Last August, the head of a homophobic hate group, "Americans for Truth About Homosexuality," Peter LaBarbera, accused Fox News of pro-gay bias. Much of the report focused on Megyn Kelly who was deemed to be too tolerant regarding gay issues. La Barbera should rest easy because Megyn Kelly has obviously gotten the message that she needs to get back on the homo hating highway. Last night, Kelly, who shows lots of love to Tony Perkins, head of the homophobic hate group, "The Family Research Council," showed more love for Perkins who whined about how nasty gay bullies have pressured HGTV to drop a show done by the anti-gay, anti-choice, and anti-Muslim sons of anti-abortion domestic terrorist the "Rev" Phillip Benham. While Kelly provided a weak counterpoint, Perkins was able to preach the right wing/Fox/Tony Perkins "gay bully" meme, as well as the patented Fox News persecuted Christian meme which Kelly did validate. Pro-gay bias? Not so much!
After Kelly reported that "a big group of Christians is fighting back," she told her hate group pal, Perkins that the poor Benham brothers got the plug pulled because their anti-gay rights, anti-abortion positions "as you would put it, biblical positions," had been *exposed. She asked Perkins to "tell us more" about the Christians who are pushing back. He whined about "cultural elites who are giving way to a tiny minority that want to silence, TO BULLY, those who have orthodox Christian views that are opposed to their liberal ideology." He praised the brothers as "wanting to help people" get their "dream home" and brayed about how this persecution of Christians, seen with Duck Dynasty, is "a pattern."
Kelly validated Perkins talking points: "If HGTV had a couple of hosts who are about to launch a TV show and it came out that they were gay and then they pulled the plug on them because they're gay, the backlash would be enormous in this country and that's because gay rights are more and more protected and recognized in this country. Christian beliefs and Christian rights, not so much." Perkins continued to whine about how "it's not OK" to advocate for the rights of the unborn" and "oppose the definition of marriage." He repeated his claim about a "small minority" being the "thought police" trying to "silence" those who hold "traditional" values.
Kelly cited David Benham's statement that "death is the punishment of homosexual sin" and acknowledged that "that type of language is extremely alienating..." Perkins dismissed the veracity of the quotes because they came from Right Ring Watch which is "as reliable as the Obamacare website." Kelly laughed. He asserted that those who hold to "biblical scripture" have a right to "be in the public space." As she always does with Perkins, she ended with "good to see you."
Funny, Perkins talks about intolerant gays but seems to have conveniently forgotten how Christians pressured Lowe's to drop advertising from a reality show about Muslims, or how the National Organization for Marriage wanted a boycott of Starbucks because of its support for gay marriage, or how Fox & Friends promoted a boycott of business that don't say "Merry Christmas." So remind me of who is being a "bully?" And to Megyn's point about the outrage if a gay show were pulled. If the gays were considered to be anti-Christian, you can bet that Fox would be leading the outrage!
*David Benham, while protesting outside the 2012 Democratic convention, said that Americans must repent for “homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation.” He has compared opposing same sex marriage to opposing Nazi Germany. David also is part of the shame brigade outside abortion clinics which he refers to as "the altars of Moloch." David is also anti-Muslim and, according to the Jewish ADL, has described Islam as "the enemy that is attacking America." Both brothers pressured the Charlotte City Council to deny a permit for a gay pride parade.
I might – just might, mind you – give FNC some slack if they were to employ only hosts who are still married to the first woman they marry until she does (doesn’t count if they kill her), are Vegans (no junk food, Hannity), and more wont to preach love than hate (that’ll be the day).
Sheer hypocrisy is what they are. Pure and simple.
Um, no. The reason there would be a backlash would be more along this line: “Who the hell do you think watches HGTV? Straight men? Bwahahahahaha!!!”
I mean, seriously. Let’s be a bit more rational here. If a network like EWTN (the Catholic religious network) were to decide it wanted to diversify its programming and have cooking and home improvement shows, etc and the host(s) of the show were to come out as gay, how long do you think it would be before EWTN pulled the plug?
That is such a clueless thing to say. Tony Perkins is an idiot. An annoying, boring idiot. He’s also always accusing RRW of “taking things out of context.” Right Wing Watch , like Media Matters, pretty much just uses quotes and shows videos of people saying batshit stuff. Things aren’t taken out of context, they ARE the context! The right misuses that excuse so much I wonder if they know what “context” means.