Tucker Carlson’s rewrite of the January 6 insurrection won last week’s Outrageous Fox Quote of the Week Poll. While Carlson could probably be a winner every week, the sad truth is his colleagues deserve just as much scrutiny. You’ll see what I mean when you get a look at the toughie in store for you this week!
Carlson's winning quote deceitfully described the MAGA seditionists as peaceful protesters who had been unfairly painted as violent. You can read Carlson’s despicable words and check out the full poll here.
This week’s nominees are:
Lachlan Murdoch, CEO of Fox Corp., responding to the Anti-Defamation League’s call for Tucker Carlson to be fired after endorsing the white supremacists’ “great replacement” theory:
Fox Corporation shares your values and abhors anti-semitism, white supremacy and racism of any kind … A full review of the guest interview indicates that Mr. Carlson decried and rejected replacement theory. As Mr. Carlson himself stated during the guest interview: “White replacement theory? No, no, this is a voting rights question.”
Tucker Carlson, doubling down on his endorsement of the great replacement theory and pretending he’s not a racist and extremist:
Last week, we said something on television that the usual chorus of hyper aggressive liars is now pretending was somehow highly controversial.
Ordinarily, we'd ignore all of this. Once you've been denounced as a white supremacist for quoting Martin Luther King, you realize none of it is real. It's all another form of social control. Honestly, who cares what they think?
But in this one case, we thought it might be worth pausing to restate the original point, both because it was true and therefore worth saying and also because America badly needs a national conversation about it.
Mike Tobin, after video was released seeming to support the claim that Daunte Wright was shot by police by mistake:
And when you have something like an accidental discharge people aren't going to say that it's justified and they are still going to default to the belief that Black lives matter, and they think that Black people are treated somehow otherwise.
Martha MacCallum, trying to get Jon Stewart to attack President Biden’s agenda, during Stewart’s appearance advocating for health care for war veterans exposed to burn pits.
And before I let you go, you know, you see the trillions that we’re talking about spending for a lot of different things right now, for COVID, for infrastructure – how does that make you feel about what you’re pushing for here?
“Civil rights attorney” Leo Terrell, after watching a video of the police killing of unarmed 13-year old Adam Toledo:
I'll tell you what I see, I see a justified shooting. Any civil rights attorney who goes out and says otherwise, any police officer who says otherwise, they're lying to the American public. This officer and that freeze frame from the time that that young kid had that gun in his hand to the time he turned around was less than a second, less than a second.
And I will submit to you that the district this case will never be filed criminal charges because this officer had a justified shooting, period, end of story, not even close. Don't try to compare it. It's not a war between the police and my people of color. This is a justified shooting, end of story.
Dana Loesch, blaming Toledo’s shooting on his family, while claiming to care about his death:
Adam Toledo's life mattered enough that the people around him should not have allowed a 13-year-old child out into an alleyway in a city in the middle of the night with an armed 21-year-old who was a prohibited possessor. No one's having that conversation.
Lives matter and they matter enough to take care of them. Sean, lives matter enough that they don't allow children to get into this situation. So if everybody's going to be going off on this cop, where are all the adults in Adam Toledo's life right now? And that is not politically incorrect to say, that is the correct thing that people should be saying right now.
Dan Bongino, after Geraldo Rivera argued a change is needed because Blacks are twice as likely to be shot by cops as whites, per capita:
All you want to do is see the country burn.
Cast your vote below. The poll will remain open until the evening of April 26, 2021.
May the worst quote win!
(By clicking on the vote-button, you consent to the storing of your IP address.)
I went with Terrell, for acting as judge and jury on the killing of a 13-year old. He is not a civil rights attorney in my book.
Since we don’t have an “All of the Above” option, I’ll go with Tobin this week.