Who's Been Naughty on Fox News?
"A spanking and a warning produce wisdom, but an undisciplined child disgraces his mother." Or as Sarah would say, "Gotcha! Now you're gonna get a paddlin', by golly!"
We all know the folks at Fox News sometimes get a bit, ahem, "undisciplined". So because we don't want their guardians (Murdoch and Ailes who could be described as "mutha's" but not in the maternal sense) to spank them - after all, corporal punishment isn't a liberal value - we at News Hounds feel it our duty to impart a bit of discipline to their spawn at the "fair & balanced" channel when they act out. Nothing kinky, mind you. No leather and whips (although Bill O'Reilly and Greg Gutfeld might find that fun).
What we feel would be appropriate would be examples, from you, gentle readers, of Foxes and Foxettes being naughty so that we can, metaphorically speaking, spank those in need of discipline at Fox News - because lord knows, they're not producing wisdom!
Use the form below to send us any sightings of misbehavior at Fox News - lies, spin, distortions or propaganda - including as much information as possible to help us verify your report.
Actually, Toddlers and Tiaras might be more appropriate. @newshoundalex
If he was any sort of a journalist at all he would pursue the more interesting backstory, which is that there has been trouble between this principal and the teachers going back to at least 2010. From what I’ve been able to find out this sudden decision by Hawkins may have more to do with micromanagement or other aspects of internal conflict than it has to do with “patriotism” or “hating America” blah blah blah. It might be as simple as trying to make some teacher’s job harder, as she has been known to do.
My failure to issue a retraction was due to naivete and inexperience at that time. I somehow doubt Fox News can say the same about themselves.
Literally, “shitmouth” , meaning someone who talks a lot of shite.
Gobsmacked means, literally, “smacked in the mouth” ie stunned speechless.
Both words derive from the Irish word for beak, “gaibh” pronounced “gob” and used as slang in Ireland and the UK for "mouth.
So one might say, for example, “I don’t know why Sally seemed so gobsmacked at Michelle Malkin’s venom; everyone knows Malkin’s nothing but a gobshite.”
As for Gingrich â nice to see that a floating turd can, after all, be flushed.
First of all, asswipe: It’s SLUT, appropriated by some women with irony in order to claim that WE are, and have a right to be, in control of our bodies, NOT YOU CONSERVATIVE CHRISTOFASCISTS.
Secondly: If some women claim the right to use the word “slut” with irony that does NOT give YOU the right to use it towards us as a pejorative term. That’s like a white perons thinking its just fine to call you, Mr. Peterson, a “nigger” because some young black men use the term, with irony, within their own groups. If I called a black kid “nigger” I would deserve a punch in the mouth, and if you call women “whores” then so do you.
(Accusations that “NewsHound Alex called Jesse Peterson a nigger” & “they’re such racists at the Kennel” in 3…2…1…)
KIrsten did a great job. Kudos, Kirsten. You got sandbagged with a misogynist christofascist pig beside you on the show and you did a sterling job “hijacking” the segment – which you had every right to do under the circumstances.
On another topic: Hannity can sit there with a straight face and bring up torture when he still hasn’t made good on his promise (over 2000 days ago) to be waterboarded for charity? Buk, buk, buk!
Guess he’ll be called into Ailes’ office again this evening for “the chat”.