During a discussion with Bernie Goldberg on The O’Reilly Factor last night (1/5/12), Bill O’Reilly said he is “very concerned” that the 2012 presidential campaign “will include charges of racism against people who criticize President Obama.” Not that he’s concerned about any actual racism against President Obama, especially from the likes of say, Donald Trump, or Hannity show regular, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. No, O’Reilly is concerned about false charges of racism against white people. “So we asked Bernie Goldberg to keep an eye on that situation,” O’Reilly told The Factor viewers.
“I understand on Tuesday you spotted something, Bernie,” O’Reilly said to lead off the discussion.
Yes, he had. Andrew Rosenthal, who just happens to be the editorial page editor of one of Fox News’ biggest boogeymen, the New York Times, had written an editorial in which he stated, “There has been a racist undertone to many of the Republican attacks leveled against President Obama for the last three years, and in this dawning presidential campaign.”
Goldberg ridiculed and dismissed some of Rosenthal’s examples and yet somehow failed to mention the birther accusations also included in Rosenthal’s piece – accusations that were heavily promoted right there on Fox News. Despite the complete discrediting of the birtherism, its main promoter, Donald Trump, continues to get a warm welcome and respect on Fox. Neither Goldberg nor O’Reilly considered the other racial attacks on Obama at Fox News.
Nevertheless, Goldberg went on to paint Republicans as the racial victims. “Any Republican who criticizes Barack Obama… there’s a good chance that at some point, members of the so-called mainstream media will label that Republican a racist.”
Although Goldberg thought liberals are genuine in their views, O’Reilly saw it all as one big ploy to “light a fire” under the minority voting block. “It’s to mobilize the African American and other minority communities... who the Democrats desperately need to turn out in the numbers they turned out in 2008.”
That’s The O’Reilly Factor looking out for you – so long as you’re a white conservative.
" âRacismâ is just an archaic old buzz-word from the 1960âs," No, it is not. In reality, it is in common usage around the world, in multiple languages, and is use on Fox as a term as well as everywhere else. It exists, and you say it not the word have a basis in fact, in reality. Stupid thing you said #1.
“but the Left is bankrupt on policy & leadership,” If you took grade school English, perhaps you can explain how you connected these to unrelated things into one sentence. But you didn’t back up your statement. No basis for what you said, and what you call the left is doing just fine. That’s just that. Shall we discuss the history of leadership on the right? (Bush, Cheney, economic meltdown, etc.)
“so they have nothing else but specters & boogeymen to brainwash the sheeple.” This is a stupid, meaningless sentence (as name-calling is trumped and defeated by critical thinking) except for one thing. Much of the voting public is sheeple, and based on your absence of critical thinking skills, you are one. Please come back, but bring someone from your side that makes a better case for your point of view. This is boring.
He approves and we can’t see his face when he’s text on a screen… but even he’s not stupid enough to buy your load here. And when you can’t even fool Mark Koldys…