Ever eager to highlight the huge problem of anti-white racism, Tucker Carlson spent an entire discussion harping on the tragedy of a white, conservative Wake Forest University student whose face was photoshopped onto a Saltine cracker. Oh, the horror, the horror!
Carlson (who would like to see an “older white guy appreciation day”) framed this newest outrage to American whiteness by immediately attacking Wake Forest: “Universities are obsessed, they say, with stamping out harassment. They’ve got whole programs dedicated to that. But not all harassment. Some is fine, it turns out.”
He reported that his guest, Wake Forest student Ryan Wolfe, says he has “faced repeated harassment, verbal and racial harassment for his views.” Making it even more outrageous, Carlson said that, according to this snowflake – er – student, the school isn’t doing anything about it “probably because they don’t like his views.”
Wolfe began his sad tale of racial oppression. According to him, it all began prior to the 2016 election when he participated in a conservative student panel discussion. Afterward, he claimed, his name was disrespectfully bandied about on social media and – even worse – he was “handed a box of Saltine Crackers” which was followed by the appearance of his face photo shopped onto a Saltine Cracker.
As Wolfe started to describe his school’s code of conduct, Carlson interjected, “by the way, just to pause, I assume that’s a slur against your ethnicity.”
Wolfe agreed and whined that the school’s rules about harassment “clearly don’t abide by the First Amendment.” He whined that he reported the conduct to one of his teachers who was – wait for it - Melissa Harris-Perry, a former MSNBC host who is also African-American (and a favorite Fox racial target).
According to Wolfe, the school did ask him if he wanted to open a judicial case against the nasty, racist students. But the dean of students, who “isn’t a frank person,” said “President Trump’s election somehow justified their behavior even though the incident happened before Election Day and if I brought a judicial case, it would make things worse for me.” Wolfe said he decided not to pursue the case because he “just wanted it to be over.”
Wolfe accused the dean of trying “to justify” the behavior of the nasty, Saltine-wielding racists “because it was a response to the election of President Trump.”
Donning his trademark befuddled look, Carlson sputtered that he didn’t know what to say. But he was able to compose himself enough to once again blow his racist dog whistle: “If you’d been a different kind of person, this would have been swiftly punished, I assume, right?”
Wolfe validated this thinly-veiled racist query with a description of an *incident (He said he wasn’t comparing it to his experience?!) that resulted in a white, racial offender being asked to leave the school.
Carlson veered right back to attacking the dean by asking whether he had used the election of Barack Obama as an “excuse” for the white offender.
Wolfe added that he told the dean, “Individuals have to be held accountable” under “biased” school rules and, if it were up to him, “we wouldn’t have all these rules.”
Carlson concluded with praise for Wolfe, saying “How brave you are” and called him “a credit to Wake Forest.” He added, “The school is obviously not living up to its own standards.”
Yet another outstanding piece of journalism from Carlson who, without any apparent attempt to get Wake Forest’s side of the situation, used his Fox platform to attack a school and advance his “white people are the real racial victims in the U.S.” agenda.
*The student involved in this incident posted a You Tube video in which she admitted that she called her African-American RA a f*****g n-word.
Watch Carlson’s latest shoutout to his white nationalist fanboys below, from the February 28 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
College accused of ignoring harassment of conservative | Fox News Video
College ignoring conservative harassment?