During yet ANOTHER Hannity segment on liberal hypocrisy about personal attacks, Sean Hannity teamed up with Ann Coulter last night – an expert on personal attacks if ever there was one – to use the topic as little more than another excuse for a round of attacks on liberals. The thinking seemed to be: liberals are awful so we’re cleared for being as awful as possible to them. But Coulter outdid herself by suggesting that it would be liberals’ just desserts if conservatives “go after the Obama children.”
The part about going after the Obama children was just one part of a load of Hannity-show hypocrisy. It started with attacks on Sandra Fluke – as if she hasn’t been smeared enough by the right already.
“Here’s something you and I agree on,” Hannity said to Coulter. “Conservatives – they’re not offended by all this stuff with Bill Maher.” But Hannity went on to say that he is offended (and Fox News regularly refers to Maher as “Pig Maher” online). Then he accused liberals of “feigning outrage” at Rush Limbaugh. “I don’t think people are as outraged as they act,” Hannity said, as Coulter nodded her phony blonde tresses vigorously.
Well, it takes one to know one. Hannity’s own phony-baloney Hanctimony was hilariously exposed by Jon Stewart not long ago.
At about 4:06, Coulter said,
“I just say going after the children, generally, ought to be off limits. Um, it has not been off limits for (liberals talking about) Republicans. Um, though conservatives have taken the Obama children off limits. So (she smiled one of her cold-hearted smiles), you know, maybe, maybe it’s time to start imitating liberals in another way and go after the Obama children. But I think it’s more just going after the family members and the children. And, by the way, that has been done grotesquely and viciously over the years by the left – including, frequently, outing gay children of right wingers. You know, if you get involved in political dialogue, you’re not supposed to be putting your family at risk. You are the one who’s out there making the arguments. Take the shots at the public figure. Don’t start attacking their children.”
As Media Matters pointed out, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have attacked President Obama’s children and Limbaugh has attacked Chelsea Clinton. And, come to think of it, Coulter made her own attacks on 9/11 widows saying,
“These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing Bush was part of the closure process.”
“These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much.”
Hannity, of course, ignored that history and went on to complain about “the double standard” of President Obama.
I can’t think of anyone who fits the phrase “publicity whore” better than Ann Coulter.
Your life and history with men, including Hannity, is far more interesting than Obama’s children, don’t you agree?
Keith, who I watch most every night, usually starts off his show with the latest news from the Republican primaries. Ed usually does too, this week he has been leading off with the latest in the Trayvon Martin killing. Both are timely, political and social news and information that a legitimate news outlet should be covering. Faux is probably leading off with Karl Rove, Dick Morris and last night, Four Martinis Coulter whining about “liberal hypocrisy” and how the right is being picked on by political comedians. Not a word about Trayvon, yet they covered the Duke lacrosse case 24/7 for at least a couple of weeks. Jeez, wonder why that is??
Thanks again for your service. Sorry to go on like this, my blood had just been boiling lately over the influence that Faux has on some of my fellow Americans.
Maybe someone should alert her that it’s been an unspoken rule of IOKIYAR at least since Chelsea Clinton… or maybe Hannity forgot that John McCain constantly attacked her as “ugly” when Clinton was president, and once said it was because “Janet Reno’s her father.”
Or that Limbaugh had a habit of referring to her as “the dog in the white house” and posting “comedic” pictures supporting this, also when Clinton was president.
Go ahead, Ann- see if enough people care about what you do to boycott your bony ass. Or are you afraid you might find out that many people have moved on?