Dick Morris was back (again) on Fox last night. And just in time to help divert attention away from the growing Chris Christie “Bridgegate” scandal and trump up Hillary Clinton’s “enemies list” as a bigger scandal. Just pay no attention to Morris’ disgraceful and discredited record or his long-standing grudge against Hillary Clinton. Fox News certainly didn’t mention it.
In case you missed it – i.e. you haven’t been watching Fox News – an excerpt from a forthcoming book reports that in 2008 Hillary Clinton’s campaign aides made a list of people who had endorsed her, who had backed then-candidate Barack Obama and who had remained neutral. Media Matters points out:
But the (authors) also note that the list’s creation was “standard operating procedure for any high-end political organization” and “a necessity of modern political warfare.” In the penultimate paragraph, they write:
It would be political malpractice for the Clintons not to keep track of their friends and enemies. Politicians do that everywhere. The difference is the Clintons, because of their popularity and the positions they’ve held, retain more power to reward and punish than anyone else in modern politics. And while their aides have long and detailed memories, the sheer volume of the political figures they interact with makes a cheat sheet indispensable.
In other words, every politician has such a list, but the Clintons’ list is longer and more detailed because they’ve dealt with more people over lengthy careers in politics at its highest level.
But for Dick Morris and Sean Hannity, the list “proves” that Clinton is at least as corrupt as, and probably more corrupt than Chris Christie!
Morris, disingenuously introduced as a “former Clinton advisor,” declared, “There is a Nixonian trend to Hillary Clinton.” Morris then embarked upon two reminiscences about that streak. Even Hannity seemed dubious as he asked no questions about the Hillary machinations Morris had supposedly just revealed.
But maybe that’s just because Hannity had bigger 2016-potential fish to fry. He said:
The media reaction to Chris Christie: Alright, now, he did something pretty dynamic and he boxed himself in. I mean, he went out there, took questions for two hours, fired the people responsible. And he left no wiggle room for himself. You compare the media reaction to this but she’s got an enemies list.
Of course, Morris got with the program and brought up more Hillary dirt, i.e. the Gates memoir that claims Hillary opposed the surge in Iraq for political reasons. You may recall that Hannity and his Fox News colleagues have previously accused the media of harping on Christie's "Bridgegate" scandal in order to distract from the (non) scandal of Gates' revelations. Morris said:
Here you have a potential candidate for president saying that she allowed her political ambitions to get in the way of how she felt and voted and spoke about a measure to protect 100,000 service men in combat in Iraq.
Hannity continued by prodding Morris to dredge up more Clinton dirt as "proof" that she's worse than Christie:
We know there’s a built-in double standard. Alright, standard operation procedure in the mainstream media. I get it. What are her biggest obstacles? She appears to be the anointed nominee, even at this early date, for the Democratic Party.
“The nice things about the Clintons is that the scandals keep updating themselves,” Morris sneered gleefully. He said that Clinton is vulnerable on the left and that a “left-wing challenger” such as Elizabeth Warren “could derail her” the way Obama did in 2008.
Not good enough for Hannity. He asked, “Why do I keep hearing whispers, nobody will really say it out loud, …that she had health issues that were far more severe than what was publicly revealed?”
Uncharacteristically, Morris didn’t know and didn’t want to speculate. Instead, he said Clinton’s “close connections with Wall Street” could really hurt her with the left.
As for Hillary’s 2016 candidacy? “If she’s breathing, she’s running,” Morris said. “If there’s a pulse, there’s a candidacy.” And, pretending he still has some connection to the Clintons, Morris said that Bill Clinton feels, “If she wins, it will be like a vindication of his impeachment.”
Finally, Hannity closed with the subject that is obviously really on his mind; “Is Christie going to get out of the pickle he’s in?”
Unfortunately, for Fox’s 2016 outlook, Morris did not sound especially optimistic. “Christie’s not home free,” he said. “Lots of questions there. …I think he’s in trouble.”
But then, in a final note, Morris reverted back to dragging Clinton into it. “It’s so interesting the two front runners both have got problems right now,” he added.
At Fux Noise it’s Volume, Volume, Volume!
Plus the fact Darth Cheney was really running the show, so Dubya didn’t need an enemies list. He just used Cheney’s.
As for ‘lil dick, if he’s breathing, he’s sucking (toes.)
Morris said that Bill Clinton feels, “If she wins, it will be like a vindication of his impeachment.”
Can someone kindly explain to me — how on earth her winning the Presidency has anything to DO with him being impeached . . . much less VINDICATES it???
You just know it’ll be coming.
So now they try to play each bit of the Christie story as somehow being an opening to attack President Obama or the Clintons. Christie makes a public statement about firing people and being embarrassed and sorry over what happened? Somehow this is a sign of integrity and virtue. Don’t pay attention to the fact that Christie’s operation was shutting down a public highway to execute political payback. Don’t pay attention to the fact that Christie is now using ignorance as an excuse to get himself around the more serious issues that could arise if it’s shown that he in fact did know about what his people were doing.
Then we get to this bit of political inside baseball about the Hillary Clinton campaign’s spreadsheet of who had backed them and who hadn’t – particularly in terms of who had promised support and reneged and who they had supported but who had then turned on them. Is that an “enemies list”? Or is that just typical politics – a list of who you think you can count on, and who has demonstrated themselves to be unreliable. It’s not a bad idea to keep in mind someone who you stumped for that suddenly backed the other horse. If that guy calls you for support again, you can reference that he wasn’t there for you. This is all a normal part of politics, frankly, and all candidates do it.
And I don’t recall hearing that the Clintons tried to shut down a highway because someone had backed President Obama in the primaries. I don’t recall the Clintons endangering citizens to act out a partisan or intraparty fight. That’s a pretty crucial difference.
An even sillier moment happened on Megyn Kelly’s show when she had her regular Obama attacker Mark Thiessen discuss this situation by flat out lying on the air. Thiessen actually stated that the George W. Bush administration had no list like this, and that they didn’t keep track of people who opposed them. That’s a pretty brazen rewriting of history, considering the entire Valerie Plame matter, and the firing of the attorneys by Gonzalez, just to name two of the more egregious instances. That Thiessen can say this on the air and not be challenged is just another example of how little balance there really is on Fox News.