Tucker “Tuckums” Carlson’s won our poll again, this time for his attack on vaccines that was so outrageous it prompted a slew of his own colleagues to call out his lies.
You can check out Carlson’s quote and the full poll results here.
And now for this week’s nominees
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, justifying his bill to cut extended jobless benefits during the pandemic by suggesting it will help workers:
[O]ne guy in the construction industry … is very frustrated because he gets up before dawn [and] works until sundown [then] goes to another project their company has, to work in the evening. And when he does get to come home, he sees his neighbor two doors down sitting on the front porch drinking coffee because he knows that he doesn’t have to go back to work yet because the federal government will continue to pay him to stay at home. It’s frustrating to the worker as well.
In a functional country, there would be a criminal investigation currently underway into Tony Fauci's role in the COVID pandemic that has killed millions and halted our country and changed it forever. So why isn't there a criminal investigation into Tony Fauci's role in this pandemic?
Opinion on our channel is center-right. That’s the right place for us to be. That’s where we think our audience is, that’s where middle America is. We’re happy with that positioning.
We get the balance [of news and opinion] right. … It’s a 24-hour news cycle, it’s a crazy news cycle, so when we don’t get it right, we’re transparent about it, and we correct it.
[Biden has] been clinging to his mask like a security blanket … he just sends the message with everything he’s done that he doesn’t believe the vaccines work.
Cast your vote below. The poll will remain open until the evening of May 24, 2021.
May the worst quote win!
(By clicking on the vote-button, you consent to the storing of your IP address.)