After Lachlan Murdoch ridiculously claimed Tucker Carlson’s explicit validation of white supremacists' "replacement theory" wasn’t what it obviously was - and even more ridiculously claimed he “abhors anti-semitism, white supremacy and racism of any kind," Fox’s top white supremacist obviously felt emboldened.
Carlson thumbed his nose at his critics as he doubled down on validating and promoting the white supremacist rhetoric of mass shooters. His 20-minute commentary that opened his show last night was pure malevolence and spite toward much of America.
CARLSON: Last week, we said something on television that the usual chorus of hyper aggressive liars is now pretending was somehow highly controversial.
Ordinarily, we'd ignore all of this. Once you've been denounced as a white supremacist for quoting Martin Luther King, you realize none of it is real. It's all another form of social control. Honestly, who cares what they think?
But in this one case, we thought it might be worth pausing to restate the original point, both because it was true and therefore worth saying and also because America badly needs a national conversation about it.
So it's a political question, obviously. At least one prediction came true right away. All of those little gatekeepers on Twitter did become hysterical. They spent the last four days jumping up and down furiously trying once again to pull the show off the air.
Once again, they will fail though it is amusing to see them keep at it. They get so enraged. It's a riot.
But why all the anger? If someone says something you think is wrong, is your first instinct to hurt them? Probably not. Normal people don't respond that way.
I’ll just pause here to say that it’s not just Twitter trolls who think Carlson should be taken off the air. The Anti-Defamation League has called for him to be fired.
Furthermore, nobody is a better example of deliberately trying to hurt those he disagrees with than Tucker Carlson. In addition to deliberately endangering Dr. Anthony Fauci and two New York Times journalists, for example, Carlson is arguably trying to hurt immigrants and people of color with his replacement theory rhetoric that he has to know is fodder for white supremacists’ violence.
While pushing his dangerously poisonous and racist rhetoric, Carlson played the race victim and hero
CARLSON: If you hear something you think is incorrect, you try to correct it, but getting the facts right is hardly the point of this exercise. The point is to prevent unauthorized conversations from starting in the first place. Shut up, racist. No more questions.
You've heard that before. You wonder how much longer they imagine Americans are going to go along with this, an entire country forced to lie about everything all the time. It can't go on forever, but you can see why they're trying it.
Demographic change is the key to the Democratic Party's political ambitions. Let's say that again for emphasis because it is the secret to the entire immigration debate. Demographic change is the key to the Democratic Party's political ambitions.
In order to win and maintain power, Democrats plan to change the population of the country. They are no longer trying to win you over with their program, they're obviously not trying to improve your life, they don't even really care about your vote anymore.
Their goal is to make you irrelevant. That is provably true, and because it's true, it drives them absolutely crazy when you say it out loud. A hurt dog barks.
Despite the blustery defiance, Carlson must be feeling the heat because he made a big show of pretending to care about Blacks
CARLSON: According to demographer, Joel Kotkin, in the last 30 years, the proportion of Black residents in Los Angeles has dropped by half. The City of San Francisco is now just five percent Black. In 1980, it was 13 percent.
Now, you've heard a lot lately about the necessity of black political power. In California, that power is evaporating due to mass immigration. Democratic leaders never mention this trend, but it's obvious to the people who live there. One poll found that almost 60 percent of Black people in California would very much like to leave, many already have.
As of this year according to the best measurements available from the Federal government, California has a higher poverty rate than Mississippi. It's at the highest in the nation. How did this happen?
In a healthy country, one that prized honesty and free inquiry and legitimate social science, we would be asking that question urgently. How did a place as idyllic as California become so miserable that huge numbers of people who were born there decided to abandon their homes and flee? If you cared about the United States, you would want to know the answer. You'd want to make absolutely certain it didn't happen anywhere else.
Yet, the Democratic Party is working to make certain it happens everywhere else. That's not a slur. It's not a guess. We know it because they brag about it constantly.
The left becomes unhinged if you point out that American voters are being replaced by Democratic Party loyalists from other countries. You're absolutely not allowed to say that, but they are allowed to say that and they do. They say it all the time.
Demographic replacement is their obsession because it's their path to power.
The ever thin-skinned Carlson attacked the Anti-Defamation League, too
Go to the Anti-Defamation League's website sometime, if you'd like a glimpse of what an unvarnished conversation about a country's national interest might look like.
In a short essay posted to the site, the ADL explains why the State of Israel should not allow more Arabs to become citizens with voting rights, quote: "With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world," the ADL explains, "Jews would quickly become a minority within a binational state thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically and potentially physically vulnerable."
"It is unrealistic and unacceptable," the ADL continues, "To expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory." End quote.
Now from Israel's perspective, this makes perfect sense. Why would any democratic nation make its own citizens less powerful? Isn't that the deepest betrayal of all?
In the words of the ADL, why would a government subvert its own sovereign existence? Good question. Maybe ADL President, Jonathan Greenblatt will join us sometime to explain and tell us whether that same principle applies to the United States. Most Americans believe it does.
Unfortunately, most Americans don't have a say in the matter. Most Americans aren't even allowed to have the conversation, so they watch from the sidelines as their democracy is murdered by people who claim to be its defenders. "Democracy, democracy, democracy" screams the Twitter mob, even as the votes of the people who were born here decline steadily in value, diluted and increasingly worthless like the U.S. dollar.
This is what it looks like when an entire native population, black and white, every one of them an American is systematically disenfranchised.
Tucker Carlson is a cancer on America. No decent network would keep him on and no decent person would work for a network that did.
You can watch Carlson’s latest dose of poison below, from the April 12, 2021 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
I am, however, heartened by the news that recent MAGA rallies were poorly attended. In one case, only one guy showed up. The biggest one didn’t even draw a thousand people. Made me hopeful, that did.