Believe it or not, Fox is still attacking MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry for joking about Mitt Romney’s African American grandson. So who did Sean Hannity present as an arbiter of taste and sensitivity on the subject? None other than hatemonger, murder fantasizer and serial voter fraud suspect, Ann Coulter. She showed her sensitivity alright – by saying that black people don’t live in New York apartments, because of “all the rich people.” And announcing that liberals have to invent racism because “There is more cholera in America than there is racism.” And more.
Earlier today, I pointed out that Coulter has previously joked – on the Fox Nation website, no less – about killing Meghan McCain. Coulter also suggested on Fox News, “Maybe it’s time to…go after the Obama children.” Apparently, in Hannity’s world, it’s comments like that that make her qualified to judge Harris-Perry.
Unlike Coulter, Harris-Perry has profusely apologized for her comments. But not only was that not good enough for Mr. and Ms. Good Taste (Fox style), they actually used Harris-Perry’s apology to slime her further.
Tonight, Hannity played the clip of Harris-Perry’s apology. He described it disparagingly as “weepy, weepy” because she teared up as she offered it. “Now is that dedicated to the goodness or dedicated to saving one’s job?” Hannity sneered.
Coulter joked that the sincerity came from “a heartfelt email from her boss.” She and Hannity chuckled heartily. A photo of Harris-Perry’s face remained on the screen with big letters that read: “CRYING TIME.” Later, Coulter scoffed, “I think she was really crying after she just saw her fourth quarter ratings at MSNBC.”
Hannity complained about MSNBC, “This race obsession over there!” Coulter cackled. However, I doubt she was laughing at the blatant hypocrisy of Hannity jeering at anyone else’s race obsession. This is the guy who hosts the go-to show for race baiting African Americans, who jumps to defend just about any white person in trouble for racial remarks, who pals around with a black guy who thanks God for slavery and formerly palled around with a white supremacist who said that if it weren’t for slavery, “black people would still be swinging on trees in Africa.”
Yes, THAT Hannity was making a federal case out of Harris-Perry’s stupid, brief joke for which she has apologized both on air and off.
But not to be undone in the hypocrisy department, Coulter announced, Harris-Perry “apologized for making fun of children. Yes, liberals always do that to conservatives… for sport. And it is an ugly thing when they go after the children.” I guess maybe Harris-Perry should have just joked about murdering Romney’s grandson. Then she could have gotten an entire segment of Hannity rehab!
“This was making fun of a child for his skin color,” Coulter continued self-righteously. Then, less than a minute later, she made fun of African Americans based on their skin color. Complaining that Mitt Romney had been accused of racism when he used the word “apartment” “because black people live in apartments,” Coulter added, “But not in New York, with all the rich people.” She giggled maliciously.
Of course, Hannity didn’t have a problem with it.
But Coulter wasn’t through with her special brand of racial insight. She now declared that racism is dead:
(Racism) was just about gone in this country and then (liberals) needed to start playing it again to promote the left-wing, the most left-wing president the country has ever seen, Barack Obama. And there’s been an explosion.
I mean if you had a graph of racism sightings, it was through the roof until the O.J. verdict and then, basically, completely disappeared. Between O.J. and Giuliani and Bill O’Reilly on this network going after Jesse Jackson repeatedly. It just went away!
It didn’t work anymore. It was like a subway token that didn’t open the gate anymore. And when Obama came back, wow, it just exploded again. But unfortunately for liberals, there is no racism in America. There is more cholera in America than there is racism. But they have to invent it.
Hannity chimed in: "It was a question in 2008, would America elect a black president? And you know what? America elected a black president twice!"
I’d love to know how these two would explain away the n-word laden comments on Fox Nation and that we always stumble upon.
Due to the fact that Hannocchio and the rest of the Fox “News” clowns read NewsHounds, we keep our details quiet.
This is the 411 about Hannocchio’s book signings. He does hire goons at all of his public appearances. Private security and plain clothes officers are not uncommon at these appearances. One time he had someone falsely arrested at one of his appearances on Long Island years ago. He thought we would forget this little incident.
Most people who attend his book signings are people 55 and older. These are the same people who listen and watch his shows.
The sales department at Fox “News” Channel is facing challenges because advertising agencies don’t care about who is number one or two. They want demographic ages 25 to 55. If the show can’t deliver these demos, no ads. These same agencies need ROI (return on investment) for their clients. Budgets are tight for corporations. They want to see results.
Hannocchio is too old to deliver these demos. If he worked at another network his contract would not be renewed, and he would be replaced by a younger host.
By the way, dumb Ailes fired one of the sales department guys.
There are more gems coming down the pipe about these cafeteria Catholics.
Next time KKKlannity and mAnnie should invite Vigilante George Zimmerman for another unbiased opinion on racism in the USA.
And the two good buddies can share their tips for building up an arsenal (Slanthead having recently admitted he owns three AR15s in addition to the two fully loaded Glocks he carries every day — Zimmerman working on replacing the weapons confiscated during his most recent domestic violence arrest).
Hey Seanny, move permanently to Florida! They got Stand Your Ground down there!
Really, Crazy Annie?
You might want to ask the family of Trayvon Martin about that . . .
“There is more cholera in America than there is racism.”
And you’re a living manifestation of both, Annie . . .
Very detailed and interesting report on Slanthead’s spinning and shilling for Coulter in Ft. Meyers. It seems showing up at that bookstore was his first and main priority the moment he got off the plane to start his Florida vacation!
Where did you get all the juicy details? Where you there, perhaps?
I remember when Hannity had one of his own book signings out on the North Shore a few years back, and I was tempted to show up. But then I read (forgot where) that he uses paid goons at live appearances to make sure only “friendly” questions are asked.
Anyway, Slanthead was back on the radio yesterday (Mon) after that not-long-enough vacation. He came back two days after his talking-points boss, gasbag Limbaugh, showed up on the new crippled station lineup.
And like Limbaugh, Hannity acted as if nothing was wrong, as if his radio career was NOT in free fall! He rattled off a few of the station switches, mentioning, for example, how wonderful it was to be on WIND in Chicago now instead of WLS. What he failed to tell the listeners (those who could find his signal in the first place ) is that WIND is a measly 5,000-watt class B station compared to the 50,000-watt class A WLS!
During his three hours, Slanthead probably brought up Harris-Perry, but I only could stomach the first hour, during which he demonstrated — for the umpteenth time — how impaired his brain is by parroting the meme started earlier by Limbaugh: that the research ship, and rescue icebreakers, getting stuck in Antarctic waters only proves that global climate change is nothing but a liberal plot!
To support his warped mind, Slanthead brought on “my official meteorologist” Joe Bastardi. Bastardi, on his many visits to Hannity on radio (and some teevee I guess) has proved to be a world-class climate change denier.
This classic pinhead (Google his photos) supposedly has a degree in meteorology, but what his bios emphasize is his career as college wrestler and bodybuilder. How many concussions has that shiny, pointed skull absorbed?
Anyway, Hannity and Bastardi had no problem continuing the Limbaugh lie that the ship had gone to the Antarctic solely to prove global warming.
(That may have been part of its mission. You can read several reports at…
They didn’t go as far as Limbaugh in claiming the polar vortex was a total invention of the liberal left, but they certainly had their yucks over the “colder, freezing South Pole.” It would never occur to Slanthead and Pinhead that there’s more ice floating in Antarctic seas because the ice shelf itself is melting!
“They [the researchers] didn’t find a Polar Bear waving, waiting to be rescued!” declared Hannity. Bastardi had to remind Seanny that there are no polar bears in the Antarctic. Funny moment… the Pinhead correcting the Slanthead on something every third-grader knows!
I’m writing this as Hannity has just started his Tuesday radio bullshit. Bastardi is coming on again. Hannity is pushing his “drill everywhere, frack everywhere!” agenda (just as long as it’s not in sight of his North Shore fortress or Naples, Fl, condo). Oh… and upcoming: how a McDonald’s diet helped a teacher loose 37 lbs.
Do I dwell too much [in these posts here on NH] on Slanthead’s obsession with McDonald’s? Maybe, but McDonalds is always on this cretin’s mind. HE always brings it up, several times a week, at least. For sure, Slanthead has wet dreams about stuffing his face at McDonalds!
Just yesterday (Monday), he told a caller that he was so poor while living in Rhode Island some years back that “I couldn’t afford to go out to McDonalds!”
Is there something wrong with someone who measures his financial solvency by whether he can buy a fatty Big Mac, greasy, over-salted super-sized fries and a 64-oz sugary coke?
In all honesty, over the years, I’ve eaten my share of the drek they serve at McDonalds. But then I read “Fast Food Nation.” I’d starve before ever setting foot in a McD’s again! Would Hannity ever read that book? Can Slanthead even read?
Coming up in a future comment (for the few who are interested): the full story behind Hannity’s “new” radio studio.
If the left “invented it,” then she’s one of it’s biggest consumers. Or perhaps she’d like to remember when she got shown the door for advocating genocide on the air, or that at one point she was so bad that all you had to do was slap her name on a racist quote, and not only would people instantly believe it, but the only person worse for a similar real quote popping up a week after it was debunked is (of course) Rush Limbaugh.
Honestly, she needs to stop trying so hard to be a right-wing Bill Maher. Especially since she knows nothing of how he keeps his toe largely over the proper side of the line.
The Stop Hannity Express says Melissa Harris-Perry should not worry about these two aging clowns. This year, these Fox “News” clowns’ dirty secrets will become public knowledge. We encourage Harris-Perry to take this opportunity to use these gems against them.
Annie gets away with saying outrageous comments cause she knows her boyfriend, Hannocchio will defend her honor. Her defense of Alec Baldwin bothered Hannocchio, but he still remains loyal to her like a love-sick puppy.
The Stop Hannity Express report:
You should have seen these two love birds in Southwest Florida last month. Hannocchio was more than happy to attend his long time girlfriend, Annie’s book signing. His woman, dressed in low-cut pants, and shabby top, was smiling ear-to-ear as this aging mouthpiece talked lovingly about her book in front of a middle aged, predominantly white crowd. Most of these people were past the demographics of ages 25-55. The same audience of Hannocchio’s show.
Clutching Annie’s little book, this anti-Obama crowd came to see these two aging mouthpieces. Some of the folks looked like the came from the retirement homes in Florida. But that’s Hannocchio’s audience.
Before the book signing, the gray-haired Hannocchio, who could use a stylist, talked briefly to a group of people who were already inside the book store. At one point, an elderly man, over 60 years of age, asked this clown if he considered a run for office. Hannocchio has not ruled anything out, however he is currently content in the broadcast industry-so far.
At one point, these clowns ask the crowd who they favor, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio. Of course, Cruz Missile got the loudest response followed by Paul. Rubio got a lukewarm response. We think his political career is finished.
Hannocchio did not stay long. He left before the crowd lined up to get their books signed by Annie. They had to pay for the book first to get it signed.
These two are stuck together like glue. We guarantee you will see these two together at future political events.
Coming down the pipe this year: All dirty secrets behind the glass doors, inside the offices, conference rooms, meetings, memos of this fraudulent “news” channel becomes public knowledge. There’s a few gems about Hannocchio. Go out and buy that popcorn and soda. This is THE show you cannot miss. We guarantee it 1,000 per cent.
The “New York apartment” comment was so blatantly racist.