It only took him 10 years or so but unlike his promise to be waterboarded, Sean Hannity has finally left New York and will live closer to Mar-a-Lago and his beloved Donald Trump. UPDATED
Hannity announced the move on his radio show yesterday.
Via Mediaite:
HANNITY: If anybody is listening to this program for any length of time, been threatening now to do this for quite a while. But we are now beginning our first broadcast of my new home, and that is in the free state of Florida. I am out. I am done. I’m finished. New York, New York. Goodbye. Florida. Florida. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. But it’s great to be here. …
And finally, for the first time that I can think of in my adult life, I actually have representatives in in the state that I’m living in that share my values. I have a governor by the name of Ron DeSantis and Senators Marco Rubio and Senator Rick Scott. So, I’m feeling a lot better about it, and I’m not going to go through the whys. The how comes because it’s obvious this migration out of the blue states with high taxes, burdensome regulation, high crime, horrible school districts is real. And if anything, I’m probably late and behind the curve and, and many others have made the move beforehand.
The Daily Mail suggests Hannity is moving to a three-bedroom, five-bathroom, beachfront home in Palm Beach that he bought for $5.3 million in 2021. It’s just two and a half miles from Mar-a-Lago, the home of his Bedtime BFF.
We hope Hannity still loves Florida in the summer and during hurricane season. Both the brutal heat and the hurricanes are being exacerbated by climate change, but hey, Hannity doesn’t believe in climate change so it can't be a problem for him, right?
And what about Hannity’s partner in “domestic bliss” Ainsley Earhardt? The adulterous, twice-divorced, Super Duper Christian was at her NYC gig co-hosting Fox & Friends Tuesday morning (this post was written Tuesday night). So, stay tuned on that front!
You may recall that in April, 2009, Hannity said on his Fox News show that he would undergo waterboarding, which he called “dunking,” to prove it’s not torture. He pledged to undergo the procedure as a fundraiser for our troops. His failure to keep that pledge pretty much proved waterboarding is, in fact, torture.
Unlike that pledge, though, Hannity really seems to have left New York.
But don’t cry for Hannity, New York. Enjoy The Daily Show’s 2014 promises to make New York more likeable for him, instead. In the video below, a cab driver offers to lose his accent, African Americans promise to stop wearing hoodies, gays pledge to marry the opposite sex and more. Who knows? Maybe it worked for a while.
And if you’re in Florida, you can make Hannity feel right at home by voting out Sen. Rick Scott in November and voting in a Democrat!
1/3/24, 7:15 PM UPDATE:
In his opening of the Hannity show last night he said, “Tonight we are now broadcasting from my new home, the great free state of Florida. Like so many Americans, I left New York for good, and am now in the state with - let's see, warmer weather, law and order, better education, more freedom, better quality of life, and guess what? No state income tax."
He predicted the exodus from New York would continue "until they change their governing philosophies that are overtaxing people, overregulating people, they're underperforming in schools and safety and issues of public importance, and that's why it's happening."
You can watch it below, from the January 2, 2024 Hannity.
Hannity has always been one of the more consistent of the Rush Limbaugh copycats over the past couple of decades, even if he has never been able to capture the sheer number of angry bigots that Limbaugh could. It’s certainly been enough to allow him to earn a small fraction of the fortune Limbaugh wallowed in. Hannity’s move to Florida is also consistent with his copycat moves in this area – Limbaugh also made a point of frantically running from New York to Florida in the 1990s.
It should be noted that Hannity may not reside close to Little Trump for very long, given the impending felony convictions and prison sentences facing the man Hannity has spent so much time desperately toadying for. Of course, Hannity could purchase a modest residence in Lansing, Kansas and be able to go see Little Trump during Visiting Hours each Thursday if he really wishes.