Bret Baier Uses "Trivial" Transgender Bias Complaint To Bash Obama's DOJ?
On the right wing list of things most loathed, President Obama is right on top. Following close behind is the LGBT community which, according to today's radical right, is imposing a nefarious agenda meant to destroy heterosexual America as we know it. As the mouthpiece for the right, Fox News never wastes an opportunity to bash Obama and his administration - and that, sadly, includes mocking the transgender community. Last week, alleged official Fox "news" host Bret Baier, demonstrated that there is no depth to which Fox News will not sink when it comes to smearing Obama and, in the process, attacking an innocent American who was just fighting for her rights.
Read moreFox Distorts Nature Climate Climate Change Study's Findings In Order To Promote Climate-Change Skepticism ran a story entitled "Global warming sleptics as knowledgeable about science as climate change believers." According to the article "people who are not that worried about the effects of global warming tend to have a slightly higher level of scientific knowledge than those who are worried.” But Fox failed to note that the questions asked by the study it was citing had no relation to climate change and that the study considered more variables than Fox decided to mention.
Read moreDonald Trump To Appear On On The Record Tonight - Will Greta Van Susteren Challenge His Birtherism?
Donald Trump is back in his birther boy saddle again. And he's scheduled to appear on On The Record tonight. Will "liberal" Greta Van Susteren challenge him on this? Indications so far suggest not.
Read moreFox News Sunday Snubs Democrats Again
This weekend's Fox News Sunday joined our growing list of programs without a Democratic guest. This week's guests were not just non-Democrats, but Republican John McCain and Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who "explained" why some Catholic organizations are suing the Obama administration.
Read moreHow Fox News Gets Away With Its Lies...
...The mainstream media lets them. Crooks and Liars found a perfect example of Fox News getting a pass on one of its more egregious lies: Roger Ailes told a whopper during a recent speech, saying that Fox News employs only one conservative vs. 24 liberals. But on CNN's Reliable Sources, Howard Kurtz somehow missed that - along with several other outrageous Ailes statements - in order to focus on a smear of the New York Times... which Kurtz noted, a Fox spokesman walked back for Ailes.
Read moreAmerican Financier Targeted By Murdoch Private Detective
There's a new American twist to the Murdoch scandals. Reuters reported a few days ago that the name of American financier Robert Agostinelli turned up as a "blagging" target of private investigator Steve Whittamore, working on behalf of the Murdoch tabloid News of the World - which shut down in the wake of the phone hacking scandals that have engulfed the Murdoch empire. "Blagging" is a British term for obtaining information under false pretenses. In this case, someone misrepresented him or herself to get a copy of Agostinelli's hotel bill. (H/T Eric J.)
Read moreFox News Claims SCOTUS "Intimidated" By Socialized-Medicine-Loving Democrats
Sometime in June, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare” to Fox News believers). As the time approaches, the war of words is heating up on both sides - though judging from Friday’s “On the Record,” it’s the liberals’ fault because they’re trying to bully the judges into upholding the bill.
Read moreChris Wallace Cites Right Wing Media Research Center Data On "Blackout" Of Catholic Lawsuit News
The right wing Media Research Center (MRC) is in a tizzy because the evil, librul media isn't obsessing, as is Fox News, about what conservative Catholics are calling "unprecedented" lawsuits filed by Catholic entities against the evil, librul Obama HHS. This whine is fast becoming part of the dialogue on Fox News which never wastes an opportunity to feature their patented "outrages" against American Christians. As reported by the MRC blog "Newsbusters," dedicated to ferreting out evil, librul bias in the non "fair & balanced" media, good conservative Catholic Eric Bolling mentioned this travesty to fellow conservative Catholic and - drum roll please - MRC honcho Tim Graham when Bolling filled in for Neil Cavuto last week. Bolling and Graham suggested that this Catholic "diss" was coordinated by an Obama loving press. On Friday's Fox & Friends, Mike Huckabee was asked about why the press was ignoring this. And yesterday, even Chris Wallace, in a discussion of the mandate with Washington DC's Cardinal Wuerl, used the MRC's "data" in one of the questions. So a "fair & balanced" "news" show sources from an agenda driven source? Who knew!
Read moreWe've Got Mail - For Fox News
It's time to empty our mail bag again - of emails meant for Fox News but inexplicably sent to us. Here again is a stunning assortment of communiques which some say could be proof that watching Fox News makes you ignorant.
Read moreGot Irony? Fr. Jonathan Morris Whines About "Shameless Bias" Of Mainstream Media!
The newest meme in the right wing world of victimization and self aggrandizing paranoia is that the evil, godless mainstream media isn't paying proper attention to the newest right wing fight card - Catholic Bishops vs. President Obama. The right wing "Media Research Center," headed by Fox fave and muy macho Brent Bozell, claims that the evil, librul media has devoted only 19 seconds to "the biggest religious lawsuit" evah which, according to the facially hirsute Bozell, is the "worst bias" he's seen in 25 years. For the deeply conservative Catholic Bozell, this very mortal sin of "deliberate and insidious withholding of national news" is "despicable." Since he published his scorching exposé, a group of so called Catholic leaders have expressed, as headlined on Bozell's Media Research website, their "fury." Joining the pedophile priest defender Bill Donohue, and number of radical right wing, GOP friendly Catholics is - drum roll please - Fox priest Fr. Jonathan Morris whose written statement about "shameless bias" is a tad ironic given his place of employment and his function therein!
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