Megyn Kelly concluded her three-part series with Bill Ayers last night with a three-part series of discussions in which she carefully and deliberately used him to fear monger about colleges and universities, President Obama and her old racial bugbear, Attorney General Eric Holder. Joseph McCarthy would have been so proud.
In this, the second of the three post-Ayers discussions, Kelly deliberately worked to scare viewers into thinking that terrorists have invaded colleges and universities. “How did some of these folks wind up holding prestigious jobs at top U.S. universities?” she asked. In addition to Ayers and his wife, she found two other former radicals employed at a college and a high school, and exclaimed,
“They have been embraced by the academic community! …My head is going to explode.
… They’re everywhere! …When you look at where they wound up, they’re at these presitigious universities, they’re hobnobbing with future presidents. It’s insane! When you think about the extent of their influence today!
In fact, Ayers made it perfectly clear that he has had no influence on President Obama and that they never been close – something that has been previously reported. But Kelly deliberately ignored the facts and repeatedly insinuated otherwise.
And let’s pause for a moment to take a look at some of the characters Kelly hobnobs with at Fox News. There’s her colleague Oliver North – who illegally siphoned funds from the illegal sale of arms to America’s enemy, Iran and put them into a secret, illegal slush fund for the anti-Cuban Nicraguan guerrillas, the Contras. There’s the ever-sleazy James O’Keefe. Kelly hosted him at least twice without even mentioning his own record of criminality and predatory behavior toward women. And let's not forget the sympathetic treatment Kelly and her colleagues gave right-wing terrorist Cliven Bundy. Topping them all, perhaps, is Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of Fox’s parent company, currently under criminal investigation for phone hacking!
And speaking of dishonesty, Kelly failed to mention that one of her guests, Joseph Connor, whose father was killed by the radical FALN group, has an axe to grind against Holder, for helping to pardon the killer during the Clinton years, and Obama for appointing Holder as the current AG.
Not surprisingly, Connor was right on board with every item on Kelly’s witch hunting agenda. He said that he has a son who will be looking at colleges next year. “I want to find out that we have terrorists teaching our kids,” he added.
Kelly said breathlessly, “And City College wanted to honor the folks who killed your father in a terrorist attack here in New York!” She sounded almost gleeful.
Connor continued the McCarthyism.
This is what we’re dealing with, with the left in this country. When they realized, Megyn, that they couldn’t beat us by bombing us, by attacking, they turned to academia, they turned to the media, they turned to law… government, … and now we’ve seen the result of that. It’s been generational. It’s been slow growth but it’s happened. …That’s what we have now.
You may have noticed that the only person who mentioned a connection between Ayers and Obama was Kelly. And nobody picked up on it. Later, she pushed it more explicitly, while feigning skepticism about their relationship. It was also apropos of nothing to do with the “terrorists in your classroom” she had made the focus of the discussion so far. She said, “People used to talk about Ayers and Obama… Why is it relevant if they were only friendly if he did an event in (Ayers’) living room, why?” Yeah, just asking.
Connor said, “Would you associate with a known terrorist? We’re talking about our president. We’re not talking about a local mayor, we’re not talking about our friend, we’re talking about the president associating himself with a known terrorist. And not only him. There’s others in Chicago. …We see that our president has been dealing with terrorists. How can we have fallen so low? It boggles the mind.”
Later, Kelly prodded Connor to go off on Holder with another question full of phony neutrality: “Talk about not Barack Obama but Eric Holder because he has an interesting role in all of this as well. Tell us. You had a future attorney general and a president pushing the release of terrorists.”
Of course, Connor obliged.
But before long, Kelly was back to her academia pitch fork. With what I’m sure she figured was an adorable display of outrage, she cried, “I don’t know how we’re supposed to screen for this when we send our kids to college. Could you ask ‘em whether they have a criminal history? Could you ask ‘em whether they ever bombed anything? Could you make sure your professor didn’t do that before you start listening to him?”
You can watch Kelly’s nauseating and dishonest pageant of hate mongering below.
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Start with these titles:
Rupert Murdoch’s Legal Troubles Continue To Mount
What Fox “News” Won’t Tell You About Their Parent Company
Throw it back to them.