Piers Morgan wants a job at Fox News. He said so to Politico last week. And presto, chango, Morgan was on Hannity last night blasting President Obama and blaming him for the rise of ISIS with lots of Fox News buzzwords like “leading from behind,” “making America look weak,” etc.
The former CNN host told Today yesterday that he’s “itching to get back” on American television. Last week, Morgan told Politico, “If Rupert Murdoch sat me down tomorrow and said, ‘We want to put you on the Fox network in prime time.’ … Well, I’m not stupid.”
What a coincidence, then, that Morgan should happen to write a column for The Daily Mail, where he’s now an editor-at-large, blasting President Obama. Coincidentally, that column made it to Fox Nation. Morgan, himself, made it to a prime time appearance on the Hannity show last night.
Before he got to bashing Obama, Morgan buttered up host Sean Hannity by making a big deal about having “appreciated” how “chivalrous” Hannity had been while they were competitors on the air.
Then Morgan went after Obama with words that could have been scripted by Roger Ailes, himself.
MORGAN: When I look at the spread of ISIS through the Middle East, a lot of it comes back, it seems to me, to Obama’s foreign policy strategy: “I like to lead from behind.” …America shouldn’t be leading anything from behind. America is, at its best, a great superpower. …America has to be confident and bold and strong and decisive. And it’s that lack of decision-making that I think leads to the issues we now face.
Morgan also blasted Obama over another fave Fox attack: Not calling the Oklahoma beheading and the Fort Hood shooting “Islamic terrorism” and not saying we’re at war with ISIS. Morgan called that “nonsense rhetoric.”
And then Morgan got to golfing:
MORGAN: It’s not good enough to simply say, “Yeah, I’m really upset about this beheading” and then seven minutes later, as Obama did, go to a golf course and be seen goofing around on the first tee. That really hit home to me.
Morgan really went to town with the golf thing, which just happens to be a another Fox meme. He cited a survey in which somebody counted up all the hours Obama has spent playing golf since he became president. “It was about 850 hours, if you base it on a five-hour round,” Morgan claimed.
Then it was on to the “missed intelligence briefing” canard. “He spent 200 more hours whacking a golf ball than attending his daily briefings,” Morgan dubiously claimed. “Now, it’s not as simplistic as that,” Morgan acknowledged. “But it sent such terrible imagery to me and I, basically, have always been reasonably supportive of him.”
Sure he was. Right up until it was in Morgan's self-interest not to be.
The discussion moved on to a debate over gun control. Hannity ended the discussion saying he’d “love to invite” Morgan back and Morgan saying he’d “love to” come back.
Evidence of Morgan’s involvement in the Murdoch-owned tabloids phone hacking scandal never came up.
Watch the audition below.
Nixon trainee Ailes is in the business of keeping Fox “News” number one. The feedback from viewers will determine if Morgan is hired by Fox “News.”
The Trainee made a big mistake hiring Actor Glenn Beck. He won’t make the same mistake twice.
We never did trust Morgan. This is the same man who worked with Ruthless Rupy years ago. Anyone in Ruthless’ shadow is never to be trusted. Morgan is the type of man who would sell out his best friends to keep his broadcasting career.
Photo Opt Hannocchio is the same way. He would sell his soul to the devil to keep his broadcasting career from sinking.
By my count, since taking office on January 20, 2009, Obama’s been the President for some 50,000 hours. And we’re supposed to be upset at his playing golf for 850? That’s about 1.7% of his entire presidency.
On the other hand, how many hours of “vacation” did George W Bush take in just his first year in office?
Well, then — I guess Piers was REALLY upset when Dumbya said, “Now, watch this drive” . . .
Don’t be so sure — Fox hired Glenn Beck from CNN . . .
’Nuff said.