We’ve got a lot of Fox News outrageousness on Benghazi and President Obama’s Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly to mull over this week, dear readers. Only on Fox would a host argue that “act of terror” doesn’t mean “terrorist act.” Unless a Republican had said it, of course. But we’ve also got outrageousness about Hillary Clinton’s Super Bowl tweet, ObamaCare and more. Making his debut in our OQOTW poll this week: Ted Nugent.
And the nominees are...
Gretchen Carlson and Dee Dee Benkie were so ridiculuous trying to use Hillary Clinton’s Super Bowl tweet to smear President Obama, that they should share this nomination. To refresh your memory, Clinton tweeted during the game (when the Broncos were already far behind): “It’s so much more fun to watch FOX when it’s someone else being blitzed & sacked!” Carlson and Benkie tried to argue that Clinton was referring to Obama getting “blitzed & sacked” in his Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly:
Carlson said:
“Who was (Clinton) actually talking about? Because nobody’s writing about that today! …I have the sneaking suspicion, Dee Dee that maybe she was talking about President Obama.”
Benkie replied:
"It was absolutely President Obama. ‘Cause (Clinton’s) thinking she’s just getting, you know, destroyed all the time about Benghazi and this time he’s on the hot seat. And she’s thnking, ‘Hey!’ And she’s sitting back, watching the game, saying, ‘At least it’s not me.’ Now it will be. She can laugh now. And it may have been clever. But later, I mean, she’s going to be on the hot seat again.”
Neil Cavuto, trying to denigrate President Obama’s description of the Benghazi attack as an “act of terror”: "But is an 'act of terror' really the same as 'a terrorist act?'”
Democrat James Carville, just a few days before he was officially put on the Fox News payroll:
Oh, boy, I don’t want to offend anybody at Fox but I think every Democrat I know thinks Fox tilts right. Maybe you don’t. …Maybe you call it right down the middle. I actually do, too. I mean, I appear on this network.”
…Everybody, I think, thinks Fox treats Democrats much rougher than they treat Republicans. ...We might be wrong but that’s what we think.
Ann Coulter, lying about Blue Shield (still offering health insurance in California and automatically enrolling anyone whose plan terminated in a new plan unless the person opts out) in her “Pants on Fire” ObamaScare:
I got up in the morning and got an email from a friend saying, um, ‘My sister almost died because of ObamaCare.’ She had been thrown off her insurance plan. You know, Blue Shield’s completely just pulled out of California. A lot of insurance companies have just had to pull out.
…(S)he’d been thrown off her insurance, she was trying to get insurance some other way and get on ObamaCare. She couldn’t get through the website. Um, she started to get a fever but she didn’t want to go to the emergency room - she didn’t know what it was – until she got her insurance. So she put it off. …On Thursday, she went into septic shock.
…I was giving a speech yesterday… and I went down and mentioned this (anecdote) during the speech… got up to my hotel room after the speech and my friend sent me an email saying my sister died from ObamaCare.
Kimberly Guilfoyle, discussing Stephen Colbert’s mockery of Fox News: “You know what, though? But I think (he does it) in a loving way. I think he admires Fox. He knows we’re the winners.”
Megyn Kelly, arguing with Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff:
SCHIFF: As you remember from the campaign, the president referred to (Benghazi) as a terror attack the day after it took place.
KELLY: No, he did not. He called it “an act of terror.” That is not synonymous!
Bill O’Reilly shouting his marching orders for the Republian-led House of Representatives committee investigating Benghazi:
Well, get it done! …Panetta is it! And nobody has asked him under oath if he told his boss, the president, the Commander-in-Chief, that it was a terror attack! If Panetta says that, all hell breaks loose! And you guys haven’t done it!
…You know as well as I do, Congressman, who the key witness is here. And this has been going on a long time. And I’m getting damn frustrated with the Congress of the United States. There’s one man that you need to put under oath and that man is Leon Panetta. I’ll give you his phone number and address in Monterey, California. You need to get that man in and solve this for the country.
Neil Cavuto introducing his anti-ObamaCare activist guest: “You have no political axe to grind here.”
Ted Nugent on The O’Reilly Factor: “I’m just a Detroit guitar player who stands up for the right thing.”
Geraldo Rivera, describing the “culture clash” that was Bill O’Reilly’s Super Bowl interview with President Obama: “It was the president of most of the white guys in America – that’s you – and Barack Obama, the president of almost everybody else.”