When “pro-life” Ainsley Earhardt and Rachel Campos-Duffy suggest that God is the only solution to children slaughtered by assault rifles in school, what they really mean is they are willing to let it keep happening.
From their perches promoting Fox News bigotry and hate mongering, “pro-lifers” Ainsley Earhardt and Rachel Campos-Duffy held themselves up as shining examples of piety in the face of evil, such as the shooter who slaughtered 19 elementary students at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. But while they were busy showing off their God cred, they showed no interest in any concrete steps that might prevent such tragedies in the future.
Earhardt began her preaching with praise for Campos-Duffy’s worship:
EARHARDT: So, I agree with you that families and individuals out there that have a void in their heart, God is the answer to that. God can fill that and change you and change your life and turn you into a better person. But this is pure evil. Anyone that can do this, they obviously don't value human life because no one could point a gun at a child and pull the trigger. It is just unconscionable. We cannot even wrap our heads around this.
What did your conversation look like with your children when y'all prayed? God bless you for doing that. You're raising these children the right way.
Never mind that both Earhardt and Campos-Duffy earn their Murdoch-funded paychecks by spreading hate and divisiveness. Earhardt not only promoted the Big Lie about the 2020 election, she blamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine on President Biden and she’s the gal pal of one of Fox’s top hate mongers, Sean Hannity.
As for Campos-Duffy, she cheered attacks against Jedediah Bila before replacing her as a weekend Fox & Friends cohost. Campos-Duffy also successfully auditioned for the spot by echoing Tucker Carlson and attacking the military as dangerously progressive; she blamed “African American culture” for Republican losses in Georgia; and probably most importantly, she, too, promoted the Big Lie.
Not surprisingly, Campos-Duffy used the aftermath of the shooting to point fingers at liberals.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: We took God out of schools and we wonder how this evil comes in. We've left a vacuum there in the lives of so many children. And that's why I was so grateful that you had this counselor on who was unafraid to talk about spirituality and, and really our country as a whole just descending. And I mean, we're living in a time of unprecedented crime, unprecedented drug abuse. A hundred thousand people died of fentanyl abuse. The repercussions of that on families. It’s a wave of things. And so there's a lot to be done, but we can start with God and I appreciate you guys so much.
Cohost Will Cain was on board with the God deflection:
CAIN: I share your sentiment. I think it's unanimous now. So, we have to get to the root of the problem. We do suffer from nihilism and the loss of meaning, and that is directly connected to the loss of spirituality. We can effectuate change, but it's as much prayer as it as policy. It is as much in your home as it is at the ballot box and or more so in your home as at the ballot box.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not anti-religion at all. I’ll even go so far as to say that these three could be right that more of it might be beneficial, though I will staunchly defend my own agnosticism, thank you.
But more prayer and religion (and we know that on Fox, that means Christianity) are not going to stop the mass shootings now. It's not as though prayer and God are about to be mandated by law in schools or anywhere else. But stricter gun laws, like we had during the assault weapons ban, when gun massacres dropped, could and would more likely make a faster difference.
It’s very telling that not one of these cohosts seemed to consider that.
You can watch it below, from the May 25, 2022 Fox & Friends, via Media Matters.
And if you’ll all pardon me, though I may have lived in FL for over thirty years now, I’m still a Jersey girl at heart and have the mouth to go with it when I think the circumstances call for it, and those two women are biggest c-words with a capital C !