While Bill O'Reilly's make-up covered blotchy skin might seem thick, it appears that somebody is getting under it. That O'Reilly can give it, but can't take it was underscored, again, in one of this week's "Tip of the Day," a bombastic bit of bloviation during which Bill preaches what he doesn't practice. That his "tips" are also a fascinating look into Bill's state of mental health, as well as a possible reflection of frustration with personal circumstances, was demonstrated in March when he advised his audience to ignore those nasty "guttersnipes." (Just like he did with Al Franken!?!) And this Thursday, his nightly nugget was about ignoring your "enemies." Unfortunately he didn't name names. As the old "Buffalo Springfield" song so eloquently put it, "paranoia strikes deep, into your heart it will creep..."
In March, Bill spewed about "guttersnipes" who "run wild on the internet." (Moi?) He noted that he now "pretty much ignores" these awful people who have the audacity to bother him except when they "physically threaten him" or "damage his property." He advised the folks to not "empower" those who "attack you personally." He also suggested that if the guttersnipes get out of hand, to contact an attorney. In a moment of self awareness he said that "haters are gonna hate."
Flash forward to this Thursday when Bill talked about ignoring not garden variety "guttersnipes" but "enemies." One wonders if Bill was engaging in a bit of his patented narcissism when he said that "even the best human beings have them." Throwing in a book plug, he spoke of how, when he was researching "Killing Jesus," he was "amazed that so many people hated that good man." (Jesus, is O'Reilly comparing himself to Jesus?)
More bogus hubris from Bill: "Most of the time I stay away from my enemies and I have a lot of them." (Noo.....) He advanced the bar brawling Irish stereotype when he explained that he has enemies because he's "an Irish guy who doesn't shy away from confrontation." The screed got more bizarre: "But my present position here on The Factor, almost any confrontation will hurt me." Obviously more concerned about financial penalties rather than the act of physical assault, the Jesus loving, self admitted pugilist Bill added "If I hit somebody, that's a couple of hundred thousand dollars to them, see what I mean, so I try to stay away."
He asserted that he ignores "most of the slings and arrows; but not all." He made the claim that "we are attacked here on a daily basis mostly by people who are failing in the marketplace." (Hey Bill, I'm doing just fine!). He accused his enemies of being "ideological zealots from both sides." (And Bill isn't a zealot, particularly when it comes to abortion?) He admitted that he occasionally "checks out the smear merchants." (Thank you for reading NewsHounds!) but "almost always it's a complete waste of time."
Then came the precious pearl of wisdom: "Ignore your enemies if you can, ignore them, don't try to reason with them and if they do you harm protect yourself, legally, don't go vigilante, never works out."
Another lyric from that "Buffalo Springfield" song comes to mind: "Something's happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear." Anyway, in invoking the song's title, here's Bill's tip, "for what it's worth."
The Fox “News” frauds do read News Hounds, and they read the comment section.
Billy is a tall man with blotchy skin. He looks older in person than on television. He has a short fuse, and flies off the handle very easily.
Billy’s enemies include a number of conservatives in talk radio. The Groucho Marx impersonator and the “Dr.” who resides in San Francisco. He also has enemies within this fraudulent “news” organization.
You won’t call out Levin because you are afraid of him.