Fox guest Gavin McInnes thinks gender equality is a myth, especially when it comes to spring break. So when discussing the ribaldry on Hannity, McInnes suggested that it’s OK for boys to indulge but not girls.
McInnes has previously styled himself as an expert on women. On HuffPost Live, he went on an expletive-laden tirade about women in the workplace in which he announced that having a career is not what women “naturally want to do.”
So it was not a huge surprise when McInnes argued parents should keep their daughters from the inebriated antics of students on spring break in Florida.
“Equality is a myth,” McInnes said. “Women are not as strong as men. They can’t even hold their booze as well.” When challenged, he sneered, “Of course it’s true, don’t be ridiculous.”
Fox host Ainsley Earhardt, who was just back from Panama City Beach, Florida reporting on spring break for the Hannity show, was also a guest. She said she didn’t want her sons when they’re older going to spring break parties like the ones she had just covered.
“What’s worse? One is much more scary than the other,” McInnes said about sons vs. daughters. He accused Earhardt of making women less safe with such an attitude.
MCINNES: That attitude makes women less safe. When you say, "Oh, boys will be boys and girls will be girls, they’re all the same” – No! Women are more vulnerable and they’re gonna go down there, so the most you can do is just drill it … "You’re vulnerable."
...So drill that into your daughter and say, “You’re weak, you’re vulnerable, you’re not a superhero, you’re in danger.”
Earhardt shot back, “Why don’t we drill it into our sons not to take advantage of women?”
“We do!” McInnes replied. “They go to jail for 15 years for these crimes!”
McInnes has a long history of hatefulness that we’ve documented. In the past he has smeared poor people as “overfed” and “gigantic” and who deserve to be demonized, he has dismissed racism in the U.S. as “mythical” and he has called gays, “the least tolerant group in modern America.” All on Fox News.
So, clearly, Fox knows what it's getting with McInnes and the network considers his opinions credible and worth airing.
Watch it below, from the March 24 Hannity, via Media Matters.
I mean, if he’s arguing that women shouldn’t go to those Spring Break destinations, who are the men going to play with? You don’t seriously think that a bunch of drunk, horny college-age guys are going to go home without indulging in a little “body-fluid” exchange, do you?