During his hour-long interview with Rand Paul last night, Sean Hannity sounded very skeptical as he asked Paul about his outreach to minority voters.
Hannity discussed the just-announced Republican candidate’s stance on the Civil Rights Act and allowed him to whitewash his record of opposition to it. Then Hannity switched to Paul’s outreach (some say “pandering”) to minority voters.
HANNITY: Are you convinced that you can get a higher percentage of the black vote in America, the Hispanic vote in America, the minority vote in America, do you think this outreach will pay off for them? Because the numbers aren’t good. 90%, every presidential election.
Hannity seemed to be saying that there’s no point in reaching out to minorities because they’re too obtuse to pay attention. It begs the question as to whether Hannity thinks Republicans should ignore minority concerns in their policies and platforms as well.
Paul didn’t ask, of course. He did, however, suggest that it’s imperative for Republicans to keep trying.
PAUL: I don’t know. I will do everything I can to try to get more minority votes. I also realize that until the Republican party becomes more diverse, we won’t win.
He went on to say that when he is polled against Hillary Clinton in blue and purple states, he does better than any of the other Republicans. “That’s because I get independent vote and because I think I’m getting a percentage of the minority vote.”
But maybe Hannity thinks Paul would be better off campaigning in white neighborhoods only.
Watch it below, from last night’s Hannity.
Rand Paul doesn’t get it, of course. It’s not just that the Republican party needs more diversity, it’s that they need a diversity of ideas that do not include demonizing the poor, minorities, and women for their circumstances, beliefs, or out of simple fear of the “other”.
“Race Hustler Hannocchio is not qualified to interview any presidential candidates. He lacks a BA Degree in Journalism.”
Hmmmmmmmmmm, by any chance, “BA” doesn’t stand for BULL ARTIST, does it Antoinette?
Race Hustler Hannocchio is not qualified to interview any presidential candidates. He lacks a BA Degree in Journalism. You can tell by his shoddy interviews.
This Long Island street hustler is very competitive when it comes to getting the story. He will do anything, and we mean anything to get that first interview. This trait is not new. He’s been this greedy since his days at WVNN and Atlanta. He was a piece of work when he worked in Atlanta. Calling on the phone to get that first interview. He wouldn’t give up until he had that interview. This rapidly aging clown has his staff call and call and call until the guest says yes.
The suits are allowing Hannocchio to roam the globe during the presidential campaigns for this year, and next. It will cost them dollars putting this Long Island Lolito in suites at four and five-star hotels. He’s not worth it.
The Second Floor is useless. The suits that run around this horror skyscraper are unqualified to work in television news. College students are more qualified than them.
Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? You are aging rapidly before our eyes. Your hate and venom is eating away your dark soul. Soon people will mistake you as your children’s grandfather. In fact, you do look like your children’s grandfather.
You know what? I kinda agree.
They show their disdain for minorities at just about any opportunity, otherwise — why should they expect to get the minority vote on election day?
Riiiiight, Mr Aqua Buddha. Of course, you do realize you have to win votes in the REPUBLICON PRIMARY before you can get the nomination, right? And you do realize a lot of GOP primaries and caucuses (especially, the caucuses) are restricted to GOP voters. And there aren’t really a lot of “independent” or “minority” voters who vote in GOP primaries or caucuses.
Of course, a lot of those “independent” and “minority” voters could do for you what they did for that Mississippi Republicon and help you win the nomination and then turn around and vote for their preferred Democrat in the general election. (That latter part didn’t work in Mississippi because that state’s so
OTOH, I strongly doubt that once those “independent” and “minority” voters are presented with the real Rand Paul (complete with your not-so-libertarian policies towards LGBTs and women as well as your stated desire to repeal the hard-fought civil rights laws from the 1960s), they’ll see you’re nothing but a typical GOPig and head directly for the Democratic ballot.