Fox’s Jesse Watters, took a deceptively edited clip from President Obama’s BET interview in order to accuse him of exacerbating racial tensions. This, from the guy who manages Fox Nation, the website whose readers openly talked about lynching Ferguson protesters.
Lynching Ferguson protesters are not the only black deaths Fox Nation salivates for. They loved Nelson Mandela’s death and wished the same for President Obama. In fact, we labeled Fox Nation the go-to site for those wishing for Obama’s assassination.
Watters is hardly an innocent bystander to this racial hatred. As editor, Watters tacitly encourages it with race-baiting articles such as the one about Obama’s “Hip-Hop BBQ,” the one about a white boy purportedly beaten up because of slavery and one about a New York City ghetto tour.
Recently, Watters said he's “tired” of black people complaining about race. But he demonstrated plenty of enthusiasm for white people doing it. Watters said at the beginning of the discussion, “Racial tensions in America have been high over the past few weeks and instead of saying things to help calm the country, President Obama is only stirring things up. Listen to this new remark.”
Watters played a clip of Obama saying, “When you’re dealing with something as deeply rooted as racism or bias in any society, you’ve got to have vigilance but you have to recognize that it’s going to take some time.”
In the same interview, Obama also said, “and you just have to be steady so that you don’t give up when we don’t get all the way there.” But Watters didn't mention it.
After the clip, Watters said, “So he thinks America is deeply rooted in racism.” As if that was the only takeaway from the entire interview. Watters added, “but he’s doing nothing to help.”
But that wasn’t enough race baiting. Watters added, “According to a new poll, a majority of American say race relations have gotten worse since Obama took office.” Then, Watters played a clip of Rush Limbaugh clips of Rush Limbaugh and Fox's own Deneen Borelli blaming Obama, too.
Watters “asked” co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle, “Obama’s racial track record here. How much responsibility do you think he has? He got off, kind of on the wrong foot with Americans. He called the half of white America, ‘bitter clingers,’ he had the Rev. Wright controversy right out of the gate. He sided against the cop in Cambridge. How much responsibility does the president have?”
Sure enough, George Zimmerman-loving Kimberly Guilfoyle said all Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have done is “poke the cage to say, ‘Americans are racist, cops are racist, we’re not doing a good enough job.’”
Co-host Bob Beckel said that “as usual,” Fox selectively edited the clip so as to leave out how Obama said that race relations have gotten much better and that Obama had asked people not to riot in Ferguson.
There were other sound bites Fox ignored from the BET interview such as:
- “And so it’s important to recognize — as painful as these incidents are — we can’t equate what’s happening now to what was happening 50 years ago.”
- “It’s important to recognize as painful as these incidents are, we can’t equate what is happening now to what happened fifty years ago. If you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they’ll tell you that things are better—not good, in some cases, but better.”
- “The reason it’s important for us to understand that progress has been made is that then gives us hope that we can make even more progress,”
While ignoring Obama's efforts to calm tensions, Watters again deliberately ratcheted them up: “(Obama) wants to turn out black voters. You know, he doesn’t always pay great lip service to white, middle-class values.”
Beckel threw in a dig at Obama saying he had opportunities he didn’t take. But, Beckel added, “If we would finally have a clip on our show here that had the whole of what Obama said about race, we might be better off in putting it in context.”
“We’re not gonna play a 10-minute clip on the intro, Bob,” Watters smirked. “The audience can go on the internet and look at it, OK? So next.”
They moved on to a story about someone who was supposed to get eaten alive by an anaconda on national television. Anyone want to bet they had more time for that than to put President Obama’s comments in context?
Watch it below, from today's The Five.
At least Beckel got the word out that the President is NOT the racist fox-nonsense wants to portray him as. It’s all “a slight of hand” that goes way over the heads of the geriatric/teabagger/staunch repuKKKes’ heads.