-28 06:08:42 -0500
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Has O’Reilly ever looked more full of himself than he does in this clip?
Dario Bard commented on Dennis Kucinich A Fox News Tool Discussing Bradley Manning And Wikileaks
2013-06-06 21:24:28 -0400
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Kucinich is espousing an anti-Obama message, but its not the message Fox News wants to hear, as can be seen from O’Reilly’s reaction. Frankly, I’m with Kucinich on this. What is being done to Bradley Manning is wrong; he exposed a war crime (the cold-blooded murder of journalists by a US helicopter gunship) and the right thing for the admin to do is to persecute those responsible. But we shouldn’t expect that of an admin that failed to keep its promise to close Guantanamo and believes it has the right to kill US citizens or anyone in a drone strike anywhere in the world. Obama’s foreign policy really is indefensible.
Dario Bard commented on Michelle Malkin Thinks Chris Rock, Jamie Foxx, Sandra Fluke Are Crazy? Really?
2013-02-07 16:35:57 -0500
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Why does she keep glancing over to her left I wonder.
Dario Bard commented on Peter Johnson Jr. Scapegoats "Insane People" In Gun Crime Discussion
2013-02-06 15:27:13 -0500
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Brian, excellent observation.
Dario Bard commented on Another Laura Ingraham Whinefest About Persecuted Christians
2012-07-03 14:40:11 -0400
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David Silverman did an awesome job. You can tell by how irritated Ingraham gets.