Is there anything more stunning than the Fox News credulity toward and credibility given to phony politico Donald Trump? Never mind his debunked and discredited birther accusations. Forget his inadvertent admissions of racism. And nobody on Fox ever seems to remember or care that Trump was supposedly conducting some big investigation in Hawaii into President Obama’s birth certificate. That’s not even counting Trump's disingenuous insistence on The O’Reilly Factor that he was hosting a NewsMax debate – one night before he announced otherwise. OK, we get that Trump will do or say anything to smear Obama in a headline-grabbing way so that’s just fine with Fox. But after his last make-believe run for president just a few months ago, is there anyone who really thinks that this time he might really, truly mean it? Apparently, the three Fox & Friends hosts, Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade and Alisyn Camerota, do. They're not just buying it, they were so enthusiastic I half expected them to sign up as campaign volunteers during Trump's appearance this morning on the show.
Steve Doocy began the segment by gushing over news that “activists in the state of Texas have filed for a third party run for you, perhaps, to run for president, trying to create the Make America Great Again party. What do you know about this and is that your first foray into the official 2012 run for president?”
Trump said he had just heard about this. Then the entire curvy couch crew laughed heartily when he said he thought it was “a great name” for a political party.
Apparently, the three couch cheerleaders were not enough of a cheering squad for Trump. Camerota played a clip from political consultant Roger Stone pimping Trump’s hypothetical run.
Even so, Trump signaled he likely wont run. He said, “I do have my ducks in line if I want to do it but I’d love to see the Republians pick somebody that was going to win and take over this country and… make America great again.”
Predictably, none of the hosts picked up on that. Instead, host Brian Kilmeade said admiringly, “I do know that you follow this thing, you’re extremely aggressive when it comes to what’s going on in the politics… What’s going on in Iowa that has your eyebrows raised?”
Trump complained about Ron Paul getting such a large percentage of support, which Trump called “madness,” and suggested that a Paul nomination might push Trump into running – as if a Paul nomination would ever happen. But then on-again, off-again candidate Trump complained that candidates “go up and down… they’re gone… then they re-emerge.”
Oh, the irony! It was about as in-your-face and ridiculous as Trump’s combover.
But the hosts didn’t seem to notice. Doocy asked for Trump’s economic predictions and, after a brief prognostication, they moved on to attacking President Obama. Nobody asked about the results of that Hawaii investigation, though.
“A real leader would get the Republicans and the Democrats together and get this country going,” Trump groused. “We don’t have a real leader. We have somebody that – how he ever got into that position is mind boggling.“
At least Obama was elected fair and square – and that was after serving in public office for several years. What has Trump ever done for the country other than to blow his own horn and pimp his own self interests?
No, what's really mind boggling is how Trump has managed to bowl over so-called news hosts such as Doocy, Camerota and Kilmeade.
Camerota closed the segment by saying, “Happy New Year. A great year to you. And keep us posted on what you decide to do (she giggled) with the run. And of course, you’ll join us again every Monday, as you always do.”
Kilmeade jumped in to say that every Monday he and Doocy would wear “Donald Trump ties."
“They’ve already begun, you’ll be happy to know,” Camerota assured Trump.
I got me my new bed headed to the White House right now. It sez “This way up” and “Fragile Ego, handle with kid gloves” and “Maximum load 6,000 lbs” an’ it has a drawer for my comb-over.