Sandman2 commented on Megyn Kelly And Mark Fuhrman Use Baltimore Riots To Smear African American Community As A Whole
2015-04-29 09:56:17 -0400
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I hate to say this, but, It’s my belief that when the Police say they are investigating this incident, I can only think they are waiting for and investigating whether or not any video exists of what happened to the dead individual killed while in custody. Once no video evidence is found, they will exonerate the cops involved and brush it under the rug.
This sort of criminal activity has been more exposed by the massive wave of average folks video taping police confrontations. Now we just need “good” cops to stand up and expose the “bad” cops and there enablers(other cops, top brass, district attorneys) who take cops “word-for-it” 99.9% of the time, even when it doesn’t make sense.
This sort of criminal activity has been more exposed by the massive wave of average folks video taping police confrontations. Now we just need “good” cops to stand up and expose the “bad” cops and there enablers(other cops, top brass, district attorneys) who take cops “word-for-it” 99.9% of the time, even when it doesn’t make sense.
Sandman2 commented on Got Irony? Bill O'Reilly Warns About 'Deception' In The News!
2015-04-23 02:39:23 -0400
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This is new territory for O’Reilly. In the past he saved his “stank-eye” for those who dared to drop his weekly newspaper article or radio stations who dropped his “Radio-Factor” show!
He seems to be running out of “enemies” and is increasingly propping up straw men to attack in response to perceived slights.
How small of a bubble does this charlatan live in?
He seems to be running out of “enemies” and is increasingly propping up straw men to attack in response to perceived slights.
How small of a bubble does this charlatan live in?
Sandman2 commented on Bill O’Reilly’s One Percent Worries For Campaign 2016
2015-04-21 17:05:32 -0400
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Most communities give years worth of property tax breaks to large business’s who pledge to move business into there community.
Hey Bill, how much more must my property taxes go up to support a business that I don’t work for? Hhmmmmm?
How many “part-time” jobs must a business fill to make up the loss individuals incur by not getting benefits? I would no amount of jobs would make up for that! Do you disagree Bill?
How many access roads must my tax dollars build in order to satisfy the wealthy out-of-state owners of this business?
How much of my tax dollars will be spent on getting “utilities” like electric and sewer to the new business?
Will the new business cut me a check when they donate money to a local sports team and get a tax break for it? Did that contribution come from company funds which also included money gained from other tax breaks, like property taxes?
Are they receiving 2 tax breaks on the same dollar? Is that legal? My guess is that it is legal!
Poor O’Reilly, I had no idea he was suffering so badly due to his opulence!
Hey Bill, how much more must my property taxes go up to support a business that I don’t work for? Hhmmmmm?
How many “part-time” jobs must a business fill to make up the loss individuals incur by not getting benefits? I would no amount of jobs would make up for that! Do you disagree Bill?
How many access roads must my tax dollars build in order to satisfy the wealthy out-of-state owners of this business?
How much of my tax dollars will be spent on getting “utilities” like electric and sewer to the new business?
Will the new business cut me a check when they donate money to a local sports team and get a tax break for it? Did that contribution come from company funds which also included money gained from other tax breaks, like property taxes?
Are they receiving 2 tax breaks on the same dollar? Is that legal? My guess is that it is legal!
Poor O’Reilly, I had no idea he was suffering so badly due to his opulence!
Sandman2 commented on Fox’s Jarrett And McInerney Team Up To Blame Everything Wrong In Iraq On Obama (And Forget About Bush/Cheney)
2015-04-20 12:06:07 -0400
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This meme’ is becoming the norm for the right-wing. I hear idiots on talk radio spewing this all the time and FNC is getting into the mix as well.
Unfortunately, people have short memories and fall for this misinformation that the right-wing puts out.
Some people(foxNews viewers) are more convinced by lies than facts.
Unfortunately, people have short memories and fall for this misinformation that the right-wing puts out.
Some people(foxNews viewers) are more convinced by lies than facts.
Sandman2 commented on Bill O’Reilly’s Racial Grievance Against Charles Blow And Michael Eric Dyson
2015-04-20 12:00:18 -0400
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O’Reilly calls out blacks with his racially charged rhetoric and then complains when they answer him back?
Then he hides by not having them on to have a “discussion” about why he is a douche bag race baiter himself.
What a sad petty man he is.
Then he hides by not having them on to have a “discussion” about why he is a douche bag race baiter himself.
What a sad petty man he is.
Sandman2 commented on Fox News And Ann Coulter Want Voter Literacy Tests To Make Voting More Difficult
2015-04-16 22:11:56 -0400
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Kilmeade is calling for a poll-tax…plain and simple.
Either he is an idiot and hasn’t bothered to inform himself about the history of our Country as regards to the reason “racists” enacted “poll-tax’s” to prevent poor uneducated minorities from voting; ooooorrrrrrr he is a RACIST!
Which is it Kilmeade: Are you RACIST, or just REALLY F#*KING STUPID????
I think it’s a two-fer!!!
Either he is an idiot and hasn’t bothered to inform himself about the history of our Country as regards to the reason “racists” enacted “poll-tax’s” to prevent poor uneducated minorities from voting; ooooorrrrrrr he is a RACIST!
Which is it Kilmeade: Are you RACIST, or just REALLY F#*KING STUPID????
I think it’s a two-fer!!!
Sandman2 commented on Stossel Schools ‘Crybaby’ O’Reilly Over ‘War On Christianity’
2015-04-15 09:57:09 -0400
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When Stossel gets fired for this insubordination O’Reilly will start calling him a “General” in the war on Christianity.
Should be interesting to see how much “hay” O’Reilly can make out of this “feud.”
You’re a proven liar, O’Reilly. Why should anyone show you “respect?” We secularists, agnostics, and atheists should be allowed to show respect to those who earn it and not just those who demand it. O’Reilly wasn’t paying as much attention during his Catholic school classes as real Christians(and atheists) were, and it shows every night. It even goes back to his dishonest reporting days when he worked for reputable news organizations like ABC and CBS.
Please get a clue O’Reilly, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Should be interesting to see how much “hay” O’Reilly can make out of this “feud.”
You’re a proven liar, O’Reilly. Why should anyone show you “respect?” We secularists, agnostics, and atheists should be allowed to show respect to those who earn it and not just those who demand it. O’Reilly wasn’t paying as much attention during his Catholic school classes as real Christians(and atheists) were, and it shows every night. It even goes back to his dishonest reporting days when he worked for reputable news organizations like ABC and CBS.
Please get a clue O’Reilly, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Sandman2 commented on Megyn Kelly Thinks She Should Interview Hillary Clinton – For Clinton’s Own Good
2015-04-14 17:49:06 -0400
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I’d love it if Hillary hired Anthony Weiner as her spokesperson with the express job of going on FNC and when he’s done laughing at the insulting questions that FNC hosts are known for, he could give the insults right back at them!
Let him loose to handle all Fox interviews on her behalf and maybe hire Bill Burton as Press Secretary for all others!
Let him loose to handle all Fox interviews on her behalf and maybe hire Bill Burton as Press Secretary for all others!
Sandman2 commented on O’Reilly Warns Hillary Clinton: Stay Away From Media Matters – Or Else!
2015-04-14 17:36:25 -0400
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I assume this means that O’Reilly’s Producers will have to empty out there “rolodex” and un-invite most of there FNC contributors?
No Dick Morris, Dennis Miller, Karl Rove, etc.?
Something tells me that O’Reilly might be LYING again.
Do they make a “12 step program” to get liars to quit the lying habit?
No Dick Morris, Dennis Miller, Karl Rove, etc.?
Something tells me that O’Reilly might be LYING again.
Do they make a “12 step program” to get liars to quit the lying habit?
Sandman2 commented on Hannity’s Slavery-Loving Pal Blames Walter Scott For His Death – And The Other Guest Walks Off!
2015-04-10 17:25:42 -0400
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Had this not happened over the weekend and there was no video release until today or next week, Hannity would have been all behind the cop’s story.
The video came out and Hannity didn’t have time to smear the victim.
I’m still a little surprised that he didn’t take the cop’s side since he already proved that video doesn’t really matter(I can’t breathe).
The video came out and Hannity didn’t have time to smear the victim.
I’m still a little surprised that he didn’t take the cop’s side since he already proved that video doesn’t really matter(I can’t breathe).
Sandman2 commented on Megyn Kelly Should Hand In Her Own Resignation If She Thinks Rolling Stone’s Sabrina Erdely Should Be Fired
2015-04-09 09:55:45 -0400
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Thanks Ellen, for bursting this guys bubble with links and facts! Although I’m sure he is still grumbling about the NBPP crap he heard on “Hot-air,” “Breitbart,” “Mark Levin,” or some other proven to be lying reich-wing outlet!
I’d say you’re doing “Gods” work, if I believed in that!
I’d say you’re doing “Gods” work, if I believed in that!
Sandman2 commented on Sean Hannity Suggests It’s Not Worthwhile For Rand Paul Or Republicans To Reach Out To Minorities
2015-04-09 09:44:54 -0400
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I agree with Hannity! Rand Paul shouldn’t pander to the minority vote since, as a Republican, he is not sincere and would cut any program that helps minorities and the less fortunate.
Just saying!
Just saying!
Sandman2 commented on Hannity Pal Mark Steyn: I Don’t Think Obama Is A Christian
2015-04-09 09:38:57 -0400
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I wish FNC would stop “persecuting” Christians!
Sandman2 commented on Bill O’Reilly: I Trust Iran More Than The American Press
2015-04-07 12:37:35 -0400
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Was the Hume interview before or after O’Reilly had Judith Miller on his show?
He would have had the perfect opportunity to attack the “press” since he was interviewing one of the most dishonest purveyors of recent times.
I saw the Miller interview and didn’t notice his “over-the-top” bravado he uses when talking about so-called Liberal “guttersnipes” he accuses of dishonesty.
I assume that’s because O’Reilly agreed with everything Judith Miller printed and likely used her articles as source material to bang the drums of war in Iraq as he did after the invasion of Afghanistan.
With O’Reilly’s journalistic acumen, I can’t wait for his hard hitting interview with Dick Morris about how horrible Hillary was to Morris 25 years ago.
He would have had the perfect opportunity to attack the “press” since he was interviewing one of the most dishonest purveyors of recent times.
I saw the Miller interview and didn’t notice his “over-the-top” bravado he uses when talking about so-called Liberal “guttersnipes” he accuses of dishonesty.
I assume that’s because O’Reilly agreed with everything Judith Miller printed and likely used her articles as source material to bang the drums of war in Iraq as he did after the invasion of Afghanistan.
With O’Reilly’s journalistic acumen, I can’t wait for his hard hitting interview with Dick Morris about how horrible Hillary was to Morris 25 years ago.
Sandman2 commented on Fox Promotes Trump’s New D.C. Hotel: You Can Make Gestures At The IRS!
2015-04-04 15:36:07 -0400
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So……add “fluffer” to Van Suckup’s resume’?
Sandman2 commented on Bill O'Reilly, Christian "Defender," Says Opponents Of Anti-Gay Laws Are Christian Hating Terrorists
2015-04-04 15:30:50 -0400
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It must come as quite a surprise to O’Reilly that many “gay” folks consider themselves to be Christian.
Or is that information not relevant because of “The Factors” ratings????
Snark Accomplished
Or is that information not relevant because of “The Factors” ratings????
Snark Accomplished
Sandman2 commented on Did Fox Turn A Blind Eye To Death Threats Against Targeted Arizona State U Professor?
2015-04-03 10:09:28 -0400
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Sandman2 commented on O’Reilly Speaks Out In Support Of Iran Nuclear Deal
2015-04-03 10:01:50 -0400
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My chin is on the ground.
My chin is on the ground.
Sandman2 commented on Donald Trump Has Some Advice For John Kerry On Negotiating With Iran
2015-04-03 09:56:17 -0400
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Hhmm, I guess the Obama Administration didn’t need Trump after all!
You might be right T Lrse, Trump filed for bankruptcy 3 times, I think, and is still a Billionaire. That does take some good negotiating skills to pass your debt on to the public and screw the people you owe money too, and still come out with a gigantic thoughtless ego.
The sooner people like T Lrse learn that Trump is a clown the better.
You might be right T Lrse, Trump filed for bankruptcy 3 times, I think, and is still a Billionaire. That does take some good negotiating skills to pass your debt on to the public and screw the people you owe money too, and still come out with a gigantic thoughtless ego.
The sooner people like T Lrse learn that Trump is a clown the better.