President Obama called out Fox News during his speech yesterday. Once again, those tough talkers over at Fox News can’t take out even a fraction of what they dish out.
The president spoke about the economy at Northwestern University. Of course, Fox News wasn’t interested in the speech, except for the part about them.
Here’s what President Obama said about Fox:
There’s a reason fewer Republicans are preaching doom on deficits—it’s because the deficits have come down at almost a record pace, and they’re now manageable. There’s a reason fewer Republicans you hear them running about Obamacare—because while good, affordable health care might seem like a fanged threat to the freedom of the American people on Fox News -- (laughter) -- it’s turns out it’s working pretty well in the real world. (Applause.)
On The O’Reilly Factor last night, host Bill O’Reilly said it’s “debatable” how well Obamacare is working but that the real reason Obama said what he did is because “he wanted to get in the dig against Fox News because he’s mad at us.” O’Reilly also said, “I understand why” Obama is angry at Fox. “He’s having a rough patch, he’s had a rough patch the last six months, Fox News has reported that. A lot of the commentators don’t like the president… on this network. They were skeptical about him from the jump, and now that his administration’s tottering, they’re givin’ it to him.”
“Skeptical” about Obama “from the jump?” How about bound and determined to take him down no matter what? Fox relentlessly promoted the phony, baloney birther “controversy,” Fox repeatedly promoted impeaching Obama (before pretending they didn't), they have accused him of not liking this country, being a racist, not wanting to protect Americans, you name it. Oh, and my all time favorite, floating the possibility that Obama threatened to kill Chelsea Clinton to keep her parents silent about his birth certificate.
That’s not counting all the Fox Nation community members who hope he’s killed.
Ingraham sneered, “Liberalism Obama-style is failing, so it’s Fox’s fault, it’s talk radio’s fault, it’s Laura Ingraham’s fault, she’s being mean to Obama. This is a classic Alinsky-ite tactic he always employs.” Ingraham claimed she had just gotten off the phone with a “top cardiologist” who told her that ObamaCare is failing. She made it sound as if our whole health care system is about to topple along with it.
I guess that’s why, as Bloomberg reported, Republicans are focusing less and less on Obamacare in the upcoming elections. Bloomberg’s report also contained this news:
The ads have diminished as insurance coverage has expanded in North Carolina. About 581,000 people in the state had signed up for private plans under the law by April, 54 percent of the potential market, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit research group.
Nationwide, Obamacare has exceeded enrollment projections since March as its troubled website has been fixed. Premiums in the insurance marketplaces are expected to increase only modestly in most states, and the percentage of uninsured Americans has dropped significantly, said Drew Altman, president of the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Yeah, that sounds like a failure, alright.
Watch the griping below, from the October 2nd O'Reilly Factor.
These cafeteria Catholic frauds are mad because they were called out by President Obama. Billy and Ms. Laura can’t take criticism very well, due to their super low self-esteem.
Fear and racism is what these clowns promote. They target a bigoted segment of the population. But the masses can use this against them during the election seasons.