Bill O'Reilly's honorific, as "America's Biggest Gasbag," was underscored, last night, when Bill channeled his sexually repressed and racially skewed views with his scold session about the dangers of sexualized hip-hop music which he really, Really, loathes. Legion of decency decorated veteran O'Reilly engaged in a rant that was no different from accusations, made by bigoted old white gasbags back in the 50's, that Elvis Presley's Negro "jungle" music and gyrating hips were corrupting innocent white American youth. As the saying goes, everything old is new again and Bill is just so retro - but definitely not the cool kind!
Bill's opening graphic, "Harmful Entertainment, President Obama has launched huge initiative to help children at risk, targeting young black men." While "harmful music" has nothing to do with at young black men who are at risk due to a variety of sociological issues, among them racial disparities in our justice system largely stemming from the "war on drugs," the message was that "harmful entertainment" (read African-American) is the reason for "at risk" young black men. O'Reilly described "My Brother's Keeper," as a "good initiative" which he discussed, on the Factor, with Obama adviser, Valerie Jarrett who was subjected to another O'Reilly lecture.
O'Reilly claimed that "what is missing is the entertainment factor" and just to show that he is not a racist he opined that "dubious music and movies are affecting unsupervised children of all colors." As examples of this degeneracy, he played video of scary, black rappers Jay-Z, Kanye, and a seductive Beyoncé video in which she used sexual terms which included a new transitive verb past tense - "Monica Lewinsky-ed" which is much more reality based than a fantasy of smothering falafal, with your loofah, on your producer's breasts, if you know what I'm saying...Bill said that "if you can't see that unsupervised children will be harmed by that kind of stuff, you are not a responsible person."
Sister Mary Bill lectured that American society has got to convince the youth to stop this madness and patted himself on the back for "making that point" to the President and Jarrett. Ignoring his tip of the day, to ignore "enemies," O'Reilly attacked "enablers," one of them the respected African-American reporter Bernard Shaw, who criticized his Factor commentary about the dangers of rap music. O'Reilly continued to rant about "base entertainment" that is "corrupting" children. Engaging in his patented narcissism and delusional thinking, O'Reilly predicted that he will be attacked because his criticism will affect music industry profits. (As if!)
After he expressed hope that Michelle Obama will encourage youth to stop with all the hip-hop, he discussed this Bill O'Reilly defined problem with Juan Williams and Kevin Powell, President of BK Nation.
So there you have it - Bill O'Reilly is wagging his finger at hip-hop music because he is looking out for the black community and who knows more about the African-American experience than Bill O'Reilly! Ya think!
Newshounds Priscilla - Legion of Decency dishonorably discharged!
Yep, he is real familiar with black culture and can tlk to them.