Fox News host Mark Levin claimed he was “not defending in any way what happened on January 6th in the Capitol Building,” but he spent a heckuva lot of time painting the wrongdoers as victims.
The gist of Levin’s whine was that the insurrectionists (that’s what I’m calling them because that’s what they were) are being abused by the justice system, a situation that is not getting enough attention from the media, and meanwhile, the very dangerous Black Lives Matter protesters, the real seditionists, are getting the kid-glove treatment.
“They're being treated like they're terrorists, and in Guantanamo Bay, where they would be treated actually better,” Levin claimed about the insurrectionists. When a mob storms the Capitol, shouts for the murder of the vice president, and attacks law enforcers with flags and mace, that sounds like terrorist behavior to me. But maybe you have to be a person of color to qualify for the label in Levin’s mind. After all, he’s the guy who slobbered over Black-hating Black troll Candace Owens.
“What's happening to these people?” Levin asked about the insurrectionists who have been arrested. “And why is it that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi don't give a damn? Where are the civil libertarian groups? Where are the media? The media?”
Levin seems to have forgotten he works for a major cable “news” network that could do the reporting he’s bellyaching is not being done. He later hosted conservative Julie Kelly (who once said Greta Thunberg acts like "a hostage attempting to please her captors") to "report." But it's telling that no Fox News reporter nor contributor joined the show.
“The truth is that this was not an insurrection, let alone incitement for an insurrection,” Levin continued. “There are hours and hours and hours of tape that the Department of Justice will not release.” But there is plenty of video that has been released. Levin suggested the horrific behavior that looks like insurrection and terrorism doesn’t count because maybe there’s video that shows some people behaving differently.
Then Levin got to the race baiting and the hate mongering:
LEVIN: Now, part of what's going on here is the media and the Democrats and Biden want you to believe that this is part of a white supremacy movement, neo-Nazis and Klansmen. It's not true. But if it is true, tell us, who exactly are the neo-Nazis and the Klansmen? None of us support them.
But they use this phrase "white supremacy" to attack our entire society under this critical race theory, and so they move in and out of the language, move in and out of the definition. It is white supremacists. It's the greatest danger we face in this country, according to Biden.
I'm not defending in any way what happened on January 6th in the Capitol Building, but I am saying, we need a little bit of even-handedness and justice here.
So, these are serious questions I have this evening. I want to know what's happening to those people? Do we live in a free country or not? Do we live in a Republic or not?
This has nothing to do with white supremacy. This has nothing to do with white supremacy and Joe Biden should know, since he was a segregationist and a white supremacist early in his career.
Levin’s history of race-baiting bigotry is well documented. Apparently, he thinks that pointing fingers at Biden as a racial hypocrite somehow makes himself look better.
You can watch it below, from the June 13, 2021 Life, Liberty & Levin.
UPDATE: It turns out Levin is echoing Russian propaganda.