Remember when Bill O'Reilly insisted he only said "Shut up" once? Well, he's been proven a liar again. This time, O'Reilly was yet again using the Boston Marathon bombings to hate monger against a) the bomb suspect’s mother; b) immigrants; c) “the welfare chaos” and, of course, the Obama administration and Massachusetts’ Democratic governor Deval Patrick. Apparently, Alan Colmes was a little too on-target for O'Reilly. Just like he couldn't stand the truth a few weeks ago when Colmes spoke it.
Colmes called out O'Reilly perfect - at least until he was rudely interrupted. “I don’t share your outrage about this whatsoever,” Colmes said. “…This is manufactured outrage to go after people who are on welfare, people who don’t go after immigrants.” He didn’t get to finish but he’d surely have said the manufactured outrage was being used to go against “President Obama” and/or “Democrats.”
But O’Reilly cut him off with an unwarranted fury that suggested he might be on the verge of another meltdown. Jabbing his finger, he barked, “Colmes, shut up! Shut up! Alright?”
Monica Crowley didn’t come up with one of her colorful conspiracy theories but she nonetheless found opportunities for some memorable hate mongering. First, she threw a little hissy fit that the suspects had been granted their legal rights under American law. “You paid for (now-deceased suspect) Tamerlan’s public defense when he beat up his girlfriend in 2009!” she squealed. I guess she’d prefer that we just lynch the younger brother and be done with it! "We have an entitlement society that is now out of control," she shrieked. "We're talking about the wreckage of liberalism here."
I swear to God, she sounded as though she might start frothing at the mouth.
Video via Mediaite.
O'Reilly Blames Lack Of Gov't Oversight For Tsarnaevs Getting $100,000 In Welfare, Tells Colmes To 'Shut Up'
Bill O'Reilly kicked off his show tonight expressing outrage with the mother of Boston bombing suspects the Tsarnaev brothers for accusing the United States of a conspiracy to frame and kill her children, when her family has been taking more than $100,000 in welfare benefits for years.
White Americans murdering white Americans still #1, by a huge amount. Have all white Americans put under house arrest.
3:16 to 3:47…Colmes tries to speak but is continually interupted by O’Reilly talking over him.
3:48…O’Reilly tells Colmes to “shut-up, shut-up, alright?!” Colmes stops talking.
4:18…Crowley answers O’Reilly’s question.
4:29…O’Reilly interupts Crowley.
4:40 to 5:16…Crowley allowed to speak uninterupted.
6:27…Colmes allowed to finally speak again.
6:52…O’Reilly takes over. Colmes done.
Colmes drives into studio, waits in green room, gets on set for debate, only told to “shu-up” twice, while being allowed about 25-35 seconds to speak?
Fair & Balanced?