It looks like Megyn Kelly can’t take what she dishes out. Although she has repeatedly used former 60s radical Bill Ayers as a punching bag and tool to smear Obama and academia, now that he has likened her to "a cyborg" with “very cold eyes,” Kelly spent three minutes of air time tonight swiping at him all over again.
In an interview in, Ayers said about his lengthy interview with Kelly a few months ago:
So many people have approached me about that interview, and have had different reactions to it, but I don’t look at something like that as a big deal. I write a lot, and I’m still a very politically engaged and active person. I had never even seen Megyn Kelly. She struck me as a very strange person. She’s like a cyborg constructed in the basement of Fox News. She’s very striking, but very metallic, very cold. Her eyes are very cold.
Not only did Kelly feel the need to hit back, she did it both on the air and on Twitter. First, she proved how much of a heart she has by tweeting:
Then, she decided for repeat attacks on the air. First, she played a few “highlights” from her interview in which she deliberately maligned Ayers (who was a sitting duck for her in their interview). After reading Ayers' quote, Kelly said, that since a cyborg is a “super human being” she has decided to take that as a compliment.
Then she sneered:
Striking? Well, just ask little John Murtagh whose home Ayers’ group bombed when John was 9 and at home asleep in his bed.
Sorry, Megyn, but that was a cold – and not quite honest – accusation. For one thing, nobody was ever caught in the Murtagh bombing. Secondly, Ayers was never accused of being involved in it. I guess the presumption of innocence is not as important here as for the white police officer who shot unarmed Michael Brown.
But Kelly wasn’t done swiping at Ayers:
As for my alleged time in the basement, well I’ve never actually lived underground, unlike Ayers and his wife, Bernardine, who evaded the FBI for 11 years.
She did admit that her eyes could be cold. But again she went after Ayers:
Not as cold as the three people killed while making bombs for Ayers’ group, but icy at times. Especially when I’m looking at a serial bomber who terrorized so many, including an innocent little boy. I’m sure Bernardine’s eyes are much warmer. Especially when she is discussing her admiration for serial killers who murder pregnant women (a reference to a remark Dohrn reportedly made about Charles Manson).
Finally, she said something gracious:
But I am thankful he came on the program, which was a standup move.
Then Kelly worked in another plug for her husband’s book and showed a still of her looking “dreamy” while gazing at her husband when he was on the show recently.
Watch Kelly's cheap shots below.
I’m sure she would be horrified at their ant colony, collectivist intelligence.