Sean Hannity seems to think the biggest – and possibly only – problem college students face is the debauchery of spring break. And he has devoted countless amounts of airtime to expose it.
Don’t get me wrong. I think the issue is worth coverage. And I’d even applaud Hannity for one or two such investigations. But he has veered into some kind of full-blown crusader on the issue. Last year, he spent a week on it (and was mocked by Jon Stewart). This year, we’re looking at two weeks, I think. I’ve lost count by now. It feels like Hannity’s coverage has lasted longer than any actual spring break holiday.
There’s a tad of hypocrisy, too.
At the beginning of Friday night’s hour-long special on the subject, Hannity announced:
Sadly, our dire warnings about spring break have now become a reality. Tonight, we want to make sure your kids never experience another Spring Break nightmare.
I’d be a lot less critical were it not for the fact that Hannity never seems to worry about kids not having enough to eat or going without health insurance or drowning in student debt. But spring break is cause for a seemingly endless series of investigations, specials and outrage. And footage of scantily glad women behaving licentiously.
Hannity’s focus has been on Panama City Beach, Florida. As part of Friday night’s special, Hannity interviewed Panama City Beach Councilwoman Josie Strange.
HANNITY: Your mayor keeps talking about the money. Like she said, the people work hard, they make a lot of money during spring break. Is this now become really about the money for Panama City Beach?
Hannity’s tone sounded so sanctimonious, as if money should not be a concern for the community. And certainly, human lives and safety should take precedence. But Hannity is not exactly the person to be calling out other people for thinking too much about money. After all, he’s the multimillionaire who is vowing to pack up and relocate in order to avoid paying taxes to New York State, despite all it has done to help make him wealthy.
Next up, beachclub owner Sparky Sparkman. Sparkman had the nerve to attack Hannity’s “ratings-seeking” 2014 spring break coverage. Hannity acted as though Sparkman’s criticisms of Hannity were as bad, if not worse, as spring break itself.
Part of Hannity’s shtick was to repeatedly demand Sparkman (whom Hannity frequently called “Sparko”) tell the viewers how much money he makes during spring break. This from the guy who can’t stop whining about “class warfare” when Democrats suggest steps to reduce income inequality! Mr. Move Out Of New York even asked, sneeringly, if Sparkman reports all the money he earns to the IRS. That drew chortles off camera.
Sadly, the two-part interview with Sparkman (the second part is below) served as little more than a vehicle for Hannity to showboat. Sparkman gave as good as he got but he could have nailed Hannity by asking how much money Fox News made on its footage of scantily clad women, e.g. Or asking why, if Hannity is so concerned, he didn’t moderate a panel of Panama City Beach locals so he could air everyone’s concerns. Instead, Hannity kept hosting the misogynistic Gavin McInnes, who had nothing to offer other than asinine commentary.
Watch it below, from the April 17 Hannity.
But I guess if you make 10 million/yr then you don’t care, right Sean?
Secretly, the older Workplace Bully suits and middle-age male mouthpieces wouldn’t mind having these girls around them for a little fun and play. We can name names, but they know who they are.
The New York Daily News included spring break photos from Cancun, Mexico and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Odd, Hannocchio fails to mention these booze parties on the beach, especially in Mexico, home of the dangerous drug cartels. With previous kidnappings of Americans over the border, we are shocked, absolutely shocked (sarcasm) that Hannocchio didn’t warn parents prior to letting their little darlings fly to a foreign nation.
Hannocchio failed to see this list of spring break beach parties.
If Hannocchio is so concerned about college women being victims of violence, he should have read the U.S. Dept. of Justice’s report on sexual assaults of college women. Page 6 has a breakdown of locations of the assaults.
Hannocchio’s negative reporting on PCB spring break is hurting small businesses. Local business owners speak out against Hannocchio.
The Stop Hannity Express encourages the masses to write columns, and call every conservative local and national radio show, and ask the host this burning question: "Do you agree with me that Hannity should apologize for his unprofessional behavior during his interview with beach club owner Sparky Sparkman? Calling his guest “Sparko” is really immature, don’t you agree?"
Ask Florida resident and president wannabee Marco Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott about spring break in Panama City Beach. Why are they silent?
You, of all people, are not in the position of whining about other people’s bad behavior. Your history speaks for itself. Your audience is not aware of your behavior as a youth and as an adult. Merri Jill knows it, your friends know it, and your current and former colleagues know it. They don’t say anything because they know it would end your broadcasting career.